
Did anyone get a new tattoo as a reward/incentive for losing weight or reaching your goal? I would love to see pics of some artwork :-)


  • crackpotbaby
    crackpotbaby Posts: 1,297 Member
    I get tattooed for all kinds of reasons. Sounds like a great way to celebrate meeting a goal.

    Here's a section of my older sleeve.

  • Flynnrider84
    Flynnrider84 Posts: 10 Member
    I get tattoos because I love tattoos haha but I think it's an awesome idea as an incentive especially if it'll be in a location that you worked hard to make look good.
  • christys03
    christys03 Posts: 22,785 Member
    My plan once I reach goal is to get a Phoenix on my upper left arm....risen from the ashes a beautiful bird emerges.....kinda cliche....but I'm doin it!!!!
  • bendis2007
    bendis2007 Posts: 82 Member
    My reward when I lose 10 more pounds to hit my goal weight and complete my two half marathons I signed up for is to get a lord of the rings tattoo across my foot ( nerd alert!) I think it's an awesome incentive!
  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    I got this coverup not really as a reward, but one of the reasons is because the tattoo I was covering on my thigh and when I got it I thought, "I don't really care how it turns out, no one's gonna see it"
    But now that I've lost weight, I actually wear shorts at times, so I covered up the old one with something beautiful
