Do you mind if I vent?



  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Thanks for the support everyone. I read so many stories about people's successes and how well they are doing and that is definitely motivating but the truth is some days I find this all a struggle. I don't always want to go to the gym and no matter how much I run I don't get the buzz other people rave about and I wonder is it just me. It's just nice to know other people have similar struggles to you and you're not alone. Don't worry everyone. I am gonna keep on going and putting in maximum effort and then when I reach my goal I will be even more determined to stick to it cos I'll remember how difficult it was to get there in the first place lol Onwards and downwards we go :happy:

    Maybe try something other than running? Personally, I hate running. Doing C25K got me excited about reaching my goals, but that's only going to last so long. Switch it up some until you find something you love. For me, it's step aerobics. I could do that every day of my life and be perfectly content. :-)
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    I had this SAME problem with pants. I bought my old size of pants on sale just before store closing without trying them on because they were on clearance. Got them home and they hung like none other (BOTH PAIR), so I went back to the store to exchange for the next size down and it felt like I was wrapping myself with shrink wrap. It was absolutely nuts. Stick with it-you'll get there. And it's TOTALLY okay to vent!
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    Stick with your fitness program!!!!!!!!!!!! Running and weight circuits at the gym will make you fit! It will all work in time. You have the rest of our life.
  • Fitnin6280
    Fitnin6280 Posts: 618 Member
    Go ahead and vent! I think we all go through that a little if we are serious about losing weight. I have been stuck at my current weight for almost 3 weeks now. It is frustrating to say the least. However, I know if I stick with it, I know I will starting losing again. Sometimes it just takes time and perseverance. :flowerforyou:
  • jabarih
    jabarih Posts: 65 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I'm always wondering if I am doing the best thing to achieve the results I want because I don't see the scale move.

    But I recently read an article about "Recomp." It means that instead of just dropping weight, your body is moving out the fat and replacing it with muscle. That set my heart at ease. After I read the article I realized muscles on my body that I didn't realize before because I was so focused on the scale.

    That may be what you are dealing with also. Maybe that's our body type...Maybe our body has to build muscle first before we start seeing the results that we REALLY wanna see. The article said that if you are going through recomp that you have to be patient. So that is what I am trying to exercise: patience. But it is very hard so I understand your venting!!! :)
  • walkinthedogs
    walkinthedogs Posts: 238 Member
    It's tough ...every single day. And I do know what you just took me 3 1/2 weeks to lose half a pound. So, honestly, I know it's beyond difficult, but try not to think about it.

    I have a motto...Stay The Course. It will happen...consistency is the key!

    Keep going are doing great!!

    I feel the exact same way also and say the same things to myself (except the Donna part cause my name is Jill :smile: ). I have been at the same weight and can't seem to drop under that 190 mark for 4 weeks now. But I continue to Stay the Course. I know it will happen and just recently I tweaked what I was eating a little, so I'm hoping that helps. It can get so frustrating, but I have to remember, I'm in this for life, not just for a few weeks or months.
  • Courtney011691
    I wouldn't get too hung up on the number of the size but if it's a way to mark your progress maybe stick with the same brand, cut, style of jeans. Example -> I buy Arizona boot cut jeans from JCPenny, size 13. They used to be super tight but now they're starting to get loose. When I need a smaller pair I'll buy the exact same jeans again in size 11. For dress pants I get AGB from Macy's, size 14. Again, I'll buy size 12 when my current ones get to be too big.

    Currently I'm in the same position as you. My jeans and dress pants are too big but the smaller size is too tight. Maybe start putting them in the dryer on high temp? That's what I've done and it seems to shrink them enough so they stop falling off.
  • crispsandwich
    crispsandwich Posts: 177 Member
    Keep going and try not to lose hope!! (hard I know at times! ) and well done on the C25K its a tough cookie is week 6!!!

    on a side note, I tried on 4 pairs of jeans in a well known shop all same style and one one pair fit!!! the others were either too large or far too small, yet all were a size 14 apparently! x
  • walkinthedogs
    walkinthedogs Posts: 238 Member
    I can't stand running!!!! Have never experienced that high either. That's why I don't run. You need to do things you enjoy :smile:

    And this. I don't like running either, it's hard on my body, but I love to walk and swim and bike and pilates and core training and, well you get the picture. Find stuff you actually love to do. Nobody ever said you had to run.
  • BobOki
    BobOki Posts: 245 Member
    Vent was well deserved.
    This is my own opinion:

    Everyone wants to LOSE weight, everyone wants to look like they have in their head, everyone wants to be sexy.... but the REAL world the most rewarding part of this is the LIFE CHANGE. Eating better, being healthier, having more energy, the feeling of accomplishment for just DOING IT. Let those be your driving points and your pride, and if you do lose the weight and ever meet your prefect body, then that is just a side effect and bonus of everything else. I you look at it like that, then it does not matter how long it takes to lose that weight, you will have pride daily at the doing, you will be in better shape, stronger, healthier, think faster, live longer.

    Also, please do know that weight is a fickle thing, I have lost 8 lbs one day and then 3 over the next 2 months, then suddenly 5 lbs in a day. There is no set tracking it, and weighing yourself daily is losing sight of the real goal, and that is the health.

    I do have a suggestion though, try The 7-12 part of it, if only doing that, was amazing. I saw the most loss when I did that, and did not have the HUNGER after a few days. It also allows you to eat a larger and more fulfilling lunch/dinner.

    Good luck on your progress, and keep your eye on the prize, the parting gifts.
  • DonnaMc510
    DonnaMc510 Posts: 5 Member

    How much do you currently weigh? And how tall are you?

    I can't stand running!!!! Have never experienced that high either. That's why I don't run. You need to do things you enjoy :smile:

    Well I enjoy eating cake and vegging out on the sofa but I fear that may be the problem and not part of the solution lol

    But seriously, I do not enjoy running per say but I have been enjoying the running programme as I never thought I would actually accomplish it and it's a nice feeling pushing yourself and being able to achieve more than you realised you were capable of so effectively I am enjoying competing with myself to run further every week. I try and mix it up with the weights and cross trainer just for a bit of variety. I am 162cm and weigh 142.8lbs at last weigh in Tuesday morning. At my heaviest I was 172lbs about 2 years ago so I have been at this on and off for a while. The last few weeks I have just got really motivated and been sticking to diet as well as exercise, I normally only manage one or the other for some reason. I am going travelling for a month around New Zealand from 13th December so I guess that has spurred me on but I have been working at this for some time before joining myfitnesspal so it's not just some lose weight quick thing. It's coming off slow and occassionally I have a low day and wish I had reached my goal already but I will get there with hard work and determination.

    I'm really overwhelmed by all the support on here. Thanks guys and gals.
  • lillivewire87
    lillivewire87 Posts: 103 Member
    Keep going girl! I feel the same way sometimes. I am in between and 12 and a 10 right now...and sometimes I am still in a 14 depending on the brand. I just went to try on wedding dresses this last weekend, and while I found the one, and I KNOW the bridal industry runs about 2 sizes small, it about broke my heart to order a size 14. Even though I knew that my brain kept niggling are doing all this hard work for nothing...but I have been making progress! I am 20 pounds down since starting this journey (18 since MFP), and I just feel better. At my heaviest I was 204 lbs and I just broke below the 185 lb mark on the scale yesterday! I know even though I might not be able to fit into a bunch of smaller sizes yet, I can see the difference in face pictures.

    Just remember that you are doing great and you are doing it the healthy way. The weight that comes off the the weight that stays off the easiest! If you don't allow yourself small pleasures occasionally it more easily leads to overindulging, so don't feel bad when you decide to have a is the difference between one slice of cake and eating the whole thing...moderation so that you don't feel deprived!

    I actually can't run because of old knee injuries, it is too high my favorite thing to do? Jack the incline up on the treadmill as high as it will go and walk as fast as I can for as long as I can. They say (who knows if it is true but it makes me feel better) that you metabolize fat faster when you are walking anyway. I throw an episode of a show up on Netflix and walk until it is over! Or I do the stairclimber. Recently I have been enjoying TRX workouts at my gym too because they are so low impact but still super effective! There are all sorts of things you can do besides running.

    One other tip...the scale is just a number. I totally hate hearing that too, but it is true. Get yourself a tape measure and keep track of your measurements, they are more stable than the scale (depending on diet and water intake you can fluxuate between 3 and 5 pounds up or down within one day!!).

    And remember what defines us is how far we rise up after falling...not that we fall. We are stronger than any excuse! Go get it!
  • carolina822
    carolina822 Posts: 155 Member
    I could have written this same post. I am in better shape, feel better, and am fitting in smaller jeans than I was in January, but at my weight, other people are dropping pounds like crazy, and I'm not sure what to do differently. Intellectually, I know that my health is better, and feeling good is its own reward, but dammit, I'd like to look decent in yoga pants before they go out of style too!

    My weight bounces around all over the place, so I've always had the policy of only putting the "downs" into my weight log, but I finally had to break down this week and put a gain of 2 pounds in, and that gain coincides with the best 2 months of workouts I've strung together in a decade. Some reward!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    dont worry about ANYBUDDY ELSE.

    we are not all the same and focusing on what makes us different is heartbreaking.

    the truth is - cardio, strength training, nutrition and rest work for EVERYONE so stick to that, for the long haul, and you WILL succeed.
  • Dsnelz
    Dsnelz Posts: 27 Member
    Wow I'm in the exact same boat.
  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    Same here, my weight has been going up and down 1kg for the past month, I've not moved an inch. It's super frustrating, but I stick with the program, and hope I'll have a big drop soon. I mean, I stay in my 1200 calories, work out 6x a week and don't cheat - it's gotta happen eventually, it's mathematics, right?
  • hookandy
    hookandy Posts: 278 Member
    Have a thought for you next time you go out for a run, put an 18lb load in your back pack. Then try your c25k session. (Well done on doing the dreaded week 5 day 3.... I have just passed that one as well)

    A number is just a number until you have to carry it! You are making great progress!
  • RachaelIsLosingIt
    RachaelIsLosingIt Posts: 15 Member
    Oh my love - You are in exactly the same situation as me. I'm spending most evenings in the gym, eating well and keeping myself cheat day free when I can... and now I've reached a point where I'm not a 14 but size 12's just will not fit me. It's so tough. It's like I'm a size 13.
  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    Hey, just wanted to add - since I posted that yesterday I've "broken through", so it really is just a matter of time and being patient and sticking with the program!