How early do you get up to exercise?



  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,224 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I'm generally not an AM workout guy save for summer riding when I'm up at 5 and on my bike by 5:15.

    True for me as well. I am not a morning person. If I get up early for anything I am a grumpy bear all day. To save my family and friends having to deal with that, I choose to exercise later in the day.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I get up at 4:45 just to get to work. No way I could workout first. But I guess if I absolutely NEEDED to, 5 or 6 is the earliest I'd wake up for it.
  • jessiferrrb
    jessiferrrb Posts: 1,758 Member
    6:00 am - first alarm / snooze
    6:09 am - second alarm / snooze
    6:18 am - third alarm / ponder . . . 50/50 chance of snooze
    6:27 am - ok! i'm up, ugh. or screw it i'm not running today and sleep till 7:00 am
    i *have* to be on the pavement by 7:00 am to do my 2.5 miles (not much, but i want wine later) and make it to work by 9ish, i also sleep in my running clothes on run mornings so that all i have to do is put on shoes and grab the dog.

    strength training i do after work because i like doing it and it's not daunting at the end of the day but if i'm gonna cardio it's gotta be before my brain can protest the idea too much.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    When I was single and slept through the night I was asleep by 10 and up by 5 or 6.

    These days, I go to sleep later, get up later, and exercise at lunch and/or after work.
  • oldsoul918
    oldsoul918 Posts: 110 Member
    I get up at 2:50am and I'm at the gym by 3:10am on weekdays. I don't usually hit the gym on weekends, but if I do, it's around 7am.
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    My alarm goes off at 3:55; on the treadmill within 10 minutes of getting up. Surprisingly, it's not that bad - although I've been a super early riser for years. I like the fact that I have ZERO distractions from hubby and kiddo plus I can watch the news before I head out.
  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    I get up at 06.10 and exercise at home for 25-30 minutes.
    Then I walk to work or the station depending on the day and of course I do the same thing going home.
    Twice a week I go to a gym - pretty much straight from work.
    In between I hike, run and cycle if and when I feel like it.
  • curlsintherack
    curlsintherack Posts: 465 Member
    alarm goes off at 430am either running or lifting. I workout at home. Its been a bit harder now that the temps are below freezing when I leave the house.
  • MsUrsy
    MsUrsy Posts: 8 Member
    I tried last month, got up at 345am to be at the gym by 4am and then out of the gym by 525a, to be at work by 6am. That was short lived. If I have the urge to get up early, 4am is my time and stay home and use my elliptical. The only set back, is that the rest of my house is sleep and I want to crank up the music, urghh.
  • Ocrgrrrl
    Ocrgrrrl Posts: 189 Member
    Up at 3:50 to get started in my garage at 4am. I'm a morning person and have no energy after work.
  • Ms_Consistency
    Ms_Consistency Posts: 46 Member
    I'm a morning person. Typically up at 5:15, workout at 5:30. I workout in my garage so not far to go. I usually do a little walking after dinner too.

    I tried working out at night but had way too much energy. Like, scrub the kitchen floor with a toothbrush, energy! LOL
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    I wake up around 2:00-3:00. I like to get in a few miles with a weight vest before breakfast on non-lifting days. On lifting days, I do the same, but without the vest, and the walks are shorter and breakfast earlier, as I lift before work during the week, and as soon as the gym opens on the weekends.
  • Kristi26
    Kristi26 Posts: 184 Member
    My alarm goes off at 6am. I promptly flip my phone over to activate the snooze and lay there wishing that 5 minutes would last longer. I then mess around on my phone until 610. At that point, I drag my butt out of bed, brush my teeth, have coffee, read my bible app, lay on the couch awhile with my husband before he leaves for 7-715, I wake kids up to get ready for school. Once they are outside for the bus at 805 (while they get ready if I have somewhere to be), I start my workout at home. So from wake up to workout, it takes me about two hours to get started. ;)
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Between 4:15 and 5:00 depending on what I have planned for the day. I try to be done by 6 am, which is about when my kids wake up. So if I have a 4 mile run, I can get that done in 40 min, I can wake up at 5. Sometimes a heavy leg day will take me 1.5 hours though, so I'll wake up earlier.

    I then shower, get the kids ready, and leave the house between 7-7:15 am. I try to be in bed at 8:30 or 9.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    5:30am. I was a confirmed night owl my whole life and have been getting up this early for 2 years. I love it.
  • JenHuedy
    JenHuedy Posts: 611 Member
    When I originally started getting up for early workouts, it was so my brain didn't have all day to come up with an excuse to skip it. Now, I love running and lifting so much, I do early mornings because I never have to miss a workout due to kid's activities or social events or any of the other things that come up in the after work hours.
  • Allterrain_Lady
    Allterrain_Lady Posts: 421 Member
    kenyonhaff wrote: »
    S3r3knitty wrote: »
    I am amazed that some stand up so early to excercise at home. Somehow that sounds even more difficult. I don't know if I would have the willpower for it. The bed would be too alluring :D.
    I'll try to stand up tomorrow at 5am for the first time. Wish me luck. It's just a 30mins workout at the gym but I decided I'll go to the sauna afterwards as a reward.

    But there's no gold medals for people getting up early to exercise. A 30 minute workout done at 5 am or 5 pm is the same amount of calories!

    And some people are early birds, some are night owls. Some people really can't get going at 4 am for a run and that's not anything negative about them. Not everyone can or should be getting up early to exercise. And while it's a praiseworthy thing to work out early, it should not be seen as some sort of character flaw if a person can't or doesn't want to. (Some early bird types get really annoyingly judgemental about this.)

    So true. I'm an early bird (for workouts, I won't be able to do anything else). And I'm actually in owe of people that can work out at nights. I would NEVER go. Life happens all the time!! There would be excuses every night.
  • Allterrain_Lady
    Allterrain_Lady Posts: 421 Member
    I think what matters the most is to find what works for you, at a given moment in your life. We all have to go around a lot of things to try and fit exercise into our lives.
    I usually wake up at 6.20am to be at the gym by 7. I'm in a 'snooze button detox' and don't use my phone as an alarm clock anymore. So up it is. Gradually working on waking up at 6 to have a little bit more time at the gym. Work in progress.
    Gym is 10 minutes walking away and then I go straight to work (35 minutes subway ride).

    This schedule has been put into place because:
    - Almost empty gym in the morning vs crowded place at night.
    - No options to work out at lunch
    - I dread cardio and nead to do it before my brain figures out what's happening
    - No possibilty for me to have an effective weight lifting session on the evening. Too many tough guys in there. I feel self conscious
    - Something always comes up at night. Afterwork drink, at best. Last minute meeting at worst.

    To sum up, TETO!!! (To Each Their Own)
  • c50blvdbabe
    c50blvdbabe Posts: 213 Member
    415am. Unless I'm extremely tired or its extremely cold. Love to get it over with and out of the way. That way no excuses if something comes up at work and I have to stay late.