You hide it well

I am not so new to mfp but I am just now getting serious and dedicated about my weight loss and my health. I am 5'9"~ish and currently 193. At my peak I was 208, I consider my peak as my highest non pregnancy weight after my child turned 2. I don't look like I am nearly 200 pounds and that can be frustrating when people hear you talk about wanting to lose weight and all they say is "well you don't look it" or "you carry your weight in the right places" that's great to hear nice things, but it is very frustrating when I see someone who is a similar build and size and even the same height and when a discussion of weight is brought up they tell me that they are 135 or 145.... How much B.S. do they think I will really believe? I understand that people carry weight differently but if we are wearing the same size pants and we are the same height and your boobs are 3 cup sizes bigger than mine there is NO WAY that you are 50 pounds lighter than me! I am ranting now.... ugh! Not what I intended! Basically I am looking to find other MFP users that have the same or similar stats as I do so that I have an honest sounding board for issues and problems that arise with weight loss and being an above average height. My goal weight is to stay between 150 and 160, I was 150 from age 17 until 25 even after two kids, however after my third child I am concerned that getting back to 150 might be too small for my frame so my final goal weight is an average not an exact number. I started trying to lose weight when the scale hit 208 and I realized I felt like a stuffed sausage, My starting weight this time around on MFP is 195 and my current weight is 193. I am integrating exercise and diet using only natural methods to lose weight after a roller coaster ride on diet pills I am going the safe and healthy way! Add me if you are looking for the same or similar goals!


  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    I'm 5'11" and 182lbs down from 195. My ambitious goal is 154, but at 165 I'm going to have my Body fat % tested to see if I need to lose those last 10lbs.
  • jenc79
    jenc79 Posts: 16 Member
    I know what you mean - people always seem to think I'm about 3 stone lighter than I am (would put me roughly where I want to be) so don't get why I still want to lose so much weight!

    Last time I weiged what I weigh now I was 3 dress sizes bigger, too (and some old stuff kept, so not just new lines being made bigger!

    I think a lot of it is about body composition. Muscle is significantly heavier than fat for a given volume, so I must have a lower than average body fat %. I've been doing resistance gym work (to increase muscle as is more metabolically active so more muscle=higher BMR=faster cal burn for same activity = faster weight loss) so more muscle=heavier.

    BUT more exercise = more toned + better posture = look taller and slimmer. Also has side effect of more exercise= need for decent sportsbra= get measured and fitted properly = 2boobs not 4 =look slimmer.
  • leilani♥
    leilani♥ Posts: 579
    I'm 5'7'' and weight 179 lbs. When you look at me you'd think I weigh 150 lbs. I hear the comments of "you don't look that big" "you carry your weight well" etc. You are not alone :)
  • vcp214
    vcp214 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm 5'10" and 178. Even at 200+ pounds I got the 'you don't look it' a lot. My lowest adult weight was 155lbs at age 24 (before marriage and a child) and my husband said I looked weird. Right now my goal is to get to 174 and adjusting my goal from there- maybe 165.
  • elldeeldn
    elldeeldn Posts: 18
    Hey, I'm 5'10'' and weight 228 at the moment. I have even had members of the medical profession tell me "well you don't look very overweight". I'm not overweight I'm obese! and my mother-in-law, god love her, who is a tiny woman with a massive appetite (a feeder if I ever met one) has begged me not to loose to much weight, despite both her sons having serious weight problems which she goes on and on about at length.

    I was never quite vain enough to do anything about it, but recently hurt my back, which has given me the motivation I need. I may not look too heavy but I realise that it is still doing damage. My lowest weight as an adult is around 150-155, a UK 10-12 (US 6-8), I think I was a little thin then so I'm shooting for 160-170 and we'll see how it goes.
  • 1546mel
    1546mel Posts: 191
    I am 6 feet and was 260 in January. Even then, people said that i carry it well, but it did not matter what they said, only how i felt. I was fat, period. My thighs had bumps and ridges and i hated myself. Now at 220, i am starting to look good, and truthfully I dont care that i will never been 145, i just want to feel good and look good no matter what the scale says. Here's to a goal of 180 :)
  • CookieGem
    CookieGem Posts: 197 Member
    Im 5'9 and 167 pounds. People tell me all the time i dont look like im a size 16, which like you say is great to hear however I went into boots (chemist) the other day to invest in some lipobind and the shop assistant wouldnt sell them to me as she kept saying im not a size 16. I ended up getting very upset and pulling out the lable in my trousers.

    I am so determined to get to my goal weight which is 147 pounds as I also have back problems and hopefully the weight loss will help.
  • heath1981
    heath1981 Posts: 2
    I'm 5'8 and a massive 292 pounds, when I see photos of myself to me I look gargantuan, but my husband tells me I don't look that weight and it really doesn't help that friends give clothes gifts that are medium, or size 18.

    On the other side of the spectrum I have my Mum, who waited until my 30th birthday to tell me I need to watch what I eat because my size is going up and up (which it hadn't been, I've been the same size for the last couple of years).

    I'd like to be normal and get to a proper healthy weight, I know it will take a while but I'm determined to do it for my own happiness.
  • newmetasha
    newmetasha Posts: 22
    some people can weigh less and look bigger, My fiances mum is the same height as me as has boobs two sizes bigger & wears a 16 & im nearly a perfect 12 & is a stone lighter than me really weird :\ haha x
  • vaderq84
    vaderq84 Posts: 20 Member
    Welcome to MYP. Stay motivated and you will get to your best weight in not time.
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    I am 5ft8, at my peak I was 232lbs but even then people didn't think I was overweight - they'd never have said I was slim, but they didn't really think I needed to lose the 60+lbs that I did. I'd only gone up 2 or 3 sizes in clothes since my smallest when I was 17 (and a UK size 12).
    Most doctors didn't even mention my weight, it was only one that mentioned that I should probably do something about it because of the number.

    I've lost 50lbs as of today, and people keep telling me I'm already "there" and when am I going to stop, but I still have another 19lbs to go to get to the 164lbs (top of my BMI "healthy" bracket) and then I'll see...
    Personally I'm finding this goal thing pretty hard...most people would hate to be as much as 164lbs, but I already fit into a lot of my goal size, (UK 12) at 182lbs, and the items that don't fit quite yet are very close. I think that 164lbs for me will be much too small (UK 10, US 6) which is a bit unsustainable for me! ARRRRGH
  • Ashleypeterson37
    Ashleypeterson37 Posts: 347 Member
    Im 5'9ish too and am currently 198 and started here at my highest of 225. I got the whole "where are you going to lose 75 pounds from?!" talk too and just tell them im taller and can carry my weight much better then say someone who is 5'3. I also tell them I hide it and carry it very evenly and very well. It's really frustrating to have people tell you what weight to aim for and what they consider healthy for you. I was 150 at the age of 16-20 then I had a baby almost 3 years ago. The only thing I love about telling other woman my weight is that fact that they are SHOCKED! They all say, "No way! You can't weigh that much!" I'm glad I didn't LOOK like I weighed over 200 pounds :D
  • miss_rogerson1988

    Im 5 10 and at my heaviest weighed 232lbs, like everyone on this post i was assured i didnt look that big (whether people were just being polite I don't know. I have been dieting on my own since xmas and have got down to 195lbs however I have hit a plateau and feel like im loosing motivation? Hence why I have joined MFP hopefully someone else has been the same situation and can encourage me?