Daily Logs, Weekly Goals, Lifelong Success!

Looking for like minded people who are taking this seriously! Friendly accountability will make this a much more fun journey!


  • Bad__Knee
    Bad__Knee Posts: 8 Member
    Hi jasonford269! You have a terrific attitude! I like your approach!
  • BecKinnz
    BecKinnz Posts: 4 Member
    Some days, the motivation I get from my fit fam is the difference between skipping a workout and getting one over with. Good luck on your journey, and definitely use the support thats out there when it gets tough
  • Tess5
    Tess5 Posts: 1 Member
    Yes definitely. I think accountability is key! Logging meals has been eye opening to me. Good Luck :)
  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    Daily logger...stayed under my calories 100% since 1/1! Now to just listen to my own advice and celebrate the 1 lb a week pace!
  • jainlor
    jainlor Posts: 7 Member
    just remember 1 lb a week is 52 in a year! you go this :)
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    Good luck Jason