Anyone with lots to lose?

TheRaven2011 Posts: 14
edited September 30 in Introduce Yourself
Hi there. I already introduced myself further down in the topics, but I am looking for support wherever I can and hoping to find others with lots to lose. It is extremely overwhelming to have to lose half of my body weight. I need to take baby steps, but am looking for others to navigate the road with me! :flowerforyou:


  • tananichelle
    tananichelle Posts: 103 Member
    I'm looking to lose more than 130 lbs myself... Request sent! :)
  • I am. I sent you a friend's request. Everyone needs a support system. We can keep each other motivated :)
  • I am right there with you. I am trying to lose 100 lbs. Only 7 down---Very depressed this week. It's just not coming off as quickly as I would like. I have a goal of next June to have the 100 lbs off--not sure I'm gonna make it. At this point I would be excited about even 10 - 20 lbs.
  • JannineOwen
    JannineOwen Posts: 92 Member
    hi :)

    i have lots to lose, i need to lose at least 90 pounds to be at a weight i would be happy with, even after 90 pounds i would still be a little bit overweight but i don't want to be skinny anyway lol. feel free to add me if you'd like :)
  • peeaanuut
    peeaanuut Posts: 359 Member
    my total goal is 200 lbs to lose. I am down 17 so far.
  • Bunn11
    Bunn11 Posts: 47 Member
    yeah, -I know what you mean! Trying to focus on the smaller short-term goals first as my ultimate goal seems so far away !
  • ozgale
    ozgale Posts: 3
    I too need to lose a lot. I am at that frustrating stage...also emotional eating doesn't help. You can friend me and we can support each other. Good luck :)
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    If you lose even just one pound per week you'll be down 52 pounds by next June. 2 pounds a week will be 104 pounds. It's totally doable! Just hang in there and take those baby steps. Remember that the weight didn't go on overnight, so it's not going to come off overnight either. :drinker:
  • mrdavidjk
    mrdavidjk Posts: 105
    i am not loosing so much, but i am losing roughly 1/2 of my ideal weight.
    be sure to move temptation out of the way.
    i find it very hard to resist chocolate hobnobs
    but if you do falter don't give up, just become more determined.
    it does get easier as you go along.
    when i first started i was hungry all the time because i was used to eating to much, now i feel bloated if i eat anywhere near as much
    and as for exercise i could hardly do 5 minutes of easy exercise, today i did an hour of good exercise.
  • Angellore
    Angellore Posts: 519 Member
    I have around 100lbs to lose. I am always open to knew friends.
  • tramaine81
    tramaine81 Posts: 113 Member
    Start with setting NON-WEIGHT GOALS!
    In addition, log in your weight only once a week or once every two weeks. I check my weight daily, but I only update it after I have lost weight (ha ha). That way, I don't log set backs. It might take me two weeks to lose five pounds, but I wait until I have lost it to log my weight in. It works for me because I don't feel like a loser after weekends or during plateaus. The good thing about losing a lot of weight is that you don't have to eat a ridiculously low amount of calories. Just aim to meet your calorie goal and your exercise goal. After a couple of weeks, you will see what your particular rate of weight loss is (everyone is different). From there, you will be able to estimate how long it will take you to reach your goal.
    P.S. A big tip is it takes a while to regulate your calorie intake and eating habits. Seriously, unless you are a superfreak, it might take months to finally achieve your calorie goal 5-6 days a week. (I say 5-6 days because you will always have a cheat day or two if you are normal)
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    right add me,
    i dont know what you have to loose but dont look at it as a whole! break it up to loads of little goals like 7lbs,and then one bigger goal like 20lbs! and treat yourself when you hit them(not bloody food)!

    make sure you try to stick to a routine and EXERSICE not just 1 or 2 times a week!

    i have another 60 odd lb to go and exersice 2 xtimes a day EVERYDAY no excucess!!!!!

    do add me and look for other active(on the forums)people too you will need as much encouragement as you can get!
    good luck
  • ycooper
    ycooper Posts: 1 Member
    I have lost over 30 lbs so far in 90days! I still have about another 15lbs to go for my next 90 days!

    I agree we all need encouragement whether we have 5lbs to lose or 200lbs to lose! We all have similar emotions. Having the right support system and tools will help you reach your goals. I am willing to help wherever possible. I am just now adding exercise to my weight loss challenge. Having 4 small kids under the age of 5 keeps me busy and exercise usually is the item that gets pushed off the to do list!

    I use a diet and nutrition management tools and products to help with my weight loss. If you have any interest you can check out my website

    Good luck and Blessings to All!
  • plumpncurvy
    plumpncurvy Posts: 68 Member
    I have lost a little over 50 and still have about 120 to go, it helps knowing that were not alone! request sent :happy:
  • skinnybearlyndsay
    skinnybearlyndsay Posts: 798 Member
    Same here. My goal is to lose around 150 pounds. Friend request sent!
  • hillendahl
    hillendahl Posts: 29 Member
    I'm in the same boat everyone else is....If I lose 100 pounds I'll still be 50 pounds or so over weight....I wouldn't mind being 30 pounds I guess I have at least 120 pounds to lose...

    though my weight on my fitness pal only shows a 14 pound loss....I joined Jenny Craig before finding this I've lost 27 pounds in 8 weeks, only 100 to go.
  • sweetheart37
    sweetheart37 Posts: 174
    request sent have way over a 100 to lose and u picked the right place for the support welcome
  • brhiannalee
    brhiannalee Posts: 13 Member
    My total to lose is like 120 or so. Half way there with 62lbs. lost! It is tough but it can be done. I was just done with being so unhealthy and at the rate I was going I was headed towards diabetes and heart disease like everyone else in my family. My aunt had gastric bypass and seeing her be in shape and finaly start to really live her life in her 40's made me not want to wait any longer! I however believe 100% in losing it naturally! I feel it's safer and more of a triumph! Every little pound and inch lost is a small victory in my long war with weight issues! A war I will win in the end! When I first joined here I thought it would be imposible to lose almost half my body weight, then seeing people on here that have done it inspired me so much! I may not know any of you, but I am proud of you! No matter how much you have lost or want to, you're making a change for yourselves, and I know how hard it is so keep up the good work!
    Sorry for the novel. lol :0)
  • Gary6030
    Gary6030 Posts: 593 Member
    I am right there with you. I am trying to lose 100 lbs. Only 7 down---Very depressed this week. It's just not coming off as quickly as I would like. I have a goal of next June to have the 100 lbs off--not sure I'm gonna make it. At this point I would be excited about even 10 - 20 lbs.

    NOT SURE IF YOU ARE GOING TO MAKE IT!!!!!!!!! You have to determine that YOU WILL MAKE IT! You are much stronger than your body is allowing you to believe. Get out there and do it. I'm not sure what type of exercise you are doing but I would highly suggest getting a P90 Not the X, just plain P90. I'm doing them and they are awesome. You do those for 90 days. You would amaze yourself. When I started almost 4 weeks ago I couldn't do everything. Now I have 3 things I can't do and its just not physically possible at this point. So I modify them and get the job done. My abs are becoming hard my energy level is through the roof. I would also suggest the C25K program. Walk it out at first and then start running where you can. YOU CAN DO THIS DON"T GIVE UP ON YOU! I wish I could come and give you a big hug and a kick in the pants. You can reach that 100lb goal much earlier than a year if you put your mind to it! Keep up the good work and remember to keep moving!!!!!!!! I'm rooting for you!
  • What an awesome community! I did Weight Watchers in the past and those boards are BRUTAL!
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