Am I to old for the level of workout I do

I am 68 years old, I have lost 82 lbs. in the past year and 6 months. During that time I have been working out 6days a week
in the gym. 3 days a I do abdminal workout, and 6 day a week I do cardio work out. 6 days a week I do Weight lifting. day 1
chest, day 2 bicepts, day 3 back, day 4 tricepts, day 5 legs, and day 6 sholders.

My weight lifting program for the past 6 weeks has been 5 dif.exercise for each muscle gp. 4 sets 8 reps, with an increase
of weight with each set until the last set I can only push out 4 reps.

this next 6 weeks I have increased the number of sets to 6 , 8 reps. and increase of weight per set.

I have some questions

I have been told that if I increase muscle it will help decrease fat is this true ?
Am I to old for this level of workout ?
What should the rest period between workouts, to allow thw muscle to rebuild ?
I am not trying to be a body builder, I am to old for that , just trying to get in shape, am I to late/to old ?

I am in great health and have noticed a major change in my muscle mass.


  • Krohnie
    Krohnie Posts: 286 Member
    if you can do that workout you are NOT TOO old for it!! Keep it up!
  • JennieD2
    JennieD2 Posts: 66
    NEVER too old! You go for it! :bigsmile:
  • runnermama81
    runnermama81 Posts: 388 Member
    In my opinion you are never too old to work out! If your body is tolerating it you are doing just fine:) Muscle mass really does burn more calories as well..even when you're resting! You're an inspiration to me-I hope I am still in that good of shape when I'm your age!
  • PalmettoparkGuy
    PalmettoparkGuy Posts: 212 Member
    The other day I was jogging and this lady who had to be in her 70's ran past me like I was standing still. If you could do it, rock on.
  • beverlyl64
    beverlyl64 Posts: 381
    Your body will tell you if your doing to much. Sounds like you have a great handle on things and I say go for it. And yes muscle does burn more fat, so we all need to build some muscle and muscle at your age is a def. plus. Congratulations on your success
  • fruitloops313
    fruitloops313 Posts: 48 Member
    I think you are never too old as long as your doctor has no problems with it and you listen to your body:) Age is over rated anyway,lol. I personally am very impressed by what you are doing .
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member
    What an inspiration you are! Keep up the great work.
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    It's never too late and you are NOT too old. I am 21 but I got passed on the bike leg of my last sprint triathlon by a 69 year old woman!!! She had a huge smile on her face the entire race and all I could think was "kudos to her for being out here doing this and competing with people a third her age like its an everyday thing!"

    I'm no expert but from my research, don't do weights on back to back days. Three times per week is what most MFPers would suggest for lifting weights. Most forms of cardio are fine to do as often as you like as long as you aren't feeling bad pain (as opposed to normal muscle soreness). Decreasing fat usually happens through cardio and diet. Burn the calories and don't eat crap and you will generally decrease fat. Increasing your muscle will allow your basal metabolic rate (BMR) to be higher. So when sitting on the couch, instead of burning say 50 cals per hour, once you build muscle, you will burn say 65-70 cals per hour.

    Good job so far & don't let anyone tell you that you are too old!
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    I have been told that if I increase muscle it will help decrease fat is this true ?
    Am I to old for this level of workout ?
    What should the rest period between workouts, to allow thw muscle to rebuild ?
    I am not trying to be a body builder, I am to old for that , just trying to get in shape, am I to late/to old ?

    I am in great health and have noticed a major change in my muscle mass.

    1. If you increase muscle it will help burn more calories ... even at rest. So, that is kinda true. But to decrease fat, you need to find a good balance between exercise and caloric intake. ;)
    2. YOU ARE NOT TOO OLD!! Goodness! If only I could be that fit now! I'm 36 and you have me beat!! Good for you!
    3. This is something you would have to ask a trainer about.
    4. You are NEVER too old to get into shape. AND it is never to late to try to get into shape and be more healthy!

    You are an inspiration! Kudos to you!!
  • agleckle
    agleckle Posts: 235 Member
    You are never too old! Check out this lady:

    She is a body builder and she is in her 70's!
  • Robertlawnicki
    Robertlawnicki Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks for all the input it was just great. You all made me feel great thanks

    I forgot to mention that I track every thing I eat, down to the vitamin pills.
    I am on a 50-25-25 plan 50% of me calories are prot. 25 % carb and 25 % fat, is that an ok plan?

    Have to go for now off to the gym.
  • dcgonz
    dcgonz Posts: 174 Member
    I am 68 years old, I have lost 82 lbs. in the past year and 6 months. During that time I have been working out 6days a week
    in the gym. 3 days a I do abdminal workout, and 6 day a week I do cardio work out. 6 days a week I do Weight lifting. day 1
    chest, day 2 bicepts, day 3 back, day 4 tricepts, day 5 legs, and day 6 sholders.

    My weight lifting program for the past 6 weeks has been 5 dif.exercise for each muscle gp. 4 sets 8 reps, with an increase
    of weight with each set until the last set I can only push out 4 reps.

    this next 6 weeks I have increased the number of sets to 6 , 8 reps. and increase of weight per set.

    I have some questions

    I have been told that if I increase muscle it will help decrease fat is this true ?
    Am I to old for this level of workout ?
    What should the rest period between workouts, to allow thw muscle to rebuild ?
    I am not trying to be a body builder, I am to old for that , just trying to get in shape, am I to late/to old ?

    I am in great health and have noticed a major change in my muscle mass.

    Awesome job! You are never too old to take care of yourself. I'm 48 and in the best shape of my life. When I turn 50 I want people to say "Wow, she's 50"? I'm sure the same applys to you. I have just a few suggestions on your strenght training. If working out 6 days a week you should lift every other day and do your cardio on the other days. Combine your muscle groups, for example:
    Day 1: Chest/Back
    Day 2: Cardio
    Day 3: Shoulders, arms (biceps/triceps)
    Day 4: Cardio
    Day 5: Legs/Back
    Day 6: Cardio
    Day 7: Rest or a Stretch Day

    Do this for a month or so then change up your muscle groups so you don't hit a plateau. Something like Chest, Shoulders & Triceps or Back & Biceps, this is from the program P90X by Beachbody but you can modify it to however you want.

    Good Luck to you!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    You got a lot of advice, I just want to say keep it up! But what you've done in the last year and a half you have probably added 10-15 years to your life! Weight training keeps the muscles strong and keeps your bones from breaking down and getting brittle.

    I'd make a good protein shake after your workout to keep your muscles building and regenerating.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    If you honestly have a question about your limitations as it pertains to your health and body function talk to your doctor. Otherwise, do what you're comfortable with.

    otherwise, don't weight train the same muscle groups 2 days in a row, that will give your body time to repair.
  • kaymayscool
    Congratulations on your weight loss! As long as you feel great and you are seeing a noticable change then GO FOR IT! What a great achievement for you!!!

    Yes, it is true that when you increase muscle you decrease fat. This makes your BMI index go down too. It sounds like you have a great exercise program going and it is working for you. You are not too late nor are you too old!

    Looking at me now you might wonder what I know about weight management and weight training. But, I use to work out with weights for many years before I got sick with cancer. So, I hope sharing with you what I know will help you.

    In regards to how long you should wait in between reps. It really depends on what your goals are. If you are trying to improve your activities in a short period of time, then I would go with 3-5 minute rests. The longer your rest periods are generally better for you if you are wanting to build strength. Our bodies require at least 3 minutes to get its strength back for our next set. Once our energy has been replenished, we can lift a heavier weight for more reps.

    If you are looking to build mainly muscle mass, then taking a shorter rest in between sets works better, such as 45-60 seconds. The main thing is not to lift the heaviest weight you can, but to place stress on your muscles and then working them again before they have the chance to recover. This works best if you do the 8-12 rep ranges like you are wanting to. Your muscles will recover slowly as you take time to rest..

    I think rest periods are different with each person, it just depends on your own body. There are certain things that you need to look at when on a workout regimen.

    Your diet, how hard you work out, your health in general - do you have a cold or getting the flu, did you get enough sleep the night before and are you stressed out?

    I think you have to just rely on your own body and how it feels to you. If you feel like it is too much, then adjust what is right for you. No matter what you do, ANY exercise is good for you.

    Keep up the great work!