Women with PCOS help



  • lilacs510
    lilacs510 Posts: 12 Member
    Has anyone taken vitex(chasteberry) to treat this?
  • Lipsmahoney
    Lipsmahoney Posts: 512 Member
    edited February 2017
    PCOS sucks but don't give up. I am a Cyster too .... down over 65 lbs since May 2016 and age 47. I am proof it is doable.
  • runningjen74
    runningjen74 Posts: 312 Member
    TmacMMM wrote: »
    I copied this into a note that I could reuse because there are so many PCOS threads, so my apologies if you've seen it before.

    I've had PCOS for 25 years, but only figured out how to handle it last year. Short version of what works for me:

    1. Set to 1.5 lbs/week.
    2. 150g carbs or fewer.
    4. 45 min of sweaty exercise, 6 days a week. Yoga and leisurely walks aren't enough. If you can't do 45 minutes all at once, just catch your breath and start again when you're ready, until you’ve reached the time.

    Insulin is an issue, so lowish carb and heavy exercise are key. They also help with satiety, blood glucose levels, and earning enough extra calories to stay sane. It can also drive down testosterone levels, which helps reduce some of the less pleasant symptoms.

    I started at 248 and am now at 208.

    This in essence.

    In addition, anything that increases activity levels, so I walk to work, walk to the gym, walk to my mothers,.....you get the picture.

    Strength work has helped me hugely.

    In short, for me, highish protein 120gm+, 100-150gm carb, high fat. Strength work, as much conditioning as I can handle, lots of low level movement. Calories for me work out at on average 1700-1800 but don't eat back exercise. (Translate I don't sweat a high or low day, but average the weeks calories) I'm currently 152lb and 5foot 1, with an under active thyroid.
  • treehugnmama
    treehugnmama Posts: 816 Member
    I started may 2016 as well down 66 pounds. pcos for 20 years. I find exercise and low carb key to keep insulin I'm heck for me. hormones seem pretty balanced at the moment and that makes all tje difference for my moods. I can't do bc it makes me crazy! since loosing the 60 periods normal for first time ever...I'm 40. still jave tje hair on my chin but it seems better too.
    feel free to add me...I have another 66 to go
  • KatEmmaMarie
    KatEmmaMarie Posts: 64 Member
    I have PCOS and struggled with weight my whole life. In 2011 I finally found the motivation to lose 80 pounds and I kept it off for a good 4 years. I met my husband and got a little lazy and with life style change I gained about 15 pounds. I've been struggling with infertility and finally conceived our first baby in July of 2016 through IUI. However, we suffered a late trimester loss in October...it has been an extremely hard couple of months and I've gained a lot of weight, both from the pregnancy and from depression after our loss. We recently started infertility treatment again and found out I'm pregnant again. I am beyond happy but very fearful at the same time. I'm also ashamed of myself for letting go of myself after our loss and gaining so much weight back from depression and grief. I am extremely motivated to be as healthy as possible for my baby and would love support from others. So please feel free to add me
  • tgcake
    tgcake Posts: 59 Member
    I have PCOS (and type 2 insulin-dependent diabetes) as well, feel free to add me if you'd like!

    I've been overweight my whole life, and struggled with exercise, diets, etc. I'm finally in a place where I can consistently stick to being active. Right now, the weight is coming off faster than I expected because I went from no activity at all to being active. However, there's a long way to go, and I know it's going to slow down, and I'll have to make more dramatic lifestyle changes. It would be great to talk to people who understand the struggle of weight loss and PCOS.
  • cnmarshall1987
    cnmarshall1987 Posts: 14 Member
    Having PCOS definitely adds to the already difficult task of losing and keeping off weight... Feel free to add... Glad to see women who can really relate to the struggle
  • memoirsofamber
    memoirsofamber Posts: 5 Member
    edited February 2017
    I was diagnosed with PCOS in July after the doctor asked me if I was ever tested for PCOS because of the excessive hair on my chin and neck. The results showed that I did, and for the first time I felt relief because I had answers to my health concerns. I had no idea what PCOS was so I did some research.

    I immediately joined a weight loss program and since July, I have lost 21 lbs. I've learned a lot on this journey so far, and I'm ready to step away from that program and keep myself going with MyFitnessPal.

    I would love to find an active PCOS community group to share recipes, exercise ideas, and tips with if anyone knows of one or wants to start one!
  • redseeker
    redseeker Posts: 9 Member
    I would love some friends with PCOS, so feel free to add me :) I've been diagnosed with PCOS for a few years, but only very recently have I really done my research and figured out what I should be doing/how I should be eating to treat it, hence coming (back) to MFP.
  • descene
    descene Posts: 97 Member
    edited February 2017
    I've been on metformin (off-label for PCOS) for about a month now and though the digestive issues were a pain, it's done wonders for my cycle and I can tell it has had an effect on my appetite and weight loss.
  • soechsner09
    soechsner09 Posts: 119 Member
    Hi ladies!! PCOS here too ... I was diagnosed when I was 19 (32 now). Feel free to add me!
  • bellaa_x0
    bellaa_x0 Posts: 1,062 Member
    edited February 2017
    While I may not have PCOS anymore, I was diagnosed at age 15 and lost a large amount of weight (in a very unhealthy way and developed an eating disorder) in my early 20s and it went away. I know the struggles that come along with it.

    you can't cure PCOS - you will always have it. your symptoms may just be under control.

    anyway, i also have PCOS (and an under active thyroid). i was formally diagnosed in December 2015 and prescribed metformin. i've lost a little over 30lbs since then (over 60lbs over the past 3-4 years). i use a different app to log my food, etc. but open to new friends, questions, etc.
  • soechsner09
    soechsner09 Posts: 119 Member
    Oh, and for anybody that's interested there is a PCOS group here on MFP you should check out:
  • thutch40
    thutch40 Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you lord I found this message board!! Weight loss with this in not an easy journey! Please feel free to add me! Been battling this crazyness for many years with having a partial hysterectomy & a list of meds from lupron to metformin now in a nerve blocker cause they do not want to remove my ovaries. Since 2016 I've lost 70lbs but now I am stuck at a number that my body won't let me budge from. Would love to reach my 100lbs mark. Any help or support I will gladly take! Have a great day!!!