What do you think advice or insight?

Hello, everyone I am a 27 year old mother
I'm 5'9" 197.5 I'm currently eating 1610 calories a day

6 days a week I do the elliptical ( resistance 14-20, I start at 12 go to 20 every 10 mins for an hour and do sprints every 60 secs for 30 secs)

Ive been doing body weight/ light dumbell work outs 5 days a week for 30 to 60. I do super sets and Tri sets with 15 to 30 secs rests between sets.

On my rest day I walk 6 miles with my dog

I am trying to not only trying lose weight but not lose any muscle. I lost about 10 pounds and 12 inches this month but I uped my calories for the last week and half because I'm trying to get my protein intake higher.

So, I'm still not sure about my calorie intake if I shouldn't have uped it, maybe I'm just doubting myself because there are so many people that seem to work out on 1200 to 1300 calories. I'm just trying to go about this in away that is a viable lifestyle change. So, I don't go back to mindless eating.

Also do you think that a cheat day once every 30 days would be hurtful overal long term to a fitness lifestyle? I do work meals that are high calorie into my day sometimes but I just want to drink and eat pizza or something. Lol

*also feel free to add me as a friend *


  • kandisn7
    kandisn7 Posts: 66 Member
    You are doing such an amazing job! 10 pounds lost is a huge success! As long as you are eating at a deficit, you will lose weight. No need to only eat 1200 if you can lose at 1600. Like you say, unsustainable. Instead of a cheat day, just find out your maintenance number and eat at that once a week or so. And for not losing muscle, upping your protein is a good start. ♡♡♡
  • Jules_farmgirl
    Jules_farmgirl Posts: 225 Member
    Hey! So I thought I would show my stats and you can see what I am doing. I am 29 (mom of three). I am only 5'1" and 164lbs currently (goal undecided). I workout 6x/week. 30mins strength and 30mins cardio. I walk for atleast 30-60mins a day on top of that workout just to stay active with my kids. I have my calories set to 1400/day. However I wear a Fitbit with HRM. So I actually pay attention to my TDEE that it gives me. I am burning close to 2400-2600/day (this is with the 15% margin of error I take into account). I eat back 25-50% of exercise calories depending on my hunger level at supper time.

    I don't think 1200-1300 is necessary AT ALL for you. I think you will be hangry and that's never good!

    As for cheat days. There are soooooooo many options to deal with wanting to have that treat. You can fit it in your weekly calories, you can eat at maintenance that day etc. That one is a personal choice everyone makes differently and to fit in their goals.

    Sending FR Also :)
  • Nomikia
    Nomikia Posts: 4 Member
    We are kind of close! 23 year old mom, 5'8.5" 209lbs. I am on a 1350 calorie diet but it's on docs orders (I live a sedentary life in Winter so I don't exersize. When its warm it'll go up). I'd suggest visiting your doctor too to get professional guidance. But here's my $0.02
    Do you know your BMR? Eating anything under that will result in weight loss (how I am losing weight). Eating equal to it and exercising will also result in weight loss. Doing both in good moderation will have optimal weight loss and muscle retention, but in the wrong moderation can result in almost trauma to your body; possibly going into starvation mode to hoard resources. Fat loss is a more precise science than just a low calorie diet. I think upping the calories for more protein was a good move, especially since you work out so often. Other people can get away with 1200 and excersizing but they have different heights, weights, activity levels, etc than you. Even one inch makes a big difference! I think you're doing really good. Focusing on habits and lifestyle changes will serve you better much longer than working out and counting calories.
  • mommaonthatmission
    Thank yo uh guys, I'll take the insight and advice for sure!