Having trouble getting started.`

Hi everyone, I'm having trouble getting started with my weight loss. I have about 40lbs to lose.
I start off good in morning and by noon time I have blown it. I keep pushing it off to the next day and finding my self doing it all over again. Help,Help Help.


  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    Only you can decide to fully do this...it isn't easy for sure. Some things that help are: planning out your whole day and journal it ahead of time. spend some time meal and/or snack prepping so you have food choices that easily fit into your recommended calories. Drink lots of water...it helps the fullness feeling.

    I try to always have a baggie of cut fruit and/or veggies with me for if I feel hungry. If I'm really hungry, apples and celery taste great! If it is some other random emotion...they don't! (If I feel like it has to be chocolate, then I know it is something other than hunger talking to me).

    You can totally do this! And, it is so worth it!
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    First thing plug your stats into MFP so you can get your daily calorie goal (before exercise). Then get yourself a digital food scale and start weighing and measuring everything you eat and drink. Try to stay within your goal everyday. Try to move more, walking is good at first. Do this for a month and see how it goes.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    I start off good in morning and by noon time I have blown it.

    How so?
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,248 Member
    Is your goal too aggressive? Are you over eating, running out of calories, mentally saying it is just too much hassle so you will start the next day? More information would be really helpful.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    OP has nothing in her diary so far--so she can't know how much she's eating. First thing to do is start logging.
  • sarahbywater1
    sarahbywater1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone just completed my first day.
    I sympathise with you Mari been there before. I have litterly wrote everything I have eaten today as I go. Interesting to see the calories. Been to gym too and I am minus 500 calories. I hope this will work for me . Good luck to you too
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,694 Member
    Just keeping track accurately of what you are eating can be a revelation. I think most of us don't realize how much we eat, and how high the calories are in some of the foods we like best. Maybe try a week or two of tracking everything you put in your mouth. Then start reducing or changing some of your meals i.e. 4 oz. of meat instead of 6 or 8. Skinless chicken breast instead of fried. When you are ready, then enter your stats in MFP. Depending on how quickly you want to lose weight, it will give you a calorie goal. Don't be too aggressive with that goal, since losing 2 pounds a week means reducing your daily calories by 1000 calories, which is a lot. 1 pound a week works better for someone with less to lose, like you. Also track your exercise. MFP lets you eat back some or all of your exercise calories. That helps.