35 pounds by July 4, 2017, Join me? Motivate me?

itziab Posts: 23 Member
Hey Everyone. I've been motivated to lose the post baby weight. This time it's serious because it's not a goal any longer, it's my new way of life! Would anyone want to join me?


  • Nicklebee93
    Nicklebee93 Posts: 316 Member
    Im in ☺️ i have a vacation in Colorado and need to get in shape for, not *just* lose weight. I leave in June though, i have about 4 months to lose around 30lbs.
  • kj_mom
    kj_mom Posts: 6 Member
    I am in the same boat!! I would love to get to know you and be motivation buddies!!
  • Fishingsimpson
    Fishingsimpson Posts: 3 Member
    Same here kind of 25lbs in 2 months was doing well because I was a lot more and I had more time but I hit a plateau for 3 months now this happens don't let it get you down that's your body telling you it's time to switch things up which I started today
  • Onyx_Eve
    Onyx_Eve Posts: 37 Member
    I would love to join you! I'm in the same boat as well! I need all the support I can get. I need to lose 40lbs.
  • Mrudula1409
    Mrudula1409 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey, I am in too. Currently weighing 172 pounds and need to reduce 40 pounds. Long way to go with
  • VetTech1374
    VetTech1374 Posts: 35 Member
    Would love too! I'm going to visit my family in Utah in June and they have no idea I'm doing this, I am also doing it for health and want to keep it off!!
  • comom23
    comom23 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm in...35 lbs to lose. Goal is sometime this summer.
  • LGStrong13
    LGStrong13 Posts: 11 Member
    Yes!!!! Need to lose :/ 100 lbs here. I want to say it's all baby weight but it's not. That's only 20 lbs of the grand total. I need help!!!!!
  • Arkie_Ali
    Arkie_Ali Posts: 106 Member
    I have post pregnancy weight to lose too. I'd like to lose about 35 or 40 lbs, which would get me below pre-pregnancy weight. My son turns 1 year old in July, so it would be great to see how far I can get by his first birthday.
  • ashton239
    ashton239 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in!! I'm looking to go to Spain at the end of June and need to lose around 30 pounds!
  • NickyPicky75
    NickyPicky75 Posts: 1 Member
    I would love to join in too, mine is just a food baby haha, I have 40 to lose. Have been doing this a week and only lost 0.5 but I know that's better than nothing, I was doing WW as had free membership but that has ended so I thought I would give this a go.
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    I would love to join! Count me in. This is perfect. My birthday is on 6th July, would be good to lose this much weight by then :)
  • rae65628
    rae65628 Posts: 1 Member
    My goal is about twenty pounds. I am a college student that feels motivated to have a healthier lifestyle! I have no clue where to start or what to eat so advice and guidance from others would be great. Good luck to everyone starting out :)
  • fitnfabwithsri
    fitnfabwithsri Posts: 3 Member
    i would love to join you i have a total goal of 60 pounds to loose , this year marks my 10 th wedding anniverysary so have to be in goodshape by then, it would be really good to have motivated friends with same goals .
  • odeproht
    odeproht Posts: 3 Member
    I've lost 3 stone so far (from 19.5 to 16.5), but need all the help I can get to lose another 2.5 stone. So yeah, I'm in.
  • babydaisy81
    babydaisy81 Posts: 218 Member
    Count me in! My son is 9 weeks, I have 35-40 pounds to shed, and it's really dragging me down emotionally! I'm blessed he's healthy and the weight shouldn't matter but I'd love to shed some pounds and have a great summer!
  • andrealashay11
    andrealashay11 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in with you guys I lost about 11 pounds since January 1 and just need to take it up a notch. Will be 25 on July 15 and I gave myself a goal if I weigh under 189 I am going skydiving. So if anyone have any tips please share. I know we can all so it. We got this!!!!!
    Ps I started at 236 pounds and I weigh 224 now.
  • mybigfat
    mybigfat Posts: 162 Member
    I still have about 60 lbs to go would love to join you good luck on your goal!
  • Vicky3725
    Vicky3725 Posts: 16 Member
    I have about 50lbs to lose. I'd like to say it's from my youngest baby who is 3 months but I never lost the weight from my eldest who's 11. I started off really well but the last week has been a disaster. Feel free to add me
  • Hi, I need to loose 30lbs as well. I can always use a push too. Best of luck on your journey... Add me if like.
  • hello8642
    hello8642 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm attempting 84lbs over the next 18 months, so please count me in/add me to the group! Thanks, Katie
  • KatyBell164
    KatyBell164 Posts: 104 Member
    Im in!! Is there a group! Perfect goal!
  • yvonnebowman25
    yvonnebowman25 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I lost my first pound this week, 29lb to go. :) Id love to join all of you for the support.
  • count me in! I only need to lose about 20lbs but learning about everyone else's exercise program will definitely help!
  • andrealashay11
    andrealashay11 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey everyone just wanted to check to see how is everybody's weight loss/ Journey going? I hope it's going great. Don't give up we all got this we are all badass and are stronger than our cravings and pain. I also wanted to add you guys as friends but I don't know how to request so if you request me as a friend that will be great. Anyways I hope everybody a great Tuesday!!!!!
  • quietattheback
    quietattheback Posts: 84 Member
    i'm in, i was aiming for 28 (need to lose total of 56 to be my ideal weight though) but 35 is much better :-) i've given up my regualr white wine fix since jan and i have lost 7lb since then! my tracker says 10lb due to previous ups and downs and me not resetting it. hoping this thread will keep me motivated :-)