Lets try this again!

HI I am Paula, I have 68 pounds to loose and was told yesterday by my doctor, that yes I am fat and that he cant help! I seem to have an addiction to food, I need to overcome. It is taking over my life, this feeling ashamed and hating myself for being unfit, unhealthy, fat and ugly. I constantly think about what I am going to eat next and how long until I eat again.
I need to do this, I have to, feeling so low and alone.


  • shaleyvenz
    shaleyvenz Posts: 2 Member
    You can do this! I feel the same way about myself and have been trying forever to lose the weight. It is SO hard especially without support from anyone. I am just barely starting as well, got my gym membership yesterday and going to try my best to eat healthy today. I'm here if you need any support! Just try to remember food makes you temporarily happy but if we resist and choose healthy options we will be full and happy! I also wrote myself a note on one of the days I was extra motivated and I read that every time I feel like I'm going to mess up. Sometimes it helps and sometimes it doesn't, but worth a try!
  • 3rdof7sisters
    3rdof7sisters Posts: 486 Member
    Sorry that your doctor could not give you some ideas to help, but you can get plenty of help here.
    There are plenty of us that feel exactly the same way, myself included, and constantly think about food.
    You can absolutely do this! I am by no means expert, but since I started here 1/1/17 I have lost 16 pounds and am better off than I was a month and a half ago.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    Welcome! I've been on MFP for nearly 5 years now and am healthier than I've ever been. But to be honest I still constantly think about what I'm going to eat next :(
  • pteasdale1311
    pteasdale1311 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you, it is nice to know others out there are struggling the same. My daughters are fine and my husband doesn't need to loose weight. My parents are pretty good at telling me I need to loose weight, which doesn't help and my brother is a gym goer and often tells me I need to loose weight, but not in a good way from any of them.. this puts me back to where I started and pig out again and think whats the point. I have learnt that family members dont really want to listen to whats wrong, they just want to tell you how to change and that you need to change.
    Anyway I am encouraged already from the 3 replies and 2 friend requests I have received, I just hope I dont let myself down again.