I'm new!!! and need some motivation

JWGF01 Posts: 59
edited 1:29AM in Introduce Yourself
I've been using myfitnesspal a while... and think it's time to get some friends and help.. cos i have my bad days where i starve myself to make the calorie counter look good.. and the bad days when i pig out and have a way too much...

just lookin for some motivating peeps willing to help me out.... and reach my goal weight... guess we all gotta stick together... =]


  • Im new to the site as well and could really use some motivation! I really want to lose the weight and keepit off but sometimes that peice of cake or peanut butter cup tells me no! lol
  • allypally9
    allypally9 Posts: 23 Member
    feel free to add me :) i always like new friends to motivate and be motivated by
  • LilianaGarciia
    LilianaGarciia Posts: 146 Member
    feel free to add me aswell <3
  • liquidjem
    liquidjem Posts: 138 Member
    Hello. Feel free to add me, I will be your friend! :) Try not to focus on the numbers so much and more on the health aspect of things...There are some days we will all go over (birthday, *cake= yum*, office party, or whatever) and you can't beat yourself up for that...Starving isn't helping your body either...I had to get that talking to on here....:) If you are looking for friends, well I am here, I can do what I can!
  • terri0804
    terri0804 Posts: 20
    I've joined just a month ago and i really love this MFP site and all the tools it has...i have some days are great and some so so days..good luck to a healthier you..can add me as well
  • Suggestions that have inspired me/my friends:

    -sign up for a 5k (preferably one with a free t-shirt at the end)
    -sign up for another physical challenge (Tough Mudder, Marathon, Bike Ride to *Insert Location Here*)
    -get a gym membership and/or fitness routine going with someone who will keep you going
    -start a weight loss challenge group on Facebook (Biggest Loser style competition)
    -plan your meals ahead of time and stock your fridge with healthy alternatives
    -develop a mantra for when you feel a craving (the last time I lost weight, I always asked myself whether I was bored or truly hungry. This time, I ask myself whether I prefer to be healthy and thin or have that sweet thing now.)

    Just some thoughts. Hope they help! Good luck!
  • Im am new to the site as well. I am excited and full of motivation. Add me if youd like! I would be happy to have friends!
  • Natp274
    Natp274 Posts: 36 Member
    Hey Ya, I will add you. I'm always glad to have new friends, the ones I have so far help me stay focused and motivated :) And also encouraging when I've had my off days, but so glad that they're there!!
  • JWGF01
    JWGF01 Posts: 59
    ah cool guys!!!!

    yeah i've joined the gym recently... got 70% off membership!!

    cos it closes in 3 months!!!

    ah well.. it's a start.. =]
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