Help..losing motivation

violetlilyblue Posts: 1
edited September 30 in Motivation and Support
So.... I started my project 30 in March. As of today I have lost almost 70 lbs and have about 40 more to go to reach my goal. This is a good thing...right? However, lately I have been starting to lack the drive that I started with. I find that I am hungry all of the time and no longer want to go to the gym. My weight is starting to plateau and is not coming off as quickly. I am trying to battle through this lull, however it is starting to get to me. Any tips or advice from people who have struggled with this as well?


  • cbaines74
    cbaines74 Posts: 77
    DITO on all except the amount lost, that is excellent! You have came so far to stop yet, I know I don't have much room to give that advice when I am feeling the same exact way, I feel as if I stay plateaued. I hope there are some good suggestions coming up as well!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I am pushing through the same lack of motovation. I try to remind myself why I started this. (i started this so I can have a better chance of having a baby) try going back to your original motovation an remind yourslef wy thi sis so important.

    To get through the plateau try a new exercise or soem new recipies, or go nback to so old favs you haven't had in awhile. PLanning to try somthign new will give you somthign to look forward to and make the weight loss seem like more fun again.

    Best of luck!
  • LoriIAM
    LoriIAM Posts: 73 Member
    You might want to go shopping and try on some clothes. Don't you wear a size much smaller than when you began? It feels good, right? What size do you want to wear? Does your body fit the size you want yet? Go for it. You've come this far. Remember what motivated you in the beginning. You can do it!

    I can do all thing through Christ who strengthens me. Phil 4:13

  • Dear Violet Blue, I think you are being too tough on yourself. Losing weight requires dedication and consistent motivation. First of all, let me congratulate you on losing 70 pounds. That is an amazing feat. So I have no doubt that you can lose the other 40 pounds and you really need to believe that yourself - given the amazing loss of 70 pounds that you already proved to yourself you have the discipline to lose. A few suggested ideas:
    1) Talk to yourself and tell yourself that you are losing weight to be healthy, and that your heart will be a "happier heart and a healthier heart" without that extra 40 pounds.
    2) When you are thinking of eating something, that you know it would be better not to eat, think to your self - that "I will decide not to eat this, because my goal is to please my heart and not my palate. Your heart comes first.
    3) Go the gym, but don't beat yourself up or be too harsh on yourself if you miss a day.
    You deserve a break.
    4) The Bottom Line is to continue with your weight loss, but be kind and loving to yourself in the process. Tell yourself that you know you will lose the weight, but you will be kind to yourself in the process. Keep believing in yourself
  • ewfielder
    ewfielder Posts: 4
    I hit this plateau once too - make sure you're drinking water! That was my main problem. Congrats to you - doing great!
  • kgl2011
    kgl2011 Posts: 3 Member
    Same ! I still work out, just not with the same enthusiasm. Looking for suggestions as well. Amazing job on the loss by the way, good for you !
  • danibee79
    danibee79 Posts: 144 Member
    Please don't give up now!! You've come so far!!! Just remember how you used to feel with that extra 40lb hanging on your body. I guess you weren't that happy if you ended up on here, right? That's why we're all here. I'd hate for you to feel like that again when you've done so well! You're well over half way, it would be a shame to undo all that hard work.

    A way my sis-in-law helps herself with food cravings is to remind herself why she started this healthier lifestyle in the first place, an reminds herself that, that donut, pizza, chocolate will still be there when she reaches her goal so she can treat herself then.

    Everybody plateaus, that's just your body readjusting. Stick with it and you'll reap the benefits soon, I promise. Sometimes I have to literally force myself to exercise, but you know, once I've started I feel GREAT!!! Once you're out of your good exercise habits its so hard to get back into, so just don't let it slip to far ok? Take a day off to think about the benefits of sticking with this. This applies to both of you lovely ladies!!!

    ps can you please remind me of this when I hit that dreaded plateau? haha.

    Take care

  • i was so not motivated last week, i prayed first then i said to myself that im doing this for me so its only hurting me!
    FOOD IS FOR NOURISHMENT! sometimes i have to remind myself that when i get the munchies...
    as far as the plateau
    Simply pushing harder within the old boundries will not do, just a little bit more effort, stay the course, it always seems impossible until its dont, CONTINUE TRYING UNTIL!!!
    So i kept on pushing, push yourself to your personal best, you gotta have stamina, courage, perservence, dedication, commitment, selflessness and a will to excel.
    Every accomplishment starts with the decision to TRY! Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, your vision, your hard work, your determination, and your dedication...You have to get up in the morning with deternination and go to bed feeling satisified... LITTLE BY LITTLE YOU WALK FAR!
    hoped it helped a little, it did me and i lost 3 more lbs last week
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