Hi Everyone! New To MFP

I am Christie and have been here since Jan, I started working a full-time job that has keeps me moving from the time I walk in the door. I am following a low carb high fat (LCHF) diet that is working wonders for me, since Jan 17 Iost 13 lbs, I am averaging 1-2 lbs a week, which is great, and what I am aiming for.

My goal is to lose 50 (47 now) more pounds, gain more muscle, get my anxieties under control, and give relief to my joints in which I suffer with fibromyalgia.

All the best to everyone, feel free to add me as a friend, together we can do this.


  • jm1420
    jm1420 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Christie, I'm Jenn. Congrats on your weight loss so far! You sound like you really have a handle on it. I have been in and out of MFP for years, but not very active on the boards and always dropping out after a few days or weeks. Lots of personal stress going on and at my highest weight. Today I woke up fiercely wanting change. My daughter is active on here and is doing amazing. A great inspiration! I'm lacking focus right now being a caretaker to 2 large dogs recovering from surgeries, and my husband who is chronically ill and in and out of the hospital. I'm looking for ways to eat better, get in my exercise now that both dogs are temp out of commission, needing supervision....and generally feel better about myself. I am 57 but feel 80. I know I can make the change...with the right mindset!! My goal is to lose 35 - 40lbs. I'm still figuring out the community website...not the most tech smart person!
  • pcschristie
    pcschristie Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you Jenn. I am sorry for all your stress, and pray that things get better soon. In know how you feel, I am 46 and sometimes I feel 80, and yes, we do need the right mindset. I just discovered the community forums, not really active myself in them, but I am here to help anyone who needs some encouragement too.
  • jm1420
    jm1420 Posts: 6 Member
    After I wrote that....I thought maybe I should've said 100. I know some very healthy and active 80 year olds who've taken care of themselves and probably feel better than I do :) Thank you for the good thoughts. This too shall pass.