40lbs to lose club ?

size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
Anyone want to post here daily if they've 40 lbs to lose ?
Could do with a few people to keep me on track :)


  • artanis50
    artanis50 Posts: 96 Member
    Oh I've got at least that much to lose. For me accountability is key! I'll add you as a friend
  • susanjtade
    susanjtade Posts: 46 Member
    Yes! 40 lbs to lose!. I've lost 10 but it has taken me a year! I need to jump start my weigh loss efforts. I agree, accountability is KEY! When I track my food I am consistent and I see results.
  • RhysT28
    RhysT28 Posts: 36 Member
    Dropped 18lb so far, gor another 31 to go!
  • lorderek
    lorderek Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I have well over 40lbs to loose lost 10 but like susan its taken me almost a year since leaving weight watchers and doing 5:2 I have had more success but MFP doesn't like my fast days so wont put it on lol I need some pushing hubby doing it with me but he is a grazer :( I will have to find something to do at night when he starts picking. So if you don't mind I will add all the group as friends
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    Great thanks maybe we can all post here ?
    What's your weigh in days ?
  • shellymcadams
    shellymcadams Posts: 4 Member
    I have lost 52 pounds since August. Struggling to loose, maybe my first major plateau! I am back to logging everything and would like to loose 40 more now. I too need accountability. Please feel free to add me here too.
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    I'm sure you'll do this shelly :)
  • peacemom
    peacemom Posts: 64 Member
    I'm in!
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
  • lillyloki28
    lillyloki28 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm in! I want to lose at least 35 but 40 is my goal. I got a gym membership as a Valentine's Day gift from the hubby and have been really watching what I'm eating and exercising for the past week. I don't know if I have lost anything yet but feeling a bit of a change in my muffin top and love handles lol. Hubby noticed a bit of a change so all the support we can give one another is great. I love talking on a daily basis for more inspiration.
  • Meggers120Now
    Meggers120Now Posts: 74 Member
    Me too
  • jennicase
    jennicase Posts: 3 Member
    I love this! I have just about 40 to lose and need all the motivation I can get!!!!
  • deanquest
    deanquest Posts: 1 Member
    Hi All. Losing 40 lbs would mean returning to the weight I was 25 years ago. Count me in! Looking forward to receiving and offering support. A journey like this needs to be shared.
  • Mandamanda93
    Mandamanda93 Posts: 213 Member
    40 pounds, let's do it! I've sone half an hour on a stationary bike today, so almost 300 calories... Doesn't feel like enough, but I also don't want to burn out and anything is better than nothing! We can do this, y'all =)
  • August_1958
    August_1958 Posts: 110 Member
    I have 40 pounds to lose to be at my goal weight. Anyone need encouraging friends? Let me know! I need them too!
  • HappyBride917
    HappyBride917 Posts: 27 Member
    Yes that's me!! And I have about 35 lbs to lose I'd love some help and motivation!
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    Great we can all do this can't we :)
  • IMG50
    IMG50 Posts: 2 Member
    I have just joined and have at least 40 lb to lose be good to see how others are doing and get some motivation
  • Anni26641
    Anni26641 Posts: 3 Member
    Add me to the group! Over the past year I've dropped about 40 but have 40 more to go. Would love to do this with all of you!
  • crystaltiffany2013
    crystaltiffany2013 Posts: 2 Member
    edited February 2017
    I also need to lose 40 lbs. Being a stay at home mom is hard to keep on track but I am determined to do so.
  • cutygirl1992
    cutygirl1992 Posts: 2 Member
    I need to lose 40 lbs in 5 weeks, anyone know how?
  • ScarletFyre
    ScarletFyre Posts: 754 Member
    edited February 2017
    I have over 40 lbs to lose so if that still counts I am totally in! I am trying to log, post etc every day and need motivation! :smile:

    Total goal is around 100 - dropped 20, leaving 80, so I've got 40 then 40 left :wink:
  • Lou_trition
    Lou_trition Posts: 41 Member
    Me too... Im pretty seasoned at this weightloss malarky, but Im training right and eating smart now and the inches are falling off. I am also set macro targets by a nutritionist, so feel free to add me as a friend so ye can view my diary. I originally lost 110 lbs, regained some, lost it which brought me to a total of 110 pounds lost and then I regained 40- been working non stop at chipping away the correct way for a year now....
  • You all can do it! I personally dropped over 100 and it wasn't near as hard as I thought once I found my motivation. Just gotta keep plugging away.
  • stevehow04841
    stevehow04841 Posts: 3 Member
    Good plan! I have 40 lbs to lose. I just had a refocus moment on Sunday after realizing I ate over 4,000 calories. I could have sworn it was only 1,800. Dang!!! I weighed in this morning after only four full days of counting/logging my food and I'm down 2.5 pounds. 37.5 more to go. Let's all do this.
  • Aquamarine317
    Aquamarine317 Posts: 18 Member
    Add me! I need to loose 40lbs to get my numbers down. I'm starting back at one after recovering from two accidents and I need all the extra motivation I can get.
  • BarbaraInSarnia
    BarbaraInSarnia Posts: 20 Member
    I just started last week. Have 85 pounds to lose. :( First week has gone well. Down 6. But need to find a few group/friends for along the way :) Feel free to add me
  • mangoman420
    mangoman420 Posts: 42 Member
    Count me in! I'm right at my half way mark, with 40 to go, so this is perfect for me.

    I usually do my tracking weigh in on Monday. Knowing it is on the horizon helps to keep me on track over the weekend!