Lost it before, I can do it again right?



  • hsydness
    hsydness Posts: 1 Member
    IN the same boat too.

    I am around 325lbs and need to get down to 220 (or less), I was down to 250, the climbed up to 320, then down to 280, then back up again. Biggest problem for me is my work. I work in a very remote location for a month at a time, with buffet style meals, and usually "good" foods at every meal. I have managed to cut out in between meal snacking (there are cakes, cookies, muffins, trail mix, very little fruit) and have started counting the calories again. Hopefully it will work. I have also started being more active/exercising again... But it is very tough.

    My biggest problem is I have no interest in being an athlete, but it seems to be sort of necessary to maintain any kind of lifestyle, if one should be able to eat any kind of "good" food (good as in bad foods). I have given up all sugared drinks, I drink Coffee, with a splash of 1% only, but it is tough tough tough...
  • Chadxx
    Chadxx Posts: 1,199 Member
    Of course you can do it. Just make responsible choices one day at a time and you will get there.
  • MayitaSan
    MayitaSan Posts: 1 Member
    I've also experienced weight gain the past 3 years. Right now I am 25 years old, 5'7'' at 177 pounds. My heaviest was at 200 when I was in high school and lowest was 138lbs in college. I'd lost 25-30 pounds in an unhealthy way in college by taking extremes: exercising 6x a week for 1.5 hours/session and ate super low cal ~1000-1200.

    Long story short, I gained 30+ pounds cumulatively two years ago after I had a pituitary disorder and had unbalanced hormone levels for a couple years.

    Now I'm trying to get back on track. I'm doing well with my exercise, since I go to the gym or park regularly 3-5 times a week BUT I reaaaaalllllyy struggle with my food. I feel embarrassed and ashamed but I am trying to be kind to myself and take it one day at a time.

    YOU CAN DO ITTTT!!! and even if I don't feel like it, SO CAN IIII!!! (=
  • gomezdiana06
    gomezdiana06 Posts: 71 Member
    Omg im in the same situation lost about 15lbs and started feeling really good about myself got allot of compliments but i wasnt done i wanted to lose 25 total.but then, i slowly started eating more without tracking my self and stopped working out cause i was thinking i still look good but as days passed months passed and i gained every single pound back plus an extra 5 I have been trying to get back to eating health and working out but its so hard ill fall off from my calories then call it a loose and eat everything in sight and start all over the next day. This is getting old and i really need to stick with it, i want to feel good again, i need help and motivation, please add me and we can help each other get back on track
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    I lost over 60 lbs a few years ago, over the summer and my senior year of high school. My methods were not sustainable and I had no plan or understanding about maintenance, I just exercised a lot and ate very very little. I gained it back so quickly, which lead me to almost daily struggles with binge eating, and gaining almost 20 more pounds than I started at.
    I'm currently down 30 lbs from my heaviest, which I have maintained for about a year with some mild ups and downs. It's been hard for me to get back into a deficit at times, but I think time focusing on maintenance has been good for me. I've worked on creating better habits, like eating more whole foods. I go to the gym 4-5 times a week to lift and do cardio because I've learned to enjoy it. Lifting has also changed my body composition a lot, I look at lot better at my current weight than I did in the past.
    My goal right now is to lose another 25 lbs, putting me at 160 at 5'1'', and then take some time off before deciding how much more I want to lose and also to focus on muscle building/performance for a while.
  • larkiedeek
    larkiedeek Posts: 203 Member
    Same. Lost it over 9 months. Held it for 6. Put it all back on dealing with life. Strange thing is I always do well just by coming in here and knowing I have to record my weight.
  • ehabyounes
    ehabyounes Posts: 4 Member
    So a few years ago alongside Jillian Michaels dvds and this lovely site I lost 96lbs. I was looking and feeling so so confident and fit. Then I got complacent. I skipped workouts, had one too many high calorie days and in the space of 18 months I'd gained every single pound back. Yup and another twenty on top!

    Trying to get this going again to get myself on track. Last time I was unemployed and didn't have a social life. Now I'm trying to fit this around work and my boyfriend and it's much harder. I've done it before, I can do it again.

    Looking for some friends in the same situation or those with a lot to lose, I'm aiming to get down to 220lbs and reevaluate there so I've got 120lbs to lose this time around and I'll be in this for the long run. Down almost 10lbs already in the last two weeks so I'm on my way. Feel free to add me lovelies
    Lynds x
    So a few years ago alongside Jillian Michaels dvds and this lovely site I lost 96lbs. I was looking and feeling so so confident and fit. Then I got complacent. I skipped workouts, had one too many high calorie days and in the space of 18 months I'd gained every single pound back. Yup and another twenty on top!

    Trying to get this going again to get myself on track. Last time I was unemployed and didn't have a social life. Now I'm trying to fit this around work and my boyfriend and it's much harder. I've done it before, I can do it again.

    Looking for some friends in the same situation or those with a lot to lose, I'm aiming to get down to 220lbs and reevaluate there so I've got 120lbs to lose this time around and I'll be in this for the long run. Down almost 10lbs already in the last two weeks so I'm on my way. Feel free to add me lovelies
    Lynds x

  • ehabyounes
    ehabyounes Posts: 4 Member
    Same boat, I was 130 kg 3 years, lost 25 of them, then oooops back each single KG.. I believe I can do it again, started 2 weeks ago 5 down 25 to go.. support is always needed in such journey.. how can I add u as a friend...please