15lbs to lose and looking for a weight loss buddies!


Start weight 12.4lbs
Lost my first14lbs whilst living in Spain through eating healthy and exercise,
Lost my following 10lbs on Slimming World,
But now I want to try and lose my final 15lbs through MFP and calorie counting.

I am quite new to running too, building up from 5km - 10 km and improving my time at my 5km, PB this weekend at 31.01 - aiming for sub 30 before end of March.

Looking for motivation buddies or just more friends on MFP to encourage me and for me to encourage you!!

Add away!



  • 83StAyInFit41
    83StAyInFit41 Posts: 6 Member
  • X100KLS1992
    X100KLS1992 Posts: 82 Member
    Hi, I'll add you for motivation x
  • katyjane1984
    katyjane1984 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Kelly. I started at 12.5 at beginning of the month and want to get down to 10 within the year. I've been on sw previously and recently was low carbing, however I'm now just eating relatively healthily with the occasional treat, avoiding bread and potatoes where possible and exercising using my bike (indoors) along with walking. I'd like to get into jogging, but have back issues so that's hopefully something I can build up to. I'm now around 12.2 so slowly coming off. I'd definitely benefit from motivation, so very happy for you to add me if you like and can cheer each other on.
    All the best with your journey.