Hey, new to the forums, just checking it out

I'm 30/f and live in Canada. I've been using MFP off and on for a long time, but I've never visited the forums. I've been struggling to lose weight for awhile now, mostly because I have low self-control (I just ate a churro donut after learning it has 320 calories) but also because I have PCOS.

I see a personal trainer twice a week at the moment but it hasn't been doing much for me other than building lots of muscle under all my fat. It's weird to be fit and fat at the same time, does anyone else have this problem?

Oh I also hate drinking water. I try to drink as much as I should every day, but so far I've hit that goal maybe 3 times in the last 6 months.


  • k1073
    k1073 Posts: 7 Member
    In other words please add me to your friend list so I'm more motivated to use this app. =]
  • Hey,

    I am a 30/f who also has PCOS. Weight loss is a struggle when dealing with PCOS because the PCOS causes insulin issues. My drs recently put me on diabetic meds to help with weight loss and controlling sugar. I lost 7 lbs the first month. I'll be more than happy to stay in contact with you. We can motivate each other.
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    I don't drink water either, not sure why. I do drink coffee, hot or iced. Add me, if you like. I'll be here for awhile.