charmainecurrie Posts: 435
Alright here it goes...I GAINED

I gained...yes I gained...fist time since I started with my weight lost journey...(that will never end)

I have no excuses...I enjoyed every moment of it and I didn't feel guilty at all...I knew going to the States was going to be fun..I was prepared for my gain...I have not had Olive Garden in almost 10 years...damn it was excellent!!

ate too much...didn't get normal daily exercise in...and didn't drink all my water...

I'm back on track today...what I would have done in the past is to blow it all to hell...
until I gained back all that I lost plus more..for me it's about learning moderation this time...

if you have a bad day...celebration...vacation it's o.k. But be done with it...don't wallow in your sorrows...brush yourself off and keep your head up...tomorrow is another day...


  • neonpink
    neonpink Posts: 203 Member
    Very well said !! this is indeed one of the keys to successful weightloss and a lifestyle change forever. Keep up the great work :)
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    Okay so you gained.....As this has to be a totally liveable change those things are going to happen. You were prepared for it, which is good. How often do you get to the states?? So you induldged. As you said today is a new day, the seat on wagon is ready for your behind cheeks :)
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Wonderful attitude. And probably, anything you did gain on vacation was mostly water so it won't be too terribly hard to get back off. But yes, if we're going to do this as a permanent lifestyle, there will be fluctuations, up and down. Glad to see you dealing with it and getting back on track. The guilt is the worst. I'm glad you're feeling none of it. :-)
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    love it!
  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member
    LOVE it. SO true!!
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    very well said ! this was me the other day

    "Right 4lbs up from a 10 day break!in the past i could put that on, on a 4 day break, so back on track, was a lovely break though :~) "
  • TrinaXL
    TrinaXL Posts: 39 Member
    I agree. indulge. you are NOT a bad person. I'm having Tuna casserole tonight. that's MY guilty pleasure. pasta, cheese, and tuna.
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