Vegetable replacement!!

I love to bulk up my meals with low calorie fruit, veg and salads but I have a small boyfriend.

My boyfriend also wants to join me in this journey of weight loss but he has a massive issue with eating any fruit veg or salad besides apples and carrots. I can make soups for him with all the vegetables in the world in and he'll eat it but when it comes to every day meals I have no clue how to bulk out his meals without adding extra meat or stupid amounts of carbs.

Any suggestions on how to best help him along the way would be extremely appreciated as I am totally stuck for ideas.

Thanks in advance


  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I make a lot of dishes that include vegetables and meat, with the veggies bulking up the meal without adding calories. For example, I love these sloppy joes, but instead of all meat you use a bunch of summer squash too:

    Does he have a mental block against vegetables or he just doesn't like the taste? If it is the former, you could see if your library has either "Deceptively Delicious" or "The Sneaky Chef ," both of which hide vegetables in everyday meals.
  • firedrgn2000
    Is the issue that he just doesn't like them? If that's the case, have him try a small bit of a different veg every day. As for the fruits, I can't even fathom why someone doesn't like fruit.
  • Piglet_26
    Piglet_26 Posts: 104
    He seems to have a complete phobia about tastes and a lot about the textures........totally racking my brains on how to get us both eating healthier without breaking the bank or adding excessive cooking time into our daily meals.
  • SpaceMarkus
    SpaceMarkus Posts: 651
    Can he include a low cal dip, like low cal ranch or something to help ease him into it?

    I've also noticed that stuff from a market or fruit stand tastes WAY better than stuff from a grocery store.
  • skinnymel
    skinnymel Posts: 85 Member
    kids are notorious for this too...maybe you can get some good recipes from some of the family sites out there!
    also, yellow squash can be added to (hidden in) just about everything...i put a ton in a chicken pasta, and nobody
    even knew!
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    Hide it. Spinach in a stir-fry has virtually no taste.
  • purplepollypops
    purplepollypops Posts: 323 Member
    My hubby is the same, won't eat any veg apart from carrots and peas! It's a nightmare.
    I have grated courgette and onion into homemade pasta sauce before and he's never noticed, even complimented how nice it was! But I never told him until after he'd eaten it.
    He won't touch broccoli either unless I disguise it in bubble and squeak and he doesn't even realise he's eating it! You have to treat them like kids especially when they behave like them! lol
  • byroman
    byroman Posts: 75 Member
    I'm thinking you just tell him to man up and eat the veggies!
  • Piglet_26
    Piglet_26 Posts: 104
    Hiding the veg in meals would kinda long as it was well pureed. But when it comes to having for instance chicken and potatoes I can easily bulk out with fresh veggies and salad but I cannot do the same for him. Recently he's ended up with extra piles of potatoes or baked beans and of course too much of those all the time isnt going to do anyone any favors.