Breakfast help with no prep time tips please.



  • cyamissy
    cyamissy Posts: 14 Member
    I make egg muffin sandwiches or breakfast burritos Sunday night for the week. Hard boiled eggs are always a quick go to.

    Has anyone tried the overnight oatmeal breakfasts in a mason jar?
  • Lizakabibbis
    Lizakabibbis Posts: 370 Member
    I put my breakfast together the night before because I'm up at 4am and headed to the gym. 1/2c fat free greek yogurt, 1/2c frozen cherries, cinnamon, mix of hemp, chia, and flax, and finally - a dash of milk. If you like it sweeter you would need to add something but it's ready to go when I wake up and head out the door.
  • poisonouslyrics1
    Omelet in a jar. Tasty!!

    Fill pint size mason jars about half way with : meat (I usually use cooked chicken breast), raw peppers, onions, mushrooms and tomatoes. In the morning, crack a couple eggs (I usually do 3 egg whites) into the jar, add seasonings of your choice and shake it up. Pop into the microwave for 2 to 3 minutes, depending on the power of your microwave. This is enough time for the veggies and the egg to cook.

  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    I must really be lazy. Instant oatmeal, Maple and brown sugar flavour, 1 min in the nuker and a glass of skim milk.

    Protein bar mid-morning.

    Weekends are a different story.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I didnt mention this, but i work 2 jobs, sooo food prep is diffitcult cause i dont have much time

    Greek yogurt "parfait." Measure out the dry ingredients and put them in snack bags - I like Fiber One cereal and chopped nuts. Grab a yogurt & a baggie.....mix together & eat. Protein, fat, and filling.

    Crock pot oatmeal. Cook several portions at once and reheat for 1 minute in the a.m. Oatmeal made with milk for protein, add some chopped apples, raisins, or pumpkin (for more fiber) cinnamon for flavor......yum

    Homemade egg McMuffins are so easy........9 eggs + 9 egg whites. Bake in a 9" square pan. Store in baggies (with Canadian bacon) in the freezer. I like these thawed in the fridge the night before. But microwave to warm, while toasting a high fiber English muffin.....add a slice of 2% cheese....whallah!

    Make your own breakfast cookies & stash in the freezer:
  • UltimateTrashBae
    UltimateTrashBae Posts: 175 Member
    Oh, man. I usually have oatmeal, sausage, a fruit cup, and yogurt. It's 2min prep to microwave both the oatmeal and sausages. My breakfast costs me 480 cal but I don't need to eat another full meal until dinner at 5p.
  • GYATagain
    GYATagain Posts: 141 Member
    Broken record here -- I boil a dozen eggs on Sunday and grab one along with a banana, peanut butter, clementines. Won't go into how most Sundays I do prep our breakfasts, lunches and all veggies and such for the week. Such a life/time saver for the week.
  • lauriel680
    lauriel680 Posts: 1 Member
    I hard boil 10 eggs on Sunday night and peel them and separate them into individual baggies (2 each). I also divide mixed nuts into single servings. I divide fresh berries into single servings. Then on weekday mornings when I am in a rush, I grab a baggie of eggs, baggie of fresh berries and a baggie of nuts and I am out the door. I know some people think that eggs are bad for cholesterol.....but I don't really think it affects a persons cholesterol at all.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    My breakfast never takes longer than 5 minutes to cook ... and I use the time while if front of the stove to make my coffee and get in some body movements. ... it actually takes longer to eat than it does to cook the meal.
  • samuelgina91
    samuelgina91 Posts: 158 Member
    I find just the night before put 1-2 tbsp of chia seeds, 1/4 cup oats, a few drops vanilla, 2 tsps sugar (sweetener of your choice), 1/2 cup milk, and 2 tbsp of plain yogurt. Let it soak overnight, it flavors really well, and you can add fruit if you like but it comes out to 194 calories. It is filling, very filling, and takes about 1 minute to make ahead and can keep for a few days so you can 'meal prep' for 2-3 mornings. That with a coffee with milk and sugar and I am good for at least most of the morning. Total 245 calories.
  • sparklyglitterbomb
    sparklyglitterbomb Posts: 458 Member
    Once a month, I make a batch of "egg mcmuffins" and freeze them. I pull them out and microwave as needed. Also make breakfast burritos, breakfast muffins, etc.

    Or I go with Fage 2% or Noosa with some cereal mixed in

    Or toast with some cream cheese and/or preserves.
  • ejbronte
    ejbronte Posts: 867 Member
    I'm a Sunday prepper, too: breakfast and lunches for the week, dunk in freezer, microwave in the morning. I indulged in a few months' supply of 21-gram single serve packets of peanut butter. Typical breakfast is home-made bread (I like to play with different flours), this peanut butter, banana (or orange), and, most important: coffee.
  • Chadxx
    Chadxx Posts: 1,199 Member
    I usually cook some lean meat, egg whites, and veggies which doesn't take long but if I am short on time or just don't want to get out of bed, I will either mix up some oatmeal with peanut butter flavored protein, pb2, and sugar free maple syrup or some low fat cottage cheese and chicken sausage.
  • Zombielicious
    Zombielicious Posts: 246 Member
    Making overnight oats is fairly quick, and you can prep them on Sunday for the week. If you have about an hour or so, make a bunch of breakfast burritos (potato, egg, sausage, cheese) and freeze them for later. Just wrap them in a paper towel and throw them in the microwave when you're ready to eat.
  • cloverdaisy
    cloverdaisy Posts: 64 Member
    I bought a microwavable silicone omelette maker. It takes me 10 mins every night to prepare my breakfast. All you do is to throw everything you like in an omelette and microwave it for 10mins. I don't even use oil and it's great!
