Not exactly MY success story, but...

jessradtke Posts: 418 Member
I wanted to brag about my family a bit! Since I've started getting more active, my whole family has joined me. We've never been totally sedentary, but we've definitely picked up the pace quite a bit these last couple of months. My husband has lost about 15 pounds already and is paying more attention to his caloric intake away from home. My teenage son has started running, prefers to ride his bike whenever and where ever he can, and has recently taken up rock climbing. When I went to buy some new running clothes the other day my 7 year old daughter insisted that she needed her own work out gear. She reminded me that she now rides alongside me on her scooter while I run, and that she finally learned to ride her bike without training wheels so that she could go for long bike rides at the park like the rest of us. She's absolutely right! She does need her own work out clothes. So she picked out some wee little Fila running shorts which she puts on every time she thinks I *might* go for a run. Too cute!!

I may be the one who joined mfp and decided to get back into shape, but my whole family has benefitted from my decision. We're all walking more and making better food choices. I can honestly say that I'm being a positive role model for my kids, and that's a GREAT feeling!


  • bonjourdollface
    that is so great! I hope that one day my family will finally be inspired to pick up healthy habits like yours has!
  • slimmerme2012
    Thats awesome!!!
  • jujudot
    jujudot Posts: 129 Member
    Way to be a positive role model for your whole family!!! :bigsmile:

    I have noticed a big shift in my family as well-kids are now always outside playing, asking to go for walks/bike rides, and my DD 12 is trying to persuade me to start running with her. Dh is even noticing that his shorts are getting too big-and he's not watching his intake by any means. :laugh: It's wonderful!!
  • ShrinkingNinja
    ShrinkingNinja Posts: 460 Member
    I wanted to brag about my family a bit! Since I've started getting more active, my whole family has joined me. We've never been totally sedentary, but we've definitely picked up the pace quite a bit these last couple of months. My husband has lost about 15 pounds already and is paying more attention to his caloric intake away from home. My teenage son has started running, prefers to ride his bike whenever and where ever he can, and has recently taken up rock climbing. When I went to buy some new running clothes the other day my 7 year old daughter insisted that she needed her own work out gear. She reminded me that she now rides alongside me on her scooter while I run, and that she finally learned to ride her bike without training wheels so that she could go for long bike rides at the park like the rest of us. She's absolutely right! She does need her own work out clothes. So she picked out some wee little Fila running shorts which she puts on every time she thinks I *might* go for a run. Too cute!!

    I may be the one who joined mfp and decided to get back into shape, but my whole family has benefitted from my decision. We're all walking more and making better food choices. I can honestly say that I'm being a positive role model for my kids, and that's a GREAT feeling!

    Congrats to you for inspiring your family! Especially your daughter. How awesome to think that she will be getting into this kind of habit at such an early age. You probably extended her life quite a few years and doesn't that feel great?!?!?!
  • jessradtke
    jessradtke Posts: 418 Member
    Congrats to you for inspiring your family! Especially your daughter. How awesome to think that she will be getting into this kind of habit at such an early age. You probably extended her life quite a few years and doesn't that feel great?!?!?!

    It does! She could grow up never knowing what it's like to NOT be active...only knowing what it's like to have a strong, fit, healthy body. That's a really nice thought :happy:
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    What a great mom. Teaching them how to take care of themselves!
  • Cherilea
    Cherilea Posts: 1,118 Member
    What an awesome story! I love it!
  • sarahemily86
    sarahemily86 Posts: 78 Member
    That's fantastic! :)
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    Isnt it cool how infection this can be? I joined back in early January and my wife joined a few days after me. In the beginning she played with the site, logging her calories and exercise maybe just to make me happy. BUT, she started noticing a difference and the pounds started falling off. We both saw how easy it was. All those years we were told that diet and exercise works, ... who knew? Ha!
    Now, 7 months later she is down about 30 pounds and looks great! She is loving the new "her" because she gets to go buy new clothes.... an added bonus!
  • jennpv
    jennpv Posts: 33 Member
    Wow! That is so wonderful! My daughter is 20 months old and I'm hoping by the time she is old enough to notice her weight and body type that she will already be physically active and eat the right foods so she doesn't grow up with the weight issues I did. Way to set great examples for your family!
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