Plant based friends

For many reasons I've attempted going vegan for the last year, and for many other reasons I'm 100% commited to staying vegan the rest of my life. I'm less than a month consistent, and would love others to join my feed that are plant based, or nearly all plant based, for support and meal ideas. Would also love to know about your experience changing from omnivorous eaters to plants based eaters, what changes, if any, did you see and what your motivation was. Thanks and look forward to meeting you.



  • sarajenivieve
    sarajenivieve Posts: 303 Member
  • sarajenivieve
    sarajenivieve Posts: 303 Member
    My motivation was almost 100% animals but in the early days health played a role as well i was clean eating and assked a market stall a question about their meat and hormones and in telling me they didnt use hormones the woman added that they play music to the cows to calm them before slaughter and i was like "omfg what am i doing? what am i supporting?" I went vegetarian almost immediately, then i had discussions with vegans a friend recommended 'skinny *kitten*' and i started my transition.

    changes: i didnt see big weightloss or anthing infact i gained weight, however it took away alot of my guilty feelings with food before my transition i was struggling with an ED which my transition helped me over come.
    When i do indugle and gain i do find it wayy easier to burn and go back down now than before.

    Adice: make google your bff the first like 6months will be a huge learning curve, when tempted watch 30s of earthlings or similar videos, happycow. net is infinately helpful for eating out (in addition to google)
  • Rushgirl82
    Rushgirl82 Posts: 223 Member
    I'm not 100% there yet, but nearly, about 95% I'd say.
    I've never felt better! Skin has cleared up. Pain has subsided. There are so many reasons to go vegan! My favourite dish to make is an African jollof rice that I found on google (minus the chicken). It's sooooo tasty and even my hubby can't get enough of it! When people make fun of me for my choices I laugh back because going vegan doesn't have to be boring. Good job!
  • TaraFIT03
    TaraFIT03 Posts: 65 Member
    edited January 2017
    Feel free to add me. I have an open diary and would love more plant based/vegan friends :)
    Some apps that really help me are 'Is it Vegan' and 'happy cow'. A lot of the meals I made before going vegan I still make now just veganized, making substitutions as needed and subbing in tempeh, tofu, seitan or beans for meat replacers. :)
  • amandagyeoman
    amandagyeoman Posts: 88 Member
    I'm just starting the plant based diet {week 1}. But would appreciate any any all motivation/pointers as well. I'm doing it for my health completely non-political.
  • goingtobefit2015
    goingtobefit2015 Posts: 408 Member
    Please add me as well I'm 95% vegan plant based would love to have more friends of the same!!
  • littlechiaseed
    littlechiaseed Posts: 489 Member
    I never liked meat much and I realized I didn't need to eat animals to be healthy so I stopped eating them. I have stopped eating eggs to and cut way back on cheese and use some dairy free cheese most of the time. I wish I could say all these magical things happened when I started eating this way, I feel less like crap and my cholesterol/triglycerides are now perfect, but that's about it. I would think it would be hard to stick to eating this way if you did not have moral reasons for doing so because then you might 'cheat' and I'd never cheat and eat a piece of meat lol
  • sleevies311
    sleevies311 Posts: 7 Member
    Add me! I've been inconsistent on MFP for a few years and have never added friends before. I've been vegan for exactly a year and would love some plant based friends!
  • Irishmaggie
    Irishmaggie Posts: 5 Member
    I've just transitioned to Whole Food, Plant Based eating since the beginning of January 2017. I'd love a few new friends who have the same general diet.