A Lighter Me in Mexico

Has anyone else had a experience with this clinic/I don't know what to call it. My friend called me this weekend and asked me if I would go with her to Mexico and have a gastric sleeve surgery with her because her insurance will not pay for it. I said no because gastric surgery is something I have thought long and hard about but not a road I want to go down. I don't have anything against it but just not for me. If my friend want to go to the clinic "A lighter me" I will go with her and take care of her and make sure her organs aren't taken or she isn't sold in to sex trafficking LOL. I have done some research on the place and have read good and bad. I was hoping someone or a group of you have been there and can give me some insight on the place and your experience. Is it safe/clean and are the Doctors as good as they say they are.

Thank you for any help you can give me.


  • guessjr94
    guessjr94 Posts: 32 Member
    Places like that will leave you dead on the table. All they care about is money.
  • Jennvandemark
    Jennvandemark Posts: 179 Member
    I agree!!! She doesn't want to hear that though.
  • alyssa0061
    alyssa0061 Posts: 652 Member
    That sounds absolutely terrifying. Bariatric surgery isn't something you just do over a weekend.
  • tmcj1971
    tmcj1971 Posts: 9 Member
    I had my surgery with A Lighter Me. You are actually there for several days. Very high quality care. If you wantvanswers to specific questions please feel free to ask.