Waking up early to exercise

I work at a swim school, and new policy lets staff members swim in the facility before we open for lessons. So I'm planning to get up at 6:15am tomorrow to swim. I know for some people this would be easy, but while I do want to swim, I don't sleep well, so I'm dreading the early rising a bit.

But I've set my alarm, I'm going to do it!

My work offers this Mon, Wed, and Fri. Right now I'm just planning on Monday. Baby steps, right? I do exercise daily, but this is a step above for me because I normally work close, so I'm not usually waking up at six.

Anyone else making the time in the morning to exercise? Or just exercising when they normally don't?


  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    Just suck it up the first day and be tired, you'll want to get to bed earlier hopefully that night and it should get easier within just a few days. I'm trying to get an half hour or so run in before my work days this week so I'm being mindful about bedtime as well.
  • TracyAnnWick
    TracyAnnWick Posts: 1 Member
    Tuesday morning I'm starting a aquacise class at the YMCA. My sister is joining me so we can support each other and keep each other on track. Maybe working out in the morning will motivate me better than being dead tired after work and just saying forget it.
  • AlyssaPetsDogs
    AlyssaPetsDogs Posts: 421 Member
    I envy the people who can get up to work out! I have successfully woken up to hit the gym before school maybe a handful of times. Most of those times were when I was meeting a friend. I always tell myself I will wake up early to go workout, but end up sleeping more.
    It was just something I learned about myself. I'm happy to fit my workout in after classes. I think the important thing is making time for it at all!

    Good for you for going and I hope you have better self control than I do! :)
  • cessi0909
    cessi0909 Posts: 654 Member
    Alright, it is 4:30am where I am and I am up! Did you get up in time?
  • neldabg
    neldabg Posts: 1,452 Member
    Saaski wrote: »
    @cessi0909 I did! I got up, drove over, and was in the pool for an hour! I only was able to swim consistently for 15 minutes (and did 200 yards, haha), but I either kicked with a board or walked for the rest of the time. For me, it wasn't a bad first day.

    In fact, I even managed to get up a little earlier than I "had to" in order to do some of my regular morning stretches and my handstand practice. :smiley:

    Congratulations on getting up and going! :D It really does get easier. I myself sometimes wake up earlier than my alarm clock to exercise in the morning.
  • tiny_clanger
    tiny_clanger Posts: 301 Member
    I'm up at 6 to leave the house to run to work at 6:45 most mornings. I tell myself it is a priviledge to be outside at that time of the morning, when the birds are waking up and the sun is rising (doesn't always convince me though!)
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    I was a confirmed night owl but when life changed for me, I had a choice--either stop working out or get my butt up at 5am. I chose to get up at 5am. I've been doing it for 2 years now and absolutely love it. Today was a rest day and I *almost* got up and went to the gym anyway. I love starting my day with a good workout and I love knowing that I can go straight home from work and not have to stop at the gym with every other person. (another bonus, 5am at the gym is quiet. Sometimes I have it to myself)

    The early morning routine takes getting used to but you'll become accustomed to it.
  • Fallfrenzy
    Fallfrenzy Posts: 118 Member
    I prefer getting up in the mornings to exercise. If I try exercising after work, it would be too easy for me to get lazy and just skip it from being tired from working. I do feel more energetic after working out. As others have said you get used to it after a while and it becomes a habit.
  • JenniferMacdonald2015
    30/F/TN : I have such a hard time getting up in the morning. Even though my girlfriends alarm goes off at 5:30 everyday for work, I just pull the covers over my head and go back to sleep. I really shouldn't but I looove sleeping so much. But I also hate it because then I feel like a lazy a hole and I feel sluggish. I really need the boost that a morning workout gives me. I feel like if I could have someone to connect with in the morning who's working out like me, I would be more likely to stay committed to it. If you are an early riser, (or want to be one) ADD ME and we can check in with each other in the am and keep each other on track
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I've been getting up early to workout before work for over 3 years now. It feels weird at first, but eventually just becomes normal routine.
  • MarylandRose
    MarylandRose Posts: 239 Member
    I get up at 4:30 three days a week to get to 0530 fitness classes at the gym, and then up at 6 for a 7 am class on Saturdays. That's my limit though - I've tried, and I can't sustainably get to more morning classes than that or I get impossibly short on sleep over the course of a week. But those mornings are enough - I feel great, and M/W/F I know that no matter what happens at work, I've already accomplished something for the day. And on Saturdays, I love that I'm up and have worked out by the time other people are getting up at 8, plus then I can go do whatever I want with the rest of my day.
  • MsDavis99
    MsDavis99 Posts: 101 Member
    edited February 2017
    4:15am Mon-Friday. it was super hard at first but then my body got use to it and now im awake before my alarm. I have been told that you burn more calories in the am when you haven't eaten so that's a little motivation for me right there. The more calories I burn the better. I also use pre-workout, it jump starts my body in the AM so I can kill my workouts. plus the gym is emptier in the mornings :)
  • cessi0909
    cessi0909 Posts: 654 Member
    Saaski wrote: »
    @cessi0909 I did! I got up, drove over, and was in the pool for an hour! I only was able to swim consistently for 15 minutes (and did 200 yards, haha), but I either kicked with a board or walked for the rest of the time. For me, it wasn't a bad first day.

    In fact, I even managed to get up a little earlier than I "had to" in order to do some of my regular morning stretches and my handstand practice. :smiley:

    Woo hoo! That is awesome, very nice job!
  • canary_girl
    canary_girl Posts: 366 Member
    You get used to it. I'm up at 3:30 to be at the gym as close to 4am as possible. Lift and spin class, home to get kids to school, then off to work for me. Home by 5pm, clean up dinner, getting kids to bed. I wouldn't work out if I didn't do it mornings.
  • papercut2k
    papercut2k Posts: 83 Member
    Just started a couple of weeks ago to wake up early for my 5 am workout class on Mondays and 5:30 am general gym sessions. I can't stand getting up early and will literally stare down the red glow of the LED clock face for about 5 minutes after the alarm goes off. Then I would slowly roll out of bed to get it over with.
  • Saaski
    Saaski Posts: 105 Member
    @papercut2k I literally factored in time in the morning to "be sad" before getting up out of bed. Then it's up, morning routine, stretches, and bathing suit on to go to the pool.

    I've managed Monday and Wednesday so far this week, and I think I'm going to try to stick to both those days, instead of just Monday like I originally planned. Friday is my rest day and I have to be at work early anyway, so I want to get what sleep I can! But still, twice a week is a good start, I think.