Weightloss help.

I was near 246# last Feb 2015 .then with hard work and eating better managed to get to 203#. I do a lot of cardio average 400 to 500 minutes weekly no weight lifting just never was one to see much benefit . Diabetes stabilized during the weightloss. I never weighed my food but was able to lose weight. Okay now with the same cardio routine and feel like not eating any more than before weight has been gaining to 217#. Very discouraging but still trying my best to keep going.. i take thyroid meds and just turned fifty. Any ideas what to try? Would like to get to 190# .somehow.


  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    As you get closer to your goal weight, you need to get a little more accurate with your tracking. And since you don't weigh your foods, you could drop your intake by 100 calories per day. Or get a food scale and start weighing everything that you eat. I was spinning my wheels until I got a food scale. Accuracy is king.
  • ccsernica
    ccsernica Posts: 1,040 Member
    Congratulations on your progress so far!

    As @Look_Its_Kriss said, it's time to start weighing. We can't really tell how much we're eating by feel, and some foods can be deceptively caloric.

    I would suggest adding weight lifting to your exercise routine. You might not expect a whole lot of benefit, but if nothing else it will encourage your body to burn fat instead of muscle, and that's what we're going for. And try talking to a trainer to get a workout plan tailored for you. You might be surprised at what's possible, when you get some help from someone who knows what he's doing.

    Push yourself a little with your cardio. Your body eventually adjusts to a workout if it's the same one all the time, becoming more efficient with its energy usage, and you end up burning fewer calories than you think.

    This has worked for me (to the extent I can do it with a labrum tear) and I'm also on thyroid meds and I turned 50 a few years ago.
  • tidyme
    tidyme Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you all for the feedback. I do have a food scale i bought at the beginning of my heathy lifestyle so i will work on using it more. I will also get into a weight training routine . One thing i feel could be a problem is i drink alot of no calorie sweet tea thinking maybe its got hidden sugars. Just a thought. water only just isnt my thing all the time.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    You say you "feel like not eating anymore than before." Unless you are eating exactly the same things, the only way to know for sure is to track.