169cms and 86kgs

I have been on a weightloss journey up and down for basically my entire adult life. At heaviest i was 103kgs (227 lbs) got down to 76kgs, but have gained back 10 so I am at 86. I know i can get back to 76, but i have never been lower in my adult life and wanted to see if anyone else was a similar height/starting weight and got down to around 65kgs?



  • Kereru44
    Kereru44 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm 170cm tall and 89kg, I've never been bellow 73kg in adult life, 75kg is a comfortable weight.
  • Mirianna77
    Mirianna77 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there, it sounds very similar to me. I've been up an down with my weight, too. I started with lowest 57kg in my teenage years and gained max up to 99,8kg quite recently. In between I've been at highest 92, 82, 87kg and lowest mostly around 70kg and ones I managed to get down to 67kg. But I never reached below that.

    However, I'm not quite do using on my weight anymore. My goal ist to fit in my lovely clothes again. I'm sick of wearing leggings all the time. :-)
  • cmk5444
    cmk5444 Posts: 9 Member
    edited February 2017

    Only posting because of the height/weight numbers.

    Beginning of 2015 I was 170cm and 86kg. I cut my calories, upped my activities and changed my lifestyle. I am currently maintaining 60kg and I have been (with varying degrees of happiness and anxiety which is a long story) for months. I was 64kg Feb 2016. I have recently upped my calorie intake and levelled out my mood and I feel much better (part of the long story). I dropped between 1-2lbs a week in 2015.

    How do? I just changed my diet. I now run (since August 2016) which means I need to take more fuel on board. Food is now either a fat, a carb or a protein and fuel only. Because I need to eat to keep my head in the game and keep my body going I am changing shape and eating a shed load of carbohydrates. Weird stuff going on with me.

    I blow my MFP numbers off the scale and feel very negative physically and mentally if I eat greasy or sugary stuff these days. It doesn't help me support my lifestyle choices. I can no longer stomach fried foods, my tastes have totally changed (on a seafood thing currently). It can be done.

    Thinking about it, I spent a long time eating nothing but simple carbohydrates and low fat protein (chicken and vegetables) in 2015. Real "boring" diet. But it is fuel, not food. Not enjoyment. Nothing else. It's the thing that helps you do that other stuff you are doing, the enjoyable stuff. I have slowly re-introduced processed carbohydrates like breads and pastas as the weight came off, my mood dropped and my activities increased. I compensated. I think I have finally found a balance.

    You can do it. You really can. Track every last crumb. Be hideously pedantic. Get it in grams and if you can't account for the energy content, leave it and move onto something you can.

    You can do it. I got down to 64kg with control over food. The last 4kg has been because of lifestyle change. I have begun to be more accepting of how I am, and how my body is in relation to what I am doing. I dipped to 58.something KG. But I attribute that (on reflection) to getting a little too obsessive with numbers, a low mental state (from limited calorie intake, YMMV) and other non-food related issues bearing down on me. Much to my detriment.

    Anyway, long post. You can do it. You can, you really can. And you don't have to run to get there (though I have discovered running is really good fun).