Help me, distract me and motivate me

32 yo single mam work full time (with difficulty due to recent problems) I'm desperate to lose weight which has piled on since exercise became too painful. I've recently,finally, been diagnosed with hip arthritis which is getting worse because of weight gain. I feel pathetic saying it but I'm stuck need to lose weight to help control pain and inability to walk far, yet I can't exercise to aid weight loss because I can't walk far! I've really got to focus on what I put into my body to prevent further weight gain and hopefully able to shed some. Been three days and I'm doing well, however I know I'm going to crave foods I shouldn't be eating in portions for about 3 people as soon as I have a moment. I'm very much an emotional eater!


  • Whitney_Massey
    Whitney_Massey Posts: 23 Member
    I'm also a 32 yo single mom struggling with weight and emotional eating. Feel free to add me. We can keep each other motivated.
  • WyattsMomKimberly
    WyattsMomKimberly Posts: 59 Member
    Recognizing your emotional eating is a good first step. Keeping it in your mind will help you recognize it and adjust the behavior. Do you have access to a YMCA or something similar that has a swimming pool? You could swim laps or possibly take a water aerobics class? The water helps with the joint pain and arthritis because extremely low impact. Many Senior Citizens do water aerobics for this very reason. I did it when I was 18 and in college because of my fibro and it really helps. I was once told that you eat to lose weight and work out to be tone and fit. Start with portion control. Good news is, you are already on here so you are already taking accountability. Then as weight starts to drop, you will find yourself more able. Even if you can only walk a quarter of a mile, thats more then you have been and it helps. I am an extreme emotional eater and have had my battles with it too. Not to sound like that type of person but have you considered counseling? They may be able to help. Also if you have any type of anxiety the beautiful part of anti-anxiety meds is some of them actually make you lose weight and help control your self sabotage. Remember. You are here in a group of peers. We are here to support you and guide you and help you up when you are down. You are doing great and we can do this together!
  • Winston_Edward
    Winston_Edward Posts: 23 Member
    A support group is always best for me. Add me. Together we can support each other to loose weight.
  • Dreamsofbikini
    Dreamsofbikini Posts: 2 Member
    I'd like to join in on this group, if that's OK. These stories sound just like me and I just had a long conversation with my boyfriend about how I've let myself slide for almost half my life now... And it has to stop. Feel free to add me and I'll cheer you on!
  • jadedragneyez
    jadedragneyez Posts: 3 Member
    As wyatts_mom... mentioned working out in water is great for less stress on your body. Also I find that myfitnesspal was most effective for me with this approach: first I ate whatever I wanted and didn't judge myself for it. Believe me eventually you will get tired of it if all you ever eat is junk food all day and it also freed me from guilt because for me it creates a cycle where I feel deprived and want to eat more sweets. So allowing myself to eat what I want calms me because I know I can have a slice of that chocolate cake anytime I want to so I can say no to it now if I want and eat it later if I feel like it. Another reason why this approach worked is that it allowed me to see what I was eating on a regular basis. I could see that some days my calories were really low and other days they were super high. I often felt not very hungry on certain days and wanted to eat everything in sight on other days, that was the reason why. It had become a kind of cycle of deficit and surplus calorie intake. If I hadn't observed my current eating habits I probably would not have noticed the trend. After that I started paying attention to when my calories were highest and lowest and what foods I tended to turn to when I was low on calories. For me when I am low on calories I tend to crave sweets and pasta. So a pattern that had occurred with me was eating really large portions of pasta. After discovering that and realizing that pasta was a big calorie sink for me I started watching my portions when I eat pasta. I also started trying to eat more at meals other than dinner. Because I would not eat much through out the rest of the day I would come home and eat really large portions or turn to sweets for more calories for dinner. Trying to make my meals more consistent helps me to keep from eating too many sweets or carbohydrates. Now that I have been tracking my calories for a while and I have a better gage on the calories in each meal my next step is to focus on bringing in more healthy foods. So I can still eat whatever I want but now I try to include some healthy options for meals. It doesn't have to be an all or nothing change or a battle with yourself. I've found that for me when I had the most weight loss is when I added healthier foods to my current diet and started being more active. For emotional eating the best thing to do is to try to learn when you are hungry and when you are full. Slow down when you are eating and try to find the point when you feel comfortably full from the meal. That is your stopping point. This may take time to figure out for yourself. When you understand what full feels like for you then you will have better understanding of whether you are really hungry or not. Though the most important and long term solution to emotional eating is to combine the step above with finding out the reason you are emotional eating. If you figure out the emotion then you can figure out a different way to resolve it than just eating. Sorry this turned into such a long comment but I hope that some of this information might be useful to you.
  • Nezz_Rizzato
    Nezz_Rizzato Posts: 3 Member
    Hey there! I'm new to MFP and have started IIFYM :) If you ever need encouragement or motivation I'm happy to help! :)
  • . Feel free to add me!