Beginner Runner

I have always sucked at cardio- no matter what it was. But I am becoming more and more obsessed with running everyday and I have a lot of goals in the future that involve running. My major goal though, is to lose weight and I was wondering if I should be doing more cardio or strength training. I figured probably a combination of 60% cardio/40% strength training. Someone please give me your suggestions if I should change that. :) Any other suggestions for running would be appreciated!!

Thank you!! ;)


  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    bump I'm curious about this too
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Both really help you and it is a good idea to do a mix of both. Cardio will give you the jump start though. I normally do at least 20 mins of cardio before I lift weights to get myself warmed up and my metabolism going.
  • kristengraham
    kristengraham Posts: 59 Member
    i'm curious as well.. I'd love to start running.
  • kjjm08
    kjjm08 Posts: 217 Member
    Both! Strength training helps build muscles which in turn burn the fat. Something like that anyway haha. I know someone on here has a clearer answer.
  • mannyd1975
    mannyd1975 Posts: 120 Member
    You do need both Strength training builds your muscles, muscles burn calories! depending on your personal goals the distribution changes. I run every morning just because I enjoy it, the days I dont run I feel like crap even if I go to the gym at nights.
  • kelfromhell
    kelfromhell Posts: 25 Member
    I find running does more than weightlifting for me. My metabolism must just like the harder effort for longer. I walked and walked one summer with little results, but just running a few times a week and I peel off weight.

    My biggest suggestions: check out they have programs. Start slow and don't increase more than 10% a week or you will get some injuries.
    Go to a running store and get fitted and buy NEW shoes. You need to replace them much more often and have proper fit for your style.
    Get the right clothes.....invest in bras, wicking and anything to make you comfortable. Target and Kmart have some cheapies so it won't cost much...spend the most on your shoes!

    Have fun, find a friend, and mix it up!
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    Some weight lifting is needed. You need about thirty minutes two times a week of the weight training.
  • littleluvbug
    littleluvbug Posts: 137 Member
    Hi everyone...I'm just going to talk on my personal experience. I did P90X when I was 180 pounds, I got strong and lost some weight, but the weight started melting off me when I began running. I had never run before and last June I decided I was going to run a was tough!!! I weighed around 165 pounds. I decided that I wanted to focus on my cardio and really dove into a running plan. I signed up for a 1/2 marathon in October and committed to a plan. I weighed in at 140 pounds on the day of the 1/2 and now weigh 133 pounds and I have continued running. I cross train with swimming, treadclimber, light weights and kettlebells, but my main focus was cardio and the weight melted off. It was discouraging to me (not everyone, but me) to weight train but still have so much fat that I couldn't see the results. You want to have a well rounded exercise program, but for me, the focus was cardio and has paid off! Hope that helps...
  • laeckloff
    laeckloff Posts: 8 Member
    Go to and read 100 beginner running tips, I also went to and read how to start running (about half way through the 8 week process and already signed up for my first 5K). Hope you find these and helpful as I did!
  • jolieblossom
    Thank you so much for your suggestions!! I really do need to invest in shoes. I did buy some recently but they are cheapos from Walmart and don't support my feet really well at all.

    I get shin splints and calf pain soo bad too, any advice on how to prevent it or are some people just prone to that?

    One more question- hahaha- Runners- do you eat before or after a run to replenish nutrients? I have been wondering about that, like which kind of nutrients I need to eat before or after.

    Thanks everyone so much for your answers! You all rock!
  • cwnutrition
    cwnutrition Posts: 1 Member
    The more muscle you have the faster your metabolism is, which is why weight training is a MUST if you want to lose weight. Dont worry about "bulking up" as a woman, as that would take a LONG time and lots of supplements to achieve. I would say at least 20 minutes of cardio a day, 5 to 6 times a week. When you do cardio to really make it count and burn the most calories, focus on interval training, like warm up for 3 minutes then jog at a good pace for 2 minutes then sprint all out for 1 minute then jog for 2 minutes again, basically 60 seconds of sprinting for 120 seconds of rest, do that for a total of 30 minutes, that will not only help you lose weight, but it will also help you with speed when you run. Intervals keep your heart rate elevated longer which leaves you burning more calories for longer after you leave the gym... set realistic goals, to lift maybe 3x a week and do cardio 4x a week or whatever you feel comfortable with. Find your target heart rate and when you run for long distances run to your heart rate, that will help too. Hope this helps, good luck!
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Wow, lots of responses to this.

    Too much cardio will burn muscle which will slow down your metabolism. The person that did P90X then ran and lost more weight with all her running lost muscle with all the running. I'm not saying that's all wrong because their is a theory to lean 1st then build muscle. My point is if she doesn't build muscle (and she may be...this is not an attack I'm just using her as an example), and for some reason she reaches her goal and stops exercising and eating properly she will gain back all her weight and more.
    P90X is NOT, NOT a weight loss program. It's a fitness program with a side effect of weight loss. The whole purpose of P90X is to build muscle and let the muscle burn the fat.
    I was having a problem with building muscle and a personal trainer said to much cardio do you do. I told her I do up to an hour of cardio a day. She said, that's your problem. You are burning up your muscle.
    Now I do no more than 30 minutes of cardio 3X's a week. I also do 3 - 1 hr weight lifting workouts per week and 2 days of mixed cardio, core and weight. Seems to be working for me.
    Build muscle and let the muscle burn the fat.
  • susanb_16
    susanb_16 Posts: 131 Member
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    I always laugh when women say that they don't want to bulk up. I'm like you'll never find the time, money, and commitment for that, but 300 pounds on a five-foot frame seem pretty bulky to me. I guess some people like that look better.
  • dagreen419
    dagreen419 Posts: 13 Member
    I lost the majority of my weight running. I started in a C2K program 9 months ago that has progressed into 4 - 5k's, 1 - 10k, 2 Half Marathons and three pairs of shoes. It gets addictive!

    I did join a gym about 2 months prior to the first half just to build lower body strength and endurance.

    I have 2 5k's, 1 15k, the Warrior Dash and one more Half Marathon in October schduled already. I have found the more you schedule the more you work and the harder you work!

    Bottom line, you can lose lots of weight by simply running!
  • kelfromhell
    kelfromhell Posts: 25 Member
    Definitely go to a running store and get some shoes, it may alleviate your splints and stuff. You can google some exercises to help too, but often bad shoes, or increasing your running too much from week to week are the culprits.

    As for eating, I don't eat much before or I get side cramps or general GERD. However, after you may not be hungry for a bit, this gives you time to make something easy and healthy. I'm a big Runners World fan, they have post run food ideas in most issues. They highlight snacks to promote healing and recovery.
  • laeckloff
    laeckloff Posts: 8 Member
    READ How to Start Running at watch running video on proper running form. I used to get shin splints so bad and side stictches sooo bad. Invested in a great pair of shoes and found that I had awful posture! So started to run on blacktop instead of pavement really paid attention to my form and BOOM 27# lost so far (halfway there). Make attainable goals :happy: