New with 100+ to loose!

dvoross Posts: 39
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone. My name is Toni and I'm 37 from Indiana and I have over 100 pounds to loose and I have no motivation what so ever. I've been on the roller coaster for 5 years now and have managed to loose 50 pounds, but as of today, I have gained back every single pound. I'm tired of being overweight and I want to feel pretty again. I've tried every diet out there, I just can't seem to stop eating! HELP! Any support would be more than welcome!


  • dvoross
    dvoross Posts: 39
    Hello everyone. My name is Toni and I'm 37 from Indiana and I have over 100 pounds to loose and I have no motivation what so ever. I've been on the roller coaster for 5 years now and have managed to loose 50 pounds, but as of today, I have gained back every single pound. I'm tired of being overweight and I want to feel pretty again. I've tried every diet out there, I just can't seem to stop eating! HELP! Any support would be more than welcome!
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    Welcome Toni! You can do it, I want to loose about 100 over all. Start with mini goals, when I think of 100 pounds I'm like WHOA that's the weight of one of my children! You can do it! This site is GREAT, it's helping me a lot and this boards are great for when I have the urge to just eat mindlessly, because I know I have to "report". :wink: Good Luck! Everyone is VERY helpful on here, and very kind and refer you to other boards and posts with topics that have been discussed. I love it here and hope you stick around, I wish you the best!
  • welcome toni. :flowerforyou: i think the most important thing to remember is that this is not a diet it is a lifestyle change.... :smile: this site makes it easy... just be honest with your self (in terms of logging your foods and exercise) ... also, logging before eating can really make a difference! good luck and welcome!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    Welcome! :flowerforyou: You can do it! This site makes it almost easy to do. And there are plenty of us here with 100+ to lose! Good luck! :drinker:
  • msvallon
    msvallon Posts: 35 Member
    Welcome Toni! I have close to 100 to lose as well. We can do this!
  • drewzaun
    drewzaun Posts: 111
    Hi Toni!

    What would it take to motivate you? That is the first question I guess, that you need to answer. The other is why do you want to lose weight, and what is the benefit to being at the weight you are hoping to get down to? Probably you will find motivation in those answers. If not, then you are deluding yourself and need to think some more about what and why.

    Now, you have managed to lose 50 pounds so far. Forget the gain, focus on the positive. Did you feel like you were missing out on life, cheating yourself, or was the loss manageable and not really depriving you of anything?

    Stay away from the restrictive nonsustainable diets. They are no good at all. You know in advance that you cannot live the rest of your life eating those foods, and so when you finish the program or get sick of eating lettuce only for dinner you gain back every pound plus.

    What you need to do is learn how to make healthy choices, such as portion control and balancing your diet. And you need to move more. I might suggest you simply start out with parking in the back of every parking lot you use, work, shopping, whatever. Just make yourself walk every day.

    Forget the gimmicks, for get the pills, and probably you do not need the surgeries either. Just some hard work that gets easy, and some discipline that becomes habit, and you will shed pounds like a snake sheds it's skin.

    There are plenty of good free resources on the internet about nutrition, and a million books in the stores. Just stay away from the miracle stuff and snappy sounding catch phrases.

    As for the constant grazing, try eating foods high in fiber for snacks, this will help you feel full without stuffing yourself. Also, you may need to learn what "full" feels like. Basically you should not notice you have a stomach, if you feel it then you ate too much. Also, eat slower, your stomach does not instantly announce when you have eaten too much, it takes some time. If you take breaks or just eat slower you will find you eat less. Drink plenty of water all day long, and try adding salads with a low fat dressing about 20 minutes before dinner to help you eat less at the table.

    Good luck...
  • MrsTomy
    MrsTomy Posts: 504 Member
    You can do it! :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • Coach2010
    Coach2010 Posts: 209
    Morning Toni! You've come to the right place for inspiration, information, and motivation!

    The MFP Crew are real people with real hurts and successes. We're here for the long haul.

    I applaud your effort for reaching out here, and I look forward to hearing more about your efforts as we learn from the MFP Crew how to succeed.

    Cheers! :drinker:
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    Hi Toni!

    What would it take to motivate you? That is the first question I guess, that you need to answer. The other is why do you want to lose weight, and what is the benefit to being at the weight you are hoping to get down to? Probably you will find motivation in those answers. If not, then you are deluding yourself and need to think some more about what and why.

    Now, you have managed to lose 50 pounds so far. Forget the gain, focus on the positive. Did you feel like you were missing out on life, cheating yourself, or was the loss manageable and not really depriving you of anything?

    Stay away from the restrictive nonsustainable diets. They are no good at all. You know in advance that you cannot live the rest of your life eating those foods, and so when you finish the program or get sick of eating lettuce only for dinner you gain back every pound plus.

    What you need to do is learn how to make healthy choices, such as portion control and balancing your diet. And you need to move more. I might suggest you simply start out with parking in the back of every parking lot you use, work, shopping, whatever. Just make yourself walk every day.

    Forget the gimmicks, for get the pills, and probably you do not need the surgeries either. Just some hard work that gets easy, and some discipline that becomes habit, and you will shed pounds like a snake sheds it's skin.

    There are plenty of good free resources on the internet about nutrition, and a million books in the stores. Just stay away from the miracle stuff and snappy sounding catch phrases.

    As for the constant grazing, try eating foods high in fiber for snacks, this will help you feel full without stuffing yourself. Also, you may need to learn what "full" feels like. Basically you should not notice you have a stomach, if you feel it then you ate too much. Also, eat slower, your stomach does not instantly announce when you have eaten too much, it takes some time. If you take breaks or just eat slower you will find you eat less. Drink plenty of water all day long, and try adding salads with a low fat dressing about 20 minutes before dinner to help you eat less at the table.

    Good luck...

    Great advice, that last thing about the stomach, that's something that I needed to learn, I would eat until I felt like I'd explode! It's tough because you think that you need all this food, but you don't.
  • dvoross
    dvoross Posts: 39
    Wow! Thank you everyone for all the wonderful advice so far! With support like this, it will be A LOT easier to keep an eye on the goal! I look forward to your "words of wisdom" and support and will be more than happy to return the favor whenever needed. :flowerforyou:
  • flois
    flois Posts: 32
    Yaaaay you're looking more cheerful already!!

    I just wanted to say "hi" too. I joined this week and am in for the long slow change of life. I couldn't ever imagine being thinner, but this is the most useful and friendly site I've ever come across and I feel really motivated now.

    Looking forward to sharing the experience with you
  • WELCOME, TONI!! :flowerforyou: You know, my motivation comes from various places: my health provider, my children, my love of life, and of course my wonderful MFP family! :heart: Your body is a temple, and you must take care of it so it will take care of you! I, too, want to drop in excess of 100 pounds, but I know that if I look at the number all by itself, I'll more than likely fail! :frown: Just remember, it didn't take you overnight to gain the weight! It more than likely took years. So, take your time to get healthy! :happy: Just know, that like other people have said, it's a total lifestyle change! Eating right and exercising can be a challenge for those of us who didn't do so on a regular basis before! But, just know it CAN be done! There's a little diva on here who just met her 135 pound loss---I think it was Tam...not sure! But, she did it in just less than two years! That's amazing! And if you watch "Ruby", it took her several months, many doctors and support of her family and friends to lose her first 100 pounds! :bigsmile: So, hang in there, sweetie! You're not alone! Good luck to you!!:smooched:
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hey, yes, you do have motivation or you wouldn't be here:wink: Just keep hangin around and you will "catch" the "fitness/nutrition" bug! You will learn to eat right and exercise just like you brush your teeth:bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: First and best thing I did in the beginning was trash the junk in my fridge and cupboards and fill them up with normal, 5 basic food-group foods. For me personally, I don't eat anything low-fat. I just watch portions. I also went from drinking zero water to 96 ounces per day. Not perfect but shoot for that. Write if you need any help in navigating the site or recipes/food ideas:happy:
    denise in Sams Valley OR
    Hello everyone. My name is Toni and I'm 37 from Indiana and I have over 100 pounds to loose and I have no motivation what so ever. I've been on the roller coaster for 5 years now and have managed to loose 50 pounds, but as of today, I have gained back every single pound. I'm tired of being overweight and I want to feel pretty again. I've tried every diet out there, I just can't seem to stop eating! HELP! Any support would be more than welcome!
  • Hey Toni! I'm new too. I also have 100 + lbs to lose. Although, for this year I've set my goal for 90 lbs in '09 (joining the lead singer of Big Daddy Weave). I didn't have a lot of motivation for a really long time, and then something just happened. It's tough...but I have to say that I'm already feeling MUCH better, and way more proud of my self. I know if I can get the motivation going anyone can! So best of luck...

    Looking forward to hearing about your successes!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    I too have about 80 lbs to lose.This site is wonderful and full of wonderful people with a ton of support and wisdom to offer.I am breaking my weight loss down to mini goals.I am eating 1200 cal/day it is easier than you think.If you eat healthy food you actually can eat a lot of food and not feel hungry.I am getting pretty creative with vegetables ha ha .I started exercising by walking that is all that i do.when I first started I could barely walk a mile and i felt that I was dying!! Now i walk 3 to 4 miles at a time.As I get healthier and more fit I will introduce other exercise,but for now I am looking for the small goals and making them realistic for me.Good luck with your weight loss.

    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP. You will love it here if you don't already. Everyone is so supporitve and this site is so motivational and helpful. I absoultly love it here. It has helped me so much. Anyways, I just wanted to tell you good luck on your weight loss journey. You can do this.
  • eye_am_ready
    eye_am_ready Posts: 6 Member

    My name is Natasha, i am 25 yrs old with two boys 3yrs & 7mths, and i will be starting a career in the health feild...i am tired of trying on a top and just looking like a hot mess...dresses, skirts,sexy tops, well fitted jeans i am dying to wear them again...i have a 100 lbs to loose and i will!!! i am tired of being trapped in this body and by i go, and seriously there is no turning back this time...
  • dvoross
    dvoross Posts: 39
    Natasha that is exactly what I'm talking about! I have 4 addictions and 1 obsession. the addiction is Clothes, Shoes, purses and jewelry however the obsession is FOOD! I have got to kick the obsession so I can have more fun with the addictions. I'm tired of the rolls of fat showing through my clothes. Its EMBARRASSING! We CAN do this! I know it! Good luck with your journey!
  • sassyredgirl
    sassyredgirl Posts: 162 Member
    Hi toni welcome i too am a newbie. With the same to lose but chose to start with a 50lb goal 100 seems too hard to worry about right now. Ive only been on here day 2 now and finding the food diary to be the best to keep me honest on what im putting in my mouth. I think this along with everyone's support will help us all achieve them goals we long for. We all are going through the same thing and know each others struggles so when ur having a bad day come here for the support as i am if its all day long its worth it for me to succeed. :happy: Im always here to listen to anybody and give what ever help or support i can. Good luck this is the first day of your new life!! Julie
  • Hi Toni, I know you can reach your goal because I've been through all the things you spoke of and I have lost 22 lbs. with another 21 to go. I find by being very honest with myself and when I log my food it helps me to make wise decisions on what foods I eat. I make a list of my favorite foods and I fit them into my food diary. I just eat "less" of them and it keeps me from going off the deep end and gorging myself. Keep the faith, look to others for help and you will reach your goal. Welcome aboard and good luck to you.

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