How much do you want to lose???

I have 2 stone to shift to get where I want to be. How long should that take if I'm committed? Should I be there by summer??

How much does everyone else have to lose?


  • jeanette38340
    jeanette38340 Posts: 16 Member
    I have 50 lb to lose
  • Nicklebee93
    Nicklebee93 Posts: 316 Member
    I need to lose 30lbs. Same pretty much the exact same as you, roughly 2 stones. My goal is to be close to that by June for my trip to Colorado. Feel free to add me :)
  • McFetts007
    McFetts007 Posts: 5 Member
    Good luck girls!!! Let's rock it!!
  • hdatres
    hdatres Posts: 635 Member
    7 stones or 100 pounds or 1,600 ounces
  • twinsmake3
    twinsmake3 Posts: 35 Member
    After a long hiatus from MFP I'm back heavier than ever. I would like to lose 20 pounds by summer, so June
  • xmarye
    xmarye Posts: 385 Member
    I want to lose 61lbs :smile: Down 2.8lbs already!
  • conster326
    conster326 Posts: 1 Member
    I want to lose 165 pounds...
  • Pooshka2
    Pooshka2 Posts: 208 Member
    My original goal was about 80 pounds. Down almost 10.
  • Tracieisfitastic
    Tracieisfitastic Posts: 104 Member
    Between 20-25
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    Goal to lose 59 pounds. I'm down 13 so far. Only 46 to go!
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,571 Member
    5-8lbs. Which is painful for me and could take all year.
  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    I have almost 70 to lose, although I shed nearly 6 of it so far (just started mid-January). :)
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    84 to go. Possibly a couple more; I'll see when I get there. (84 lbs would put me at the maximum for my height according to most fitness charts. I wouldn't mind a few more pounds for a buffer, but that's something to discuss with my doctor down the road.)
  • jrowden0711
    jrowden0711 Posts: 136 Member
    Ideally 50-60 lbs. More importantly I just want to feel healthy and physically fit, and if that happens at a higher weight that's fine too.
  • mrarmaan
    mrarmaan Posts: 390 Member
    20 lbs
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    McFetts007 wrote: »
    I have 2 stone to shift to get where I want to be. How long should that take if I'm committed? Should I be there by summer??
    You can expect to lose up to 1% of your total body weight per week if you do everything right. You have the numbers. You do the math.

    How much does everyone else have to lose?
    Nothing at this point :D
  • theycallmearth
    theycallmearth Posts: 196 Member
    I think losing 30-40 pounds will put me at my healthiest weight.
  • JakeL1981
    JakeL1981 Posts: 50 Member
    80 more pounds here. Im doing it and on a roll. Feel free to add and join this journey
  • sunny_d22
    sunny_d22 Posts: 316 Member
    bbell1985 wrote: »
    5-8lbs. Which is painful for me and could take all year.

    10-12 pounds. It could take a year!
  • fatfashion24
    fatfashion24 Posts: 3 Member
    New to the weight loss journey. 150 pounds to lose here.