I'm Terrible at Introductions

Hi, my name is Tammie and I'm fat. It's been a steady decline mostly due to a self-destructive lifestyle after my divorce with a little help from a surgery.

Now, I want to take charge again. I want my waist back, my *kitten* back, I want my knees to stop hurting, I want to stop having more than one chin and I want to be able to walk up a couple of flights of stairs without feeling like I'm going to go into cardiac arrest. I want to wear what's in the left half of my closet. I want...I want...I want...right?

My eating habits are mediocre...but I indulge in the bad foods, usually on the weekends. I like having a drink when I come home from a hard day of work/school and the thought of getting up early to exercise makes me want to crawl into hiding beneath my covers.

I've "started" dieting probably a hundred times this year, usually on Mondays, and by Friday I've blown it so I write the week off, eat awful stuff the rest of the weekend and start over again on Monday. This is my pattern.

In the last ten years, I've packed on 65 lbs and I am MISERABLE over it.

So, here I am, trying again. I'm going to do my best to quit with the excuses...if I fall down, I'm going to try to immediately pick myself back up and get back on track. I'm trying out jogging with my dog as we both need the work and it's my hope that I find it within myself to stay on it because I really, REALLY do want this.

Anyway...hi! This is me!


  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    Hi Tammie! Good humor, great profile pic! Add me if you like.
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    read like a pretty good intro to me!

    Add me if you like.

    welcome to MFP.

    now....go workout! :happy:
  • alansangel104
    Nice to meet you Tammie. I have definately been there before (starting and quickly falling off diets), but this website and my friends have really helped me. Feel free to add me if you want! We can encourage each other.
  • fitmomma23
    fitmomma23 Posts: 94 Member
    Well Hello! You have come to the best place. This site is SO supportive and the people on here are so inspiring and wonderful. You can do this! We are all here for the same reason, because we have tried it alone and just couldn't keep going. We are here to help!! You can add me if you like. Good luck to you!!! If you ever want a pick me up, just go to the "success stories" section in the community, I am addicted to it. So awesome. Ü
  • bethy0316
    bethy0316 Posts: 75
    You just made me crack up ... add me and I will support ya!! :)
  • crazymama2two
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    You're really NOT terrible at intros! One thing I would say, if you have sore knees (like me) be careful about running with your dog - I have three and i find a really fast paced walk does just as well without the pain afterwards - maybe once we reach our target weight we can run with them once more...? Feel free to add me if you like! x
  • thurberj
    thurberj Posts: 528 Member
    Hi Tammie:-) You got me at I like to have a drink.....haha as that is one of my challenges as well as the fact that I am 56 and only 4"11". My husband and I are very social and entertain quite a bit so this is a real lifestyle change for me. Add me if you like:happy:
  • WMG1137
    WMG1137 Posts: 8
    Hi Tammie!

    You're not bad at introductions, if I could write an introduction the way you did it would be almost the same. The knees, the chin, the cardiac arrest!

    I've gotten rid of most of the bad food, and I save calories for the drink are the hard day at work.

    When I go out for a walk I call it "I'm going out to look my old butt!"

    Very funny!
  • jamhamster
    jamhamster Posts: 98 Member
    Hi welcome i've only been on here just over a week, like you i'm always starting diets and giving up and eating food I really know I shouldn't. so far i've found this site a real help everyone is so nice and supportive and It's the 1st time i've found something that seems to be working Add me if you'd like and good luck with your journey
  • hefinator
    hefinator Posts: 260
    Welcome Welcome! No More excuses, you can acheive your goals!! I'm with you, I really WANT to wear the clothes hiding at the back of my closet!! Add me and we can do this together!
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Hi! Great intro!

    I'm fairly new to MFP, but not to weight loss... and I have to say, with your attitude I'm fairly certain you will succeed. The biggest hurdle to losing weight (and keeping it off) are the mental battles. And a positive (and humorous) attitude will get you far. :happy:
  • amandalynn21
    Way better intro than I could have written, welcome and feel free to add me. I know (and I'm sure many many here) know, exactly what it feels like to diet Monday blow it by Friday!
  • digitalsinner
    Wow! Thank you everyone for all the support and encouragement. I was surprised to see so many responses so quickly.

    I'm trying to add those of you who said to...being new to this type of environment to assist with my weight loss, I definitely need all the help I can get. But apparently you can only add so many people every ten minutes. ...silly website.
  • benodie
    benodie Posts: 231 Member
    ha ha! What you've written could be about me!! especially the drink bit! I just couldnt have written it as well as you! wishing you lots of luck! friend me if u like :)
  • twistedsista0408
    Hey Tammie, I love your Zombie reference! They say "fat" people are the first to die in Zombieland because of "no cardio!" We are all in this together, this is a great site and people are very supportive! Glad to have you onboard, now, don't quit!

    Cheers, add me if you like :)