


  • carbons2k
    carbons2k Posts: 383 Member
    Its not a "diet pill" I take 1 pill between breakfast and lunch. Its an appetite suppressor so you dont feel hungry and binge. If you take the max dosage it does give you the jitters for sure. I take it when I THINK im feeling hungry.. the pains go away and im good till lunch and I eat a smaller portion too. I have a protein shake at about 4, work out from 5-6 and Im good. You can do without it for sure, if you feel hungry, have a fruit or some veggies.
  • mom2sbbj
    mom2sbbj Posts: 12 Member
    My personal opinion is that with any of these quick fix weight loss remedies (pills or special diets), even if they aren't harmful, you're going to gain the weight right back as soon as you stop.
    When you lose weight by changing to healthier eating habits and moving more it does take longer, but its also establishing healthier HABITS. And its a lot easier to stick with a habit of healthy eating that you developed over months, than it is to try to start eating healthy after you lose weight quickly w/ weight lose pills. I truly believe that's why we gain the weight right back when we lose it quickly. JMHO
    I'll also admit that I considered taking Hydroxycut several years ago just to jump start my weight loss. My husband is a chiropractor and asked me to let him do some research before I took it. It didn't take him long to recommend that I NOT take it. Its just too dangerous and not worth the risk.
  • portexploit
    portexploit Posts: 378 Member
    This is what i don't get about those pills. They all say "use with a diet and exercise plan" If you don't diet or exercise it's not going to work. Okay that's fine. So you diet and exercise and take these pills and you lose some bodyfat. That's cool, so was it the pills that reduced the bodyfat, or the diet and exercise? I think pills are a scam.
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    Think about the name


    you are stripping your body of h20 my friend... dehydrating yourself to lose weight...

    thats why you get jittery and stuff
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I've blogged about this topic already in my health blog, feel free to read it, better that than reposting it all.

  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Ronny from the Jersey Shore approves it, and he knows about keepin' it real, so it must have a good scientific backing!


    Or not. =/
  • Bdosen047
    Bdosen047 Posts: 13 Member
    I am in a modeling agency, (from 20 lbs ago) and we got a offer to do a Hydroxycut commercial, the factors for the job was you had to be able to lose 20 lbs, and they wanted you to lose 20 lbs without using Hydroxycut because of the risks, sounds a little two faced to me. So I can tell you that the models that you see on the commercial before/after pictures did it without Hydroxycut.
  • sak90027
    sak90027 Posts: 12 Member
    I don't recommend it. i got a bottle one a long time a go and makes you dehydrated and jittery. it's not good for you! please don't do it!
  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    I agree with everyone else. I used it for a period of maybe a few weeks a while back. I saw results but not anything to brag about. I think it was mostly just mental... knowing that I was on a new supplement and working out harder just because I thought I could with this new "magic" pill. My advice.. push yourself to eat right and exercise harder without the pill. You'll save yourself the heart attack later on.. literally.