Anyone have experience with PMDD??



  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Raynne413 wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    This may sound harsh, but I really don't intend it to be, so I am sorry if it comes across that way.

    I took a look back in your posting history, and with quite a bit of what you posted, I really think you should go back to your doctors and let them sort this out (not rely on Internet posts).

    A while back you said you had PCOS, did they ever treat for that?

    You also mentioned a pretty significant eating disorder history with binge and restrict cycles. That also could have played havoc on your body; which you even admit.

    I've had treatment for PCOS for years now, probably around 14? So that should be covered, hopefully. :)

    I am talking to my doctors. The only conclusion that has been drawn was my doctor saying PMDD. That's why I was asking. I don't necessarily want a diagnosis for the internet forums, I just want to hear other people's experiences with it, and if they had any luck in treatment.

    Luckily, I have been free of the binge/restrict cycles for awhile. Especially the restricting LOL, which is why I now have 30 lbs to lose again. I'm sure it has affected my metabolism though.

    Thank you for taking the time to reply!

    What I eat makes a big difference on my hunger levels, mood, energy, etc. 40% carbs, 30% fat, 30% protein works well for me - 45% carbs and I feel indulgent ;)

    I've noticed that too. I have a major sweet tooth, but if I have a day that I go overboard with sugar, I feel absolutely HORRID.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Raynne413 wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Raynne413 wrote: »
    Sheks41191 wrote: »
    I ended up in a psych ward because of PMDD. I know everyone's symptoms are different but it can be debilitating.

    I was a wreck, self medicating, I had insomnia, compulsive over eater got to 250+ pounds at 5"4.

    Relief for me only came when as a result of having a cyst on my ovary I had to have a laproscope and the discovered stage 4 endometriosis as a result of the surgery to then remove that I am on Visanne. I know very little regarding the make up of pills but Visanne is a progesterone pill.

    Which means I have no cycle and as a result no symptoms.

    My advice is to get it under control using medication that will not cause blood clotting. You will feel so much better. It quite literally changed my view on the world.

    This is exactly me!!! I just had my Mirena removed because I was hoping that it was causing my problems. Progesterone I can take, just not estrogen, so I may look into that. All I want to do at this point is eat and sleep. I'm highly irritable, and can barely concentrate or remember anything. I'm even forgetting my coworkers names. I used to weight over 300 lbs, and lost down to around 145 and maintained for over three years, so putting back on 30 lbs is devastating to me.

    I take Prometrium, a bio-identical progesterone, for matters unrelated to PMDD. But if you tend to have side effects to hormones, Prometrium might work well for you.

    Does the Prometrium require a prescription?

  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Raynne413 wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Raynne413 wrote: »
    Sheks41191 wrote: »
    I ended up in a psych ward because of PMDD. I know everyone's symptoms are different but it can be debilitating.

    I was a wreck, self medicating, I had insomnia, compulsive over eater got to 250+ pounds at 5"4.

    Relief for me only came when as a result of having a cyst on my ovary I had to have a laproscope and the discovered stage 4 endometriosis as a result of the surgery to then remove that I am on Visanne. I know very little regarding the make up of pills but Visanne is a progesterone pill.

    Which means I have no cycle and as a result no symptoms.

    My advice is to get it under control using medication that will not cause blood clotting. You will feel so much better. It quite literally changed my view on the world.

    This is exactly me!!! I just had my Mirena removed because I was hoping that it was causing my problems. Progesterone I can take, just not estrogen, so I may look into that. All I want to do at this point is eat and sleep. I'm highly irritable, and can barely concentrate or remember anything. I'm even forgetting my coworkers names. I used to weight over 300 lbs, and lost down to around 145 and maintained for over three years, so putting back on 30 lbs is devastating to me.

    I take Prometrium, a bio-identical progesterone, for matters unrelated to PMDD. But if you tend to have side effects to hormones, Prometrium might work well for you.

    Does the Prometrium require a prescription?


    Thanks! I will ask my gyno about it! Any other option to consider is nice.
  • ronjsteele1
    ronjsteele1 Posts: 1,064 Member

    I take Prometrium, a bio-identical progesterone, for matters unrelated to PMDD. But if you tend to have side effects to hormones, Prometrium might work well for you.[/quote]

    Does the Prometrium require a prescription?[/quote]


    Thanks! I will ask my gyno about it! Any other option to consider is nice.[/quote]

    I could not take prometrium but have done really well on compounded bio identical cream in the past. So if you try prometrium and it doesn't work for you, push to be able to try a compounded bio identical cream instead. I was a hormonal mess until we got my progesterone up. It's way less common for people to have low estrogen and so unbelievably common for low progesterone to be the issue.
  • ronjsteele1
    ronjsteele1 Posts: 1,064 Member

    I take Prometrium, a bio-identical progesterone, for matters unrelated to PMDD. But if you tend to have side effects to hormones, Prometrium might work well for you.[/quote]

    Does the Prometrium require a prescription?[/quote]


    Thanks! I will ask my gyno about it! Any other option to consider is nice.[/quote]

    I could not take prometrium but have done really well on compounded bio identical cream in the past. So if you try prometrium and it doesn't work for you, push to be able to try a compounded bio identical cream instead. I was a hormonal mess until we got my progesterone up. It's way less common for people to have low estrogen and so unbelievably common for low progesterone to be the issue. [/quote]

    Ugh. This makes it sound like I think prometrium is estrogen. It is not. It's progesterone. I need to give up tonight and go to bed.....
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    Just a follow up, in case anyone else is having this issue. I had my Mirena taken out early October and . . . I am finally feeling like a normal person. I can actually go out at night with my boyfriend without being too exhausted to function. I am back to my two workout a day schedule. A lot of my depression issues are gone (excluding SAD). I am no longer binging. I no longer have food issues or issues with sugar. Sugar doesn't even taste as good to me anymore. I'm not craving. AND I've already lost 15 of the 30 lbs I put on (and that is including the holidays!). I will NEVER go back on hormonal birth control and I will definitely NEVER have another Mirena. I realize now that my binging started the same year I had my very first Mirena put in 12 years ago. So crazy how much that can screw with you. Interestingly enough, I know two other girls that had theirs removed due to how bad they felt. Of course, both of them are now pregnant, so I pray to G-d I won't have THAT issue. LOL
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Thanks for the update! Glad to hear it!
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Thanks for the update! Glad to hear it!

    I love how my OB said that it couldn't POSSIBLY be my Mirena, and she wouldn't recommend removing it. I emailed her office to tell them it WAS the Mirena, so hopefully if they have anyone else with similar issues, they might suggest having it removed. Maybe it will help someone.
  • tiafirefly1
    tiafirefly1 Posts: 1 Member
    GOODBYE DEPRESSION!!! 3 weeks ago my gynocologist put me on visanne progestin pills to treat endometriosis. I've never tolerated birth control pills but this progesterone seems to be a miracle for stabilizing my moods. This was unexpected. Forget the endometriosis, I've never felt this happy in my life! I've had depression for over 15 years and antidepressants have never worked, and birth control pills made me moody and irritable. I never correlated depression with hormones simply because the moods were all over the place and didn't seem to follow my cycle except for extreme despair /PMDD a day or two before my period starts. So even though my tests never came back as having a hormone imbalance I now assume from the fact that this drug has changed my life I must have had reproductive hormone depression. The strange thing is I haven't ready anywhere that daily visanne (progestins) is a mood stabilizer on any website or message board. I was afraid to take this medication as I'm sensitive to medications in general but I'm so glad I did!!! :)

    I hope this brings hope to others who battle depression.