Any Primal P90Xer's.......

Hey all!
Just wondering if there are any peeps who have found success with the Primal Blueprint while doing P90X.
I have been doing the P90 workouts and following the suggestions on MPF for calories with limited success. Dont get me wrong LOVE the workouts and the exercise is actually fun and I look forward to it. Im having difficulty with the nutrition part. I feel like I am obsessing about food...constantly!! To the point of asking my co-workers "hey...whatch eatin" (which is acceptable in my social circles at work and I never pass judgement) I'm just really always thinking about food! It's getting old........
So I am just starting phase 3 of P90X (day 60) took measurements including weight yesterday. Weight hasnt budged since starting BUT I have lost a total of 7 inches. (Yeah Me!!) and feel stronger than I ever have!
This past week was a bad one for me, for food, I was over my calories almost every day. I think I sort of gave up and said 'whatever' but still tracked all my food.
My hope is I can connect with some people who have done both and found success. Eating primal did you have enough energy to continue the workouts?? Is it difficult to maintain? What do you miss the most?? Help before I lose my mind with the food obsessions and give up and go to KFC!! LOL


  • Frankenbarbie01
    Frankenbarbie01 Posts: 432 Member
    Have to sign off for a while...workout time!! but will be back to read any posts. Thankyou in advance for your contributions!!
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    I would be interested in seeing the responses to this too. I'm not doing primal at all. I've been doing P90X on a vegetarian diet (high carb, moderate protein), and I've loved the results I've seen in myself. But I think it would be interesting to see who else is not following their diet plan to the letter and how successful they have been.
  • c0untingsheep
    c0untingsheep Posts: 159 Member
    I actually just completed P90X with my brother. He lost 18 pounds, I lost 10. Nutrition wise, my brother just stopped drinking sodas and eating garbage and that alone melted his fat off. He's also 14 and never exercised before P90X. For me, though, it wasn't that easy. About 70 days in I started counting calories but I don't follow the P90X nutrition guide. I just calculated how many calories I need for my body type and activity level and I eat whatever I want (but still keep it relatively healthy) as long as I don't go over in calories. Yesterday I ate some icecream and I'm still losing weight. However, I find trying to get specific amounts of protein and all the other stuff is way too overwhelming.

    PS. Counting calories got me over my plateau! If you get stuck in a plateau or are having troubles, try switching it up. Do something different and confuse your body.
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    I guess I don’t understand the Primal Blueprint theory…, our bodies have evolved over time. Why eat like a caveman? I understand going back to basics, like meat & veggies, but that just seems a little extreme for me. On the other hand, I love P90X.., it does a body good! I currently don’t do it, because I found running to be the release I was looking for. Best of luck!
  • mmccullough2
    mmccullough2 Posts: 17 Member
    I am not a P90X'r but I can encourage you to do everything but give up and go to KFC! Of course, if you can't resist the urge by yourself and the smell of the fried goop outside the place doesn't keep you safely at a distance then you can count on me to come and stop you before you self destruct! LOL
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I guess I don’t understand the Primal Blueprint theory…, our bodies have evolved over time. Why eat like a caveman? I understand going back to basics, like meat & veggies, but that just seems a little extreme for me. On the other hand, I love P90X.., it does a body good! I currently don’t do it, because I found running to be the release I was looking for. Best of luck!

    We sure have evolved alright...

  • NYGoddess77
    NYGoddess77 Posts: 146 Member
    I'm actually following a Paleo/Primal lifestyle and doing P90X i've lost about 25 lbs. But everyone has to undertstand that the primal lifestyle is to improve your overall healthy from the inside on a cellular level out. My cholesterol level was 235 back before I started this lifestyle and now it's 170. My BP was 140's/90's and now it's 120's / 70's. I have/had gall stones and haven't had an attack since i've started this lifestyle. By cutting out all the grains and everything made from them...i'm getting healthier everyday. The only carbs I consume are Veggies more so than fruit. Fruit, because of the sugar content, are left for my TREAT DAY. Because I am still needing to lose body fat.
  • Frankenbarbie01
    Frankenbarbie01 Posts: 432 Member
    I am not a P90X'r but I can encourage you to do everything but give up and go to KFC! Of course, if you can't resist the urge by yourself and the smell of the fried goop outside the place doesn't keep you safely at a distance then you can count on me to come and stop you before you self destruct! LOL
    I just need to go and stand by the dumpster!!! When the garbage smells like the food...theres a problem and REASON not to put it in your mouth.
    I guess Im also looking for some advise on how to make positive changes to my diet, leaning towards the Primal/Paleo train of thought. As long as any changes I make dont cause a gain I'm okay with that. The real main goal is to be healthier and feel better, stronger in my skin.
    Thanks for the replies so far!!!