middle age group, 30, 40, and 50

Hello, I was in very good health and shape up to the age of 47, now that I'm 49 I kinda lost focus and got lazy, busy and gained lots of weight. I'm already very active, but my weakness is food, I love to eat, hope with this site and support, I can reach my goal by 50 and this time change to clean and healthy eating and not go back. :-)


  • Butterball4679
    Butterball4679 Posts: 13 Member
    I will be 50 this month and have a 60 pounds to lose just to get at the high end of the weight scale. Started out at highest weight at 215 pounds and I am only 5'3"!!! My ultimate goal is to be 130-135 pounds. I know that is still on the high end for my height and age but... I am tired of being the fat one in the family and around our friends. I was never like this until about 5 years ago. Add me if you want a friend.
  • snooky211
    snooky211 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm 52, 5'6 and am looking to lose 35lbs. Starting at 180, as it has been creeping up steadily over the past few years. Maybe feels harder to lose at this age because I don't really have as much time to do what I need to do, so am trying to incorporate exercise into everyday activities (loads of running up and down the stairs and probably driving the neighbours mad!).
  • Miz_T
    Miz_T Posts: 150 Member
    Who are you calling "middle age?"
  • Kimbe7
    Kimbe7 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi ya'll!
    It's nice to find a page away from the kids. I started my journey back to health and fitness on 1/2/17. It's been hard so far, but already seeing some results so yaaay! Found the page because I wanted to be able to calculate some of my recipes and tweak them for dieting purposes.
    They say this is the year of the rooster, so we should crow about all our success!
  • eIIekay
    eIIekay Posts: 166 Member
    I've been doing this since last July (except for a week at the start of the new year). I haven't done it perfectly, but I'm doing it. I've lost 39 lbs so far (nothing in Dec or Jan)...I'm really excited about that. I eat real food and have focused strictly on the calories. I exercise 5x/week. It helps me feel strong and healthy and makes me want to eat better foods.

    My goal is to lose about 70-75 more. I'm not sure if I will ever be able to stop counting calories...it's so easy to gain! And it can happen so fast.
  • Hey! Thanks for starting this thread! I am 45 and need to lose 20lbs. I am 5'2, currently 135. I know 115 is a bit thin for me, but it is a good weight for my height and then I will have a little play room if I want it, although that is soooo dangerous since one brownie leads to 6 months of brownies and then back up to 135.

    I am a horrible "keep with it" person. I tend to have a really strong start and then life gets busy, I miss one work out, it turns into a week of missed workouts, and the bam, I'm off track.

    I am trying to keep my diet the same. Eat the same thing every day. This might not be the best way to eat, but I feel like if I try to give myself too many choices or variety, I will dive bomb the calorie intake part.

    Eating so I feel satisfied is hard. I love warm, gooey kinds of foods. Biscuits and gravy, bagels and cream cheese, my oatmeal with milk, that kind of stuff. I think for me the biggest challenge will be creating food that is warm and low cal. I've started coming up with just roasted veggie ideas, chicken in broth with veggies, and hot protein, like steak or chicken on top of a bed of greens.

    Any easy meal ideas are welcome! And feel free to friend me!

    My progress in this first week, I have lost my one pound. That is my goal, 1lb a week. Seems realistic.
    Hello week 2!
  • mmelnikov3
    mmelnikov3 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! I'm 58 and ever since I quit smoking a few years ago I have gained 30lb.. than I added another 20lb... I've just started the program and really like it a lot. So now I'm 184.5lb and I want to lose 55-60lb, I'm 5'5 . My goal is 2lb a week. I wish I could do 4lb a week, but there is no option for more than 2. I exercise 4-5 times a week, walk at home 3- 4 miles for about 45 - 55 minutes.
  • garyChicago
    garyChicago Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all, It's great to see all the inspiring stories here. I lost 20 lbs over the course of 4 months to prepare for the Chicago triathlon last year. Tracking calories with MyFitnessPal enabled me to eat at a comfortable calorie deficit each day and lose about a pound a week. After the race, I wanted to gain some muscle mass back, so used the app again to eat at a slight calorie surplus. The app worked great in both directions. I'm not on any special diet; I'm a true believer that eating right and controlling calories-in verses calories-out is the best way to stay fit and healthy. By the way, I eat plant based, whole foods (no meat or dairy for the last 2 years). This is very helpful for controlling weight, because I get a lot of fiber and rarely feel hungry, even when cutting calories. It took a long time, I'm 57 years old!, but I feel like I finally figured out how to stay fit. Good luck to everyone, I hope you are all successful in meeting your goals.
  • olddog66
    olddog66 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, i just turned 50 a couple of months ago. I have yoyo'd with my weight for many years. it gets harder as time goes by. I would like to get back to around 220 lbs. and active again. I am new to this site. But it looks like just what i need. appreciate any and all the help and support I can get. Thanks.
  • iknowiknow
    iknowiknow Posts: 36 Member
    edited February 2017
  • srartingagain54
    srartingagain54 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm 54 and really need support to keep me going i started this last year went a week then quit unistalled the app and thought I'll start later
    But i know i need to pull my head in got diognosed with ross river virus and now I've got rehmatoid arthritis so since I've been put on the injection I've put on weight.
    But if i don't move it I'll lose it so decided now the girls(my foster children) are back at school I'm going to look after myself so this year is going to be about me getting at a better place in my own head just going one day at a time I know I'm a comfort eater and also like a wine on the weekend .I'm also a grandmother for the first time so i want to get healthy so i can run around with him so onwards and upwards i go :)
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    Lisac2417 wrote: »
    Hello, I was in very good health and shape up to the age of 47, now that I'm 49 I kinda lost focus and got lazy, busy and gained lots of weight. I'm already very active, but my weakness is food, I love to eat, hope with this site and support, I can reach my goal by 50 and this time change to clean and healthy eating and not go back. :-)

    I'm 51, and my doctor told me a year ago to lose 10 lbs. I've actually reached that goal and the total loss was 13 lbs. You can do it. Not impossible.
  • EmmaBateEmmabate
    EmmaBateEmmabate Posts: 15 Member
    Hello I am 44 and my Doctor has told me to lose weight due to having Gerd and Pcos - this is just the start of my weight loss journey and I need to lose 112 lb (a lot I know!) Basically I need ALL the encouragement and support I can get as I get bored quickly when dieting, I really want to lose the weight this time!
  • evscha
    evscha Posts: 14 Member
    I am 45 and have 10kgs to lose! So nice to find people in my age group!
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    I will be 42 on Friday. I am in good shape but would like to be a little more trim. I lost about 45 lbs and have kept it off for the past 10 years. I flirt back and forth with about 10 lbs and would love to kick this last 10 lbs (I will be doing a cut after my bday).

    ***I also have a hard time with food, it tastes so good. Exercise is fairly easy to me because going to the gym has become my therapy; it makes me happy. I'm learning to make yummier healthy recipes and I've been meal prepping.

    Keep up the good work
  • KatrinaMatthews8652
    KatrinaMatthews8652 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm 55, my extra weight seems to have crept up gradually since I stopped smoking a few years back and the dreaded menopause hasn't helped, this app seems a great tool,i have 4 stones to loose,am cutting back on wine and exercising more,luckily my husband has joined me and we are working together to reach our goals, good luck to you all,keep positive, katrina
  • atiana19
    atiana19 Posts: 94 Member
    edited May 2017
    almost 40 and my goal is to be in the best shape of my life by my 40th in a year from now..one day at a time meal prepping and staying active is what I plan to do to get there - feel free to add me
  • lifeisahighway
    lifeisahighway Posts: 490 Member
    Hey! Welcome! You have great goals, and I know you can meet them!
  • zandervinwc
    zandervinwc Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there. I'm in a band that gigs frequently and the Alchohol and Bar food has taken its toll. I've gained like 30 pounds over the past 5 years. Now I'm starting to jog and walk more and watch what I eat. Hopefully I'll get back to having more energy. To avoid bar food I try to look for healthy options elsewhere or I'll pack food. My flask only carries water now haha
  • kkcstone6
    kkcstone6 Posts: 3 Member
    Anyone recommend a white wine that is not so bad for diets? I am usually a beer drinker, but would like to try drinking white wine when out during the summer.