Terrified to have wisdom teeth pulled



  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    @MadMaxV8 wrote: »
    That reminds of the time when I was stranded on a deserted island for 4 years and during that time I had an infected tooth. I had to used one of @synchkat skates as a mirror. The other skate, I placed the blade against the tooth and hammered it with a rock. The tooth was ejected and I passed out.

    What's ironic is that @synchkat ended up marrying my dentist back home.

    Well it finally happened. Max has completely lost his marbles
  • I had all four out last year and did not go under. It's a weird sensation when you are numb and they take them out - crunching/breaking teeth depending on how impacted. One side of my mouth did not numb as quickly as they thought, so they tried starting, I raised my hand to let them know I could feel it, they gave me another shot... it was fine.
    The best advice I have is be vigilant with the care, especially the first few days - and don't talk too much after. I was numb and getting a ride from a friend so I used my mouth way too much and felt it the next day. I had it done on a Thursday, so missed 1.5 days of work for it. I brought a little care kit to work for the months following to make sure it was staying clean.

    If they don't provide a syringe for cleaning irrigating, ask for one. Mine didn't and two weeks into healing I got food stuck and had to go in on a Saturday for the holes to get cleaned. Salt water rinse is a blessing -do it often! Do not rush real food. Especially rice. Rice is the devil.

    It's scary but honestly, the pain BEFORE was so, so much worse than ANY part I had once the procedure was started/the healing process. You've got it.
  • ccsernica
    ccsernica Posts: 1,040 Member
    Just don't let anyone tape you while you're still woozy from the anesthetic. Unless you want it to go viral on YouTube.
  • treesha450
    treesha450 Posts: 321 Member
    I had all 4 pulled at once. I was not put under. Just shots in my jaw to numb the pain. It wasn't that bad. Ask for laughing gas. I didn't and regret it. I recently had a dental implant and can't say how much I enjoyed the laughing gas this time. You should be fine with medication you took today. Just inform your dentist of any medication you took. Good Luck !! don't forget to ask for the laughing gas !

  • EllaLeahB
    EllaLeahB Posts: 310 Member
    Have you ever had surgery before? Everything's going to be OK, but ..Make sure you tell your doctor you took that ibuprofen. It is a blood thinner and you need to make sure they are aware you took that. Best of luck! I had mine removed when I was 14. Lots of soup and ice cream
    Or smoothies :)
  • DeficitDuchess
    DeficitDuchess Posts: 3,099 Member
    1st I am a sissy when it comes to pain, I am unable to; even get a tattoo but the, oral surgery was; painless. I was asked to, count backwards via; 100 & got to 89, before I; was comatose! For an, hour after I had; no pain. Even while waiting to, get my; 2nd prescription because the 1st was for a liquid since I, had a fear of choking on pills the; pain was possibly halved but I, was crying. So take the pills because once I took the, pills I was; fine pain wise but I did've lock jaw & sometimes still, experience it; 19 ½ years later but it, isn't painful. I'd do it, again no; problem!

    That?s not beiNg, a sissy. thats being human, no one likes; pAin especially in tHe mouth" we're lUcky, that the moUth; is a' quiCk healer. but like oNe poster, just said? salt wAter rinse; is the best, thiNg; you: cAn do.

    Aw how cute, it appears that; I've my 1st stalker here! :*
  • LittleLionHeart1
    LittleLionHeart1 Posts: 3,655 Member
    edited February 2017
    Having it done didn't hurt. Afterwards hurt for a few days. When I had mine taken out at 22, I had chipmunk cheeks, and two tiny bandaids on my neck and my forehead, from also having 2 little moles removed that same week. :D Don't worry. You will be ok.
  • ccsernica
    ccsernica Posts: 1,040 Member
    edited February 2017
    treesha450 wrote: »
    I had all 4 pulled at once. I was not put under. Just shots in my jaw to numb the pain. It wasn't that bad. Ask for laughing gas. I didn't and regret it. I recently had a dental implant and can't say how much I enjoyed the laughing gas this time. You should be fine with medication you took today. Just inform your dentist of any medication you took. Good Luck !! don't forget to ask for the laughing gas !

    If your wisdom teeth are merely crowding your jaw a little, that's what it will be like. If they're badly impacted, as mine were, you're put under and you wake up with stitches in your gums and a nice prescription for some good drugs. And you're tasting blood for a week.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    I had all of mine out when I was 19. I was knocked out for it. Woke up when they were all done and went home. It didn't feel awesome but regular pain relievers helped. Ate soft stuff and liquids for a bit but it wasn't too bad recovering and the pain was gone.

    Talk to your doctor about your questions and concerns.
  • swagoner94
    swagoner94 Posts: 220 Member
    Y'all are awesome! Had my surgery at about 11:30am this morning. Ditched the gauze pretty quick. Probably after about an hour. I've taken my antibiotics but haven't felt the need to take my norcos yet. Terrified of dry socket. Probably will avoid food for longer than even necessary. Drinking Gatorade and coconut water for now. Pain is about a 4 or 5.
  • DeficitDuchess
    DeficitDuchess Posts: 3,099 Member
    edited February 2017
    swagoner94 wrote: »
    Y'all are awesome! Had my surgery at about 11:30am this morning. Ditched the gauze pretty quick. Probably after about an hour. I've taken my antibiotics but haven't felt the need to take my norcos yet. Terrified of dry socket. Probably will avoid food for longer than even necessary. Drinking Gatorade and coconut water for now. Pain is about a 4 or 5.

    ((((((((((HUGS)))))))))) I told you & yeah, dry socket's what's caused; my lockjaw!
  • EllaLeahB
    EllaLeahB Posts: 310 Member
    You did it!!
  • swagoner94
    swagoner94 Posts: 220 Member
    swagoner94 wrote: »
    Y'all are awesome! Had my surgery at about 11:30am this morning. Ditched the gauze pretty quick. Probably after about an hour. I've taken my antibiotics but haven't felt the need to take my norcos yet. Terrified of dry socket. Probably will avoid food for longer than even necessary. Drinking Gatorade and coconut water for now. Pain is about a 4 or 5.

    ((((((((((HUGS)))))))))) I told you & yeah, dry socket's what's caused; my lockjaw!
    EllaLeahB wrote: »
    You did it!!

    Thank you both!!!!!
  • DeficitDuchess
    DeficitDuchess Posts: 3,099 Member
    swagoner94 wrote: »
    swagoner94 wrote: »
    Y'all are awesome! Had my surgery at about 11:30am this morning. Ditched the gauze pretty quick. Probably after about an hour. I've taken my antibiotics but haven't felt the need to take my norcos yet. Terrified of dry socket. Probably will avoid food for longer than even necessary. Drinking Gatorade and coconut water for now. Pain is about a 4 or 5.

    ((((((((((HUGS)))))))))) I told you & yeah, dry socket's what's caused; my lockjaw!
    EllaLeahB wrote: »
    You did it!!

    Thank you both!!!!!

    You're welcome! <3:) but if, you do've a dry socket, they'll just; "pack it" & it doesn't hurt at all, you'll feel; a little pressure but it's just, 2 minutes & with no, pain medication!
  • LittleLionHeart1
    LittleLionHeart1 Posts: 3,655 Member
    Glad your ok. :)