Jogging Question

I started the Couch to 5K plan last night and I think it went pretty well. Near the end I really wanted to cheat, but I didn't, nor did I die.

So my question is, does it matter how fast you jog/walk or is effort more important. I briefly felt very defeted when I went to enter my exercise and on the list was jogging but the slowest speed was no where near where I was. I know with time I will get faster and I just need to start where I can, but I want to make sure I am doing it right this time.

Any thoughts?


  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    Slow and steady is the best way! I think the fact that you said you really wanted to cheat at the end but didn't (and didn't die) is FANTASTIC, FANTASTIC, FANTASTIC!! That's exactly the attitude that'll get you there.

    I've always been a "plodder" -- never really speedy, even after years and years. But now I can make it longer and longer without quitting, and sometimes I can even haul out a short sprint at the end if I want to. And hey, I've been doing this off and on for 12 years, so keep going. That first step's the hardest, and you already did that -- and did it right!! :wink:
  • twotfluty
    twotfluty Posts: 51
    First of all, congratulations on starting your training and great job seeing it through to the end!
    Don't be discouraged by the label on the exercise list-I have been jogging 3+ miles every day or so but I am a slow jogger and I have to input a fast walking time because that's what it averages out as.
    As long as you are doing the distance required and are pushing yourself to go a little further or a little faster each day than you are on a great track! It sounds like you are doing just fine! :happy:
  • jacque1109
    jacque1109 Posts: 129
    Go at your own pace... you WILL get faster, it just takes time. Great job so far!
  • DancinSMartiPants
    doing it at your own pace is the ONLY way to be successful. When people push themselves to go too fast they quit the program before they ever build any speed or stamina.

    Do you have a smartphone? If so, dowload an app for C25k. The one I have tracks your pace and calories burned. Then just enter your calories burned manually on MFP.
  • Riebop
    Riebop Posts: 275
    It's all about effort. I am not a runner... nor am I a jogger. I'm ridiculously slow when I attempt to jog and it's a tough workout for me. If you're getting your heart rate up, it doesn't matter how fast you're going.
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    go at your own pace, i started this last week and i was running so fast for that 60 seconds that i could only complete half of the session. the second time i reduced my running a little bit and could carry on a bit next time i will reduce it to a more sensible pace till i can complete the session.

    Its better to gradually go up a level at a time instead of going down like me lol
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I started the Couch to 5K plan last night and I think it went pretty well. Near the end I really wanted to cheat, but I didn't, nor did I die.

    So my question is, does it matter how fast you jog/walk or is effort more important. I briefly felt very defeted when I went to enter my exercise and on the list was jogging but the slowest speed was no where near where I was. I know with time I will get faster and I just need to start where I can, but I want to make sure I am doing it right this time.

    Any thoughts?

    Speed is totally unimportant to C25K. The entire point of C25K is to ease you into becoming a runner without hating it or injuring yourself. There should be no focus on speed whatsoever.

    It's also not that important that you follow the program exactly. If you need to repeat a day or even a week, that is absolutely fine.

    Just go at a pace which seems challenging but you're pretty sure you can complete. You shouldn't feel light headed and nauseated or anything like that. This program is designed to keep you from overdoing while still increasing your fitness.

    So many of us who struggle with our weight have an "all or nothing" mentality. If we didn't kill oursleves, it didn't count (could be working too hard, restricting too much, etc.). That "all or nothing" mindset sets us up for defeat over and over again, and one of the most important changes we can make along the way to better health is to stop being "all or nothing" thinkers. C25K is set up to help you break that mindset, too. So follow the program, repeat days/weeks if you have to, and just keep at it!
  • journeytoahealthy51
    journeytoahealthy51 Posts: 89 Member
    I have done C25K 3 times, and finished it for the first time last night. The first time I did it on the treadmill (over a year ago), I was jogging at 4mph and was having trouble completing my runs. I did most of it outside this time, so did not know how fast I was going. I had to do the treadmill the last 2 weeks due to extreme heat, and found that I could do 5.2mph w/o dying. I tried 5.3mph and about died, so backed down to 5.2. So, what I am trying to say is that no matter what speed you are going at, you are challenging your body, and preparing it for more. Just go with what you can do, and you will be able to do more each time. Do NOT kill yourself trying to do it. That totally defeats the purpose. Good luck!
  • bassettpig
    bassettpig Posts: 79 Member
    Absolutely start at whatever pace you can manage. If you need to, slow down. If you need to, go back and repeat a week. There is no prize for getting thru it at a certain pace or for finishing it up "on time" w/o repeating a week that felt too tough. Improvements in running come slowly--you have the whole rest of your life, so take it easy, don't get injured or discouraged and know that a year from today you will be amazed at how far you have come.

    (Went from overweight smoker to Boston Marathon qualifier, but it took 7 years.....had to take the time and put in the miles)
  • clsmith1733
    clsmith1733 Posts: 25 Member
    i walk i would die jogging good job maybe one day i will jog
  • minni2906
    minni2906 Posts: 182
    Speed is totally unimportant to C25K. The entire point of C25K is to ease you into becoming a runner without hating it or injuring yourself. There should be no focus on speed whatsoever.

    It's also not that important that you follow the program exactly. If you need to repeat a day or even a week, that is absolutely fine.

    Just go at a pace which seems challenging but you're pretty sure you can complete. You shouldn't feel light headed and nauseated or anything like that. This program is designed to keep you from overdoing while still increasing your fitness.

    So many of us who struggle with our weight have an "all or nothing" mentality. If we didn't kill oursleves, it didn't count (could be working too hard, restricting too much, etc.). That "all or nothing" mindset sets us up for defeat over and over again, and one of the most important changes we can make along the way to better health is to stop being "all or nothing" thinkers. C25K is set up to help you break that mindset, too. So follow the program, repeat days/weeks if you have to, and just keep at it!

    AGREED!!! I am NOT a runner. Started C25K a month ago and I am STILL on week 1, but I feel great after my workout. :)