
Once you realize the fact that you own your body and that "you" and only" you" CONTROl how it should be ,its the first step to change !


  • KeepRunningFatboy
    KeepRunningFatboy Posts: 3,055 Member
    Agree with what you are getting at. It does all begin in the mind and the mind must control the will until the will is on board with the mind. Our thoughts become our beliefs, our beliefs become our attitudes, our attitudes become our feelings, and finally result in our actions. The entire key to this is somehow to use the higher executive portion of the mind to keep our passions, desires, and urges under control.
  • ranahazem63
    ranahazem63 Posts: 7 Member
    Exactly !!
  • JeffG433N9999
    JeffG433N9999 Posts: 7 Member
    Very simple yet profound statement. Love it
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    I overate last night, candy and cake, and basically gave up on the day. But, when I logged it, I was only 500 calories in the red, or 1/7th of a pound. Not a total disaster at all!! So when I had a 950 cal brunch today I pre-logged dinner to stay under. It's very empowering to be in control.