Need a little help

Hi everyone!!
I am asking for a little help.
After 21 years of marriage I am finding myself in an awful divorce. I have always loved working out.... it was a passion of mine. Unfortunately, I can't get motivated. I left the marriage, not for another man, but for respect for myself and my children. But my self esteem is absolutely gone.....
I want to get back in shape but I lack the want, the drive.
So, I am reaching out. Can you help me?


  • Born_2_Lose
    Born_2_Lose Posts: 59 Member
    One baby step at a time. No matter what your going through in's those tiny steps that add up. Low self esteem, depression, whatever it may can overcome it one step, one decision at a time. Praying for you!
  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I hope you can find what you need here, do you belong to a gym? I find going to classes is a great way to get can try something new and maybe find a new workout that you love. Not sure how old your children are but maybe it is something you can all do together?

    I Have never gone through what you are going through but I'm sure it is've taken the first step and stepped away, now you just need to keep on going. One foot in front of the other!
  • rbpresley95
    rbpresley95 Posts: 14 Member
    edited February 2017
    I live way out in the country so walking is actually my choice of exercise. Right now, anything extra that costs money is really not an option. Soon to be ex is denying any support to me and making as many road blocks as possible. Sad But true. So, looking for low cost everything right now. My kids, 12, 14, and 17, are super active in sports, so I have always exercised while they were at practice. I just lack the drive.... I'm trying.. but just seems like I may be a little depressed. But, I truly think I just need a little support system that isn't tied to my marriage mess and it may help.
  • laceyslabaugh
    laceyslabaugh Posts: 113 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I was divorced in 2008 after 14 years of marriage (my doing). Looking back, I don't know how I survived the 1st year. I barely slept, barely ate - I worked long hours and took care of my daughters. But I do know that each day got easier. I learned to start doing what I liked and loving myself. That's a HUGE step. Do you journal? I bought one (and still write in it). I write good days in a colored pen and normal/sad days in black. It's very easy to look back and see that I'm having more good days than bad and I start to focus on that. You will get there. Logging, weighing, measuring and paying attention to what you eat will be a huge step! You'll get confidence back. We are here to help :)
  • hookandy
    hookandy Posts: 278 Member
    I lost my first wife back in 2000, I know it is not the same, but there are many similarities. I walked and did a lot of walking, Headphones on and stomped around. This gave me time and space to process. I know you have kids so not as easy (not sure how old), but if possible I would get out and walk. For me it was an added bonus it was exercise, but it did my head good. Your self esteem should be building, you have done the best for you and your family and have taken the huge first step in getting away from what was not good. Like me you will get there, life will be better and you will get there.
  • joannesimpson3399
    Hello...Need some inspiration. I had a hysterectomy last June and have piled on about 3 stone. Really hoping to make a big dent in this before summer. Got a LOT of stress going on in my life at the moment and really looking for some friendly advice
  • rbpresley95
    rbpresley95 Posts: 14 Member
    Hookandy.... you nailed it with earbuds in and stomp. I go to music for every situation in my life! I did do the right thing for myself and my kids. I probably should have done it a long time ago but I stayed and thought it would get better. Unfortunately, it didn't and now continues to get worse. I am trying to focus on my health and being a mom and just trying to be positive. My kids are 12, 14, and 17 and super involved. They are my life. I need to stay healthy for them but just feel beaten down by the emotional abuse that continues. I am truly hoping that having people to lift me up instead of being me down will help in the journey I am now on. I set a goal for myself and I am pretty sure I will achieve it.... i guess I just need to see I'm not the only one who is going through something awful. That's for your comment. It made me feel like maybe someone may understand.

  • rbpresley95
    rbpresley95 Posts: 14 Member
    You inspire me!
    I don't journal, but maybe I should. It seems as though I'm in a rut and don't feel like doing anything. I hope this all gets better, but from what I read.... it's not going to. I think I need to try and focus on the good things in my life and not listen to what "he" says.