Breakfast that jumpstart my body....!

tetra85 Posts: 17 Member
Hi everyone! :)

One of my goals with getting healthier is getting better sleep. I such a B-person. At workdays i probably get 6 houers of sleep-if i'm lucky. Sometimes 3-4 houers.
And in the weekends i can sleep 8-10 houers.


I start working at 8, but my body probably doesnt "wake up" before 12!!!
So i'm looking for suggestions for breakfast recipies that really jumpstart my body in the morning....

Sorry for my bad english! :P



  • Porridge? Great with a banana or cinnamon topping - espcially since its hot! Or you could try a wholegrain cereal with a topping. I heard tea cakes are good too and you can get light versions.

    Maybe aim for a 400-500 calorie breakfast since that will help to kickstart your body
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    eat a good protein for breakfast. Also a short brisk walk might help you get your body to wake up
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    i find if i get even a short (15-20minute) workout in first thing-i feel sooo much better in the morning and my energy level is higher all day!!
  • helenbeee
    helenbeee Posts: 130 Member

    seriously these are weight loss persons best friend....bananas are good and so is poached egg on toast. Cinnamon is excellent spice and so is tumeric (on the eggs). They boost your energy.
  • sonalily
    sonalily Posts: 30 Member
  • sonalily
    sonalily Posts: 30 Member
    exercise wakes me up as well, after im done working out, i have more energy
  • tetra85
    tetra85 Posts: 17 Member
    I do eat most of the things mentions here.... My breakfast usualy is between 150-250 kalories, so i will try to eat some more. Maby like 350, and get some fresh fruit also.
    I will alsp try to exercise followed by a good shower to waken up some more. :)

    PS: I drink coffee.... but I can drink 4-5 cups the first two hours without it making any difference. :P