Fitness Trackers: How do you use the data? Favorite features / settings?



  • ercarroll311
    ercarroll311 Posts: 295 Member
    I use my Fitbit Charge HR2, previously had the Charge HR. I don't really need encouragement for steps, as a lot of people do who use it. I actually really like seeing calories burnt. I decided to very closely and accurately track my calories, weight fluctuation, and Fitbit readings for MONTHS (like, 6), to see how accurate this number was for when I transitioned to maintenance. I found it to be about 90% accurate (for me--everyone is different), which really helped me set a goal for maintenance calories. I stick to being about 10% under what it says I burn, and so far have been maintaining since October using this. It also helps encourage me to be more active, not in steps, but in a multitude of ways, to get my heart rate up. As others have mentioned, I like knowing how my resting heart rate changes. It also logs sleep, not sure which other trackers do that, but it's nice because it's such an important part of health that is outside the calorie world. I typically know if I haven't slept enough, but seeing it there encourages me to get to bed a little earlier the next night.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Assuming it is like my Fitbit... I enter my stats into Fitbit, and thus it knows my BMR.

    Your device uses one of two methods (probably) to determine calories for the day. a) it may look at past average total daily burn and assume today will be similar. Or b ) it may use activity/movement to determine what you've burned so far and then assume just BMR or RMR for the rest of the day. If a then there will be slight adjustments to your calorie goal if you are more or less active than usual. For b, your calorie goal will increase steadily thru the day as you move/burn calories.

  • _piaffe
    _piaffe Posts: 163 Member
    I love my Charge HR. I spin a lot (8 classes a week on average). I track a specific "start" and "finish" moment and compare my performance. It keeps me honest - I know when I took it too easy. I've also become quite expert at predicted my avg HR in a class and avg total burn.

    I know these numbers are not necessarily accurate. For me, the value is in comparing relative performance. I also have my fitbit settings underestimating performance generally (I tell it I'm older and shorter than I am).