Help its my first day of dieting

Hello everyone,
I'm 43 years young and this is my first time on here. I've battles with my weight my entire life and now I'm determined to make a change. I love myself but I don't like what I see in the mirror. I'm excited about going on this weight loss journey but also scared. Ive never been really motivated but when I got on the scale and saw I was 330lbs I almost died.
I dont no how to eat right because I was never taught. This is the heaviest I've ever been in my life and I dont like it. Everything hurts, my ankles, my back, everything! So I went to the doctor and he has me on a no carb diet. He also said no sugar! Needless to say today is my first day and im optimistic but I have no Ideal what I can eat.
Is there some type of list out there with the foods I ahould and should not eat on it.?


  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    If he wants you to avoid carbs, that generally means no breads, potatoes, rice, pasta, corn, fruit (sugar is a carb) or candies/cakes/pies/etc.

    He wants you eating primarily meats, eggs, dairy and non-starchy veggies. You can use oils, butter, etc, but you'll still want to be careful how much as fats add higher calories to your foods. For snacks, you're going to do best with nuts, jerky, or raw veggies.

    This list has foods with zero carbs:

    Did he put you on a no carb diet just to loose weight or are you also pre-diabetic?
  • brendafrost60
    brendafrost60 Posts: 2 Member
    It's definitely a journey and you'll have good days and not so good days! Logging your food really helps - and log everything. No judging. My coach has told me to aim for a 1% improvement every day. So if I have a cookie today, I'll aim for a 1% improvement tomorrow - no backlash! And I agree with Spartan-Gingi - don't use the word diet. It's a lifestyle change - eating healthy and getting healthy.
  • cake91
    cake91 Posts: 46 Member
    Just saying hello :). I'm no doctor but i am guessing no processed food :)
  • Faye369
    Faye369 Posts: 33 Member
    Welcome!! I agree with Spartan_Gingi .. don't think of it as a diet ... it is a strategy for a healthier lifestyle. My advice would be to take baby steps ... both in terms of not changing everything all at once but also in terms of getting active. Your body will fight you in both respects but you WILL win out!!! This site helps and in it you will find support.
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,073 Member
    I am also curious why the doctor said no carbs and no sugar. Is there a medical reason for that? I am sure you will lose weight that way but I do not know how sustainable that is for you. If it something that you have to do then make it work for you.
  • Lady_EMW
    Lady_EMW Posts: 2 Member
    You got this.... One day at a time!!!
  • princessXplague
    princessXplague Posts: 6 Member
    This is possible, i am in the same boat.
    Feel free to add me
  • 1sxynyer
    1sxynyer Posts: 2 Member
    Well because I've been drinking like 2 to 3 2 liters of coke a day and my daily intake is mostly carbs and sugar he said I need to stop. Especially since I'm like a junk food junkie, I would go days without eating as long as I have coke, gum and maybe some chips I was good. Sugar is my downfall! But this is for the first 2 weeks so when I go back it might change after he reviews my labs.
    I just want to thank everyone for there feedback, this is an awesome but scary Life Change! But it feels good to know I'm not alone. So thanks
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    1sxynyer wrote: »
    Well because I've been drinking like 2 to 3 2 liters of coke a day and my daily intake is mostly carbs and sugar he said I need to stop. Especially since I'm like a junk food junkie, I would go days without eating as long as I have coke, gum and maybe some chips I was good. Sugar is my downfall! But this is for the first 2 weeks so when I go back it might change after he reviews my labs.
    I just want to thank everyone for there feedback, this is an awesome but scary Life Change! But it feels good to know I'm not alone. So thanks

    You don't have to give up soda, but you should try out some of the diet or zero drinks to see which you can switch to. I was a die-hard Coke drinker and Diet Coke just didn't do it for me. Instead, I switched to Diet Dr Pepper and that's about all I drink, now.
  • tea804
    tea804 Posts: 11 Member
    I gave up the sofa after a few weeks the taste is horrible but i have a problem with potatoes pasta and starches. I cut back and walk more but we are here for support
  • OlySteve68
    OlySteve68 Posts: 413 Member
    It's going to be difficult at first but hang in there! Also, I love the comment above about it not being a diet but a lifestyle change. I'm just starting this "get back in shape" journey myself! You got this girl !!!
  • madalynrivera1
    madalynrivera1 Posts: 3 Member
    I am 44 my beginning weight was 250lbs/First Key cut all processed food and fast foods fried foods...Go online and see what your natural carbs are eat many different types of food you like but that requires chopping steaming and a quick fix eat many small meals throughout the day. all it takes is 20 minutes worth of cardio example one my favorites stair climbing or anything that you truly like to do!!! Ive lost 12 lbs so far YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • madalynrivera1
    madalynrivera1 Posts: 3 Member
    One more suggestion like my Doctor told me Drink lots of water all day and anything that is not made with real sugar is not good for you but with that being said everything we see on the shelf that has even natural sugar mg's is very high so I do Lime or Lemon and a tall glass of water squeeze the juice in it its very good for you!!!
  • Pooshka2
    Pooshka2 Posts: 207 Member
    Three of those bottles is nearly 675 calories a day (and really bad for you as well). If you did NOTHING else but give up the sugary drink and replaced it with water (I personally am not a huge diet soda fan), you could lose over 50 pounds in a year. Imagine what you could accomplish with the healthy eating and everything that goes with it, including the support from your fellow MFP'ers!