Sugestions please!

Before I started MFP I averaged about 2500 to 2800 calories a day, yes I know its a lot, I didn't work out regularly but I am somewhat active in my daily routine. Now that I am watching my intake and output I am wondering if I should record my daily activities in my exercise diary. I understand that they weren't significant enough bfore to make a change in my weight but it is a calorie burner so should it be recorded? Also, I am not sure whether I should "eat back" the calories I burn from my work out. I have succeeded in staying under 1200 calories a day regardless of calories burned, I am not trying to add "earned" calories to my diet I am just trying to get a more accurate judge of what I am burning. Opinions please, do you record daily activities or do you skip them? If you have tried both ways PLEASE let me know which method worked for you and why! Thanks for the input!


  • unique2myself
    unique2myself Posts: 27 Member
    I don't record "regular" routine activities and don't eat back calories.
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    I only record my exercise or if I do something out of the daily grind, like cutting the grass with a push mower for over an hour.
  • Krae79
    Krae79 Posts: 49
    I record my exercise if I am on the treadmill or go for a walk, ect. I don't touch any of the calories that I gain back from the exercise either.
  • GooneyAngel
    I do not record normal daily activities. I do record workouts. There are days that I burn almost 600 calories at the gym and I like the way MFP keeps the calories/food/workout in a simple format for its users. GL!!
  • BethGorton
    BethGorton Posts: 38
    Sometimes I add cleaning (only if it is vigorous and for a long period of time - over an hour).
  • MzPix
    MzPix Posts: 177 Member
    I don't record regular activities; only actual exercise or workouts or sports, etc.

    I have been eating back calories, but I'm starting to doubt the effectiveness of this practice as I've kind of quit losing weight the past week or two and it is discouraging me. I am thinking about NOT eating back calories for a while and see if that works better.

    MFP is the only place I've ever heard of that has a philosophy of eating back calories. I've been fence-sitting on the subject since I joined about 2 months ago.
  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    I only record actual exercise and you should be eating AT LEAST 1200. Your body needs that just to function even if you sat on the couch and didn't move all day long.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Before I started MFP I averaged about 2500 to 2800 calories a day, yes I know its a lot, I didn't work out regularly but I am somewhat active in my daily routine. Now that I am watching my intake and output I am wondering if I should record my daily activities in my exercise diary. I understand that they weren't significant enough bfore to make a change in my weight but it is a calorie burner so should it be recorded? Also, I am not sure whether I should "eat back" the calories I burn from my work out. I have succeeded in staying under 1200 calories a day regardless of calories burned, I am not trying to add "earned" calories to my diet I am just trying to get a more accurate judge of what I am burning. Opinions please, do you record daily activities or do you skip them? If you have tried both ways PLEASE let me know which method worked for you and why! Thanks for the input!

    My suggestion is to do a search on the forum for "eating back exercise calories" and read as much as you possibly can, then make your decision.

    With only 30 lbs to lose, I have my reasons thinking you should eat them back.