seriously doing it this time

support needed...thank you. currently doing 1200 cals.


  • mantramoon
    mantramoon Posts: 31 Member
    Good luck to you! I've been on and off of here for years, and this time I'm giving it a serious try. I'm on my longest streak ever - 45 days, and so far 8 lbs lost! 1200 calories is impossible unless you exercise and eat back those calories, I've found. Make your calories count - eat the most nutritious food you can - as few empty calories as possible. I haven't been perfect - I go a bit over my calorie allotment more often than not, but I'm still losing gradually!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    edited February 2017
    Whenever I take on a new client or ask a gym member their purpose, they all give the basic answer "I want to lose weight and get fit."
    But when asked how they are going to do it, many don't have a specific plan of action. So here is a basic way to create a specific plan of action:

    1. Write it down and keep records (daily if possible)
    Daily schedule
    Month to month schedule
    Research to go to if you need help

    2. Be specific in your planning
    Know how you're going to achieve your goal
    Set achievable way to do it
    Implement plan consistently

    3. Set measurable milestones
    It may be weight loss per week (though it's not linear), it may be how much weight you can lift,
    how far you want to run by then, what your clothing size is, etc. Don't get overzealous though.

    4. Schedule how your day goes
    If exercise is going to be part of it, MAKE A SPECIFIC TIME for it. Same with sleep, work, and
    time with family or hobbies.

    5. Put timelines on everything.
    Don't lollygag on something like watching TV too long. It's easy to get lazy if one spends too much
    time on not doing something conducive towards their goal.

    6. Celebrate your successes
    Small ones matter and help create confidence on other harder goals.

    7. Know that there will be obstacles and deterrences and have a back up plan
    Things aren't always in your control, so have options available in case this does happen. My kid
    hasn't stayed home sick for a long time (almost 5 years now), but I do have a plan set aside if she
    does. Same with party invitationals and eating out.

    8. Don't stop till you make it!
    If you follow your plan consistently, you should reach your goal. Even if you don't meet it at the
    proposed timeline, DON'T STOP till you do!

    Hope this helps.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • ckfromedmonton
    ckfromedmonton Posts: 18 Member
    Ok me too. 10 lbs to lose (5'3", 131.6 lb). I have been trying to lose those lbs for 10 years no kidding. I weigh and measure (food scale) probably 80 percent of the time. I make good food choices most days, don't binge. On 1100 calories a day because I am small. I work with a trainer 3x week; strength training and circuit intervals for cardio. I don't move much else because of winter and time. In the summer I run too - 15k per week?

    My cryptonite is wine. So. Committing here. 2 glasses a week for a month to see if that changes things.

    My tdee is about 1400 but I don't want to go to 900 calories a day seems drastic and crazy. Even at 1100 I am often hungry at bedtime.
  • reyswife81714
    reyswife81714 Posts: 10 Member
    What has worked for me is going for 1660 calories I don't go over and try to keep 500 calories left over at end of day so far I've lost 3.2 lbs in one week only on week two now don't weigh myself till Monday but I feel and see the difference at the same time I'm meeting my goals without overwhelming myself
  • AverageJoeFit
    AverageJoeFit Posts: 251 Member
    Just what niner buff said. Small goals make big ones more manageable.

    Be in for the long haul and don't expect instant results. Be steadfast. Maybe start a blog and have it keep you accountable

    If you want to see my story or advice check out my blog
  • CalorieArson
    CalorieArson Posts: 32 Member
    Good luck! Just keep going one day at a time. We've all got each other's backs here. Feel free to reach out whenever you're having a tough time!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    Ok me too. 10 lbs to lose (5'3", 131.6 lb). I have been trying to lose those lbs for 10 years no kidding. I weigh and measure (food scale) probably 80 percent of the time. I make good food choices most days, don't binge. On 1100 calories a day because I am small. I work with a trainer 3x week; strength training and circuit intervals for cardio. I don't move much else because of winter and time. In the summer I run too - 15k per week?

    My cryptonite is wine. So. Committing here. 2 glasses a week for a month to see if that changes things.

    My tdee is about 1400 but I don't want to go to 900 calories a day seems drastic and crazy. Even at 1100 I am often hungry at bedtime.
    I believe you mean your BMR is 1400. If you're working out and even sedentary most of the day, your TDEE is likely around 1700-1900 calories. So you're in deficit 600 calories if you're eating 1100 which should be fine.
    Personally I'd add in 30 minutes of walking a day extra and see if that helps. I've done this with many clients who are smaller and gotten results.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
