need desperate help weight training and headaches

NickAmrine Posts: 34
edited 2:03AM in Fitness and Exercise
For the last week or two, everytime I've gone to the gym I get a terrible headache. It feels like a migraine, and yesterday I got a headache at the gym, and tried to push through it but then it got so bad that I ended up throwing up 4 or 5 times. I've been drinking well over 8 cups of water per day and my diet has been very clean, I really am trying to gain a lot of muscle so I can't give up going to the gym, please help me what should I do??


  • Are you eating enough to fuel weight training?
  • mohawk1971
    mohawk1971 Posts: 40 Member
    Do you have issues with your blood sugar dropping to low? I sometimes get headaches after working out due to that.
  • NickAmrine
    NickAmrine Posts: 34
    Are you eating enough to fuel weight training?

    yes I'm actually eating at a calorie surplus... to maintain my weight I need 2660 calories and I eat around 3000 or more depending on if I exercise or not
  • Fochizzy
    Fochizzy Posts: 505 Member
    Some people get headaches when they dramatically change their diet. I always get terrible headaches when i start eating healthly. My doctor said it had something to do being "addicted" to the stuff that was in my old food. Also you can get headaches from not eating enough, make sure to eat back your exercise calories. And then of course, it could be a serious unrelated medical problem, see a doctor.
  • Fochizzy
    Fochizzy Posts: 505 Member
    oh...and did you cut out soda? Could be cafienne withdrawl.
  • NickAmrine
    NickAmrine Posts: 34
    Do you have issues with your blood sugar dropping to low? I sometimes get headaches after working out due to that.

    not that I know of, but if I do doesn't that mean I'm not eating enough sugar or am I eating too much?
    AJSINK Posts: 12
    I've researched this before, because its also happened to me, and everything I read said to make sure you are well hydrated and that you do a 5-10 minute cardio warm-up before strength training. I know its miserable, I've been there. I also had a protein shake before and that seemed to help me too. Your body is def trying to tell you something!!
  • Lolyballs
    Lolyballs Posts: 180 Member
    are you pushing yourself too much? You probably should speak to your doctor about this. Better safe than sorry.
  • Sherie13
    Sherie13 Posts: 250 Member
    oh...and did you cut out soda? Could be cafienne withdrawl.

    I was just about to ask if you cut out caffeine... Try having a cup of coffee or a chocolate milk before working out.
  • NickAmrine
    NickAmrine Posts: 34
    Some people get headaches when they dramatically change their diet. I always get terrible headaches when i start eating healthly. My doctor said it had something to do being "addicted" to the stuff that was in my old food. Also you can get headaches from not eating enough, make sure to eat back your exercise calories. And then of course, it could be a serious unrelated medical problem, see a doctor.

    well yeah I have changed up my diet a whole lot the last two weeks and I no longer drink sodas.. the only caffeine I drink is a preworkout supplement called Jack3d.. plus the headaches are way more terrible than a caffeine withdrawal headache... it actually feel as if someone hit me with a baseball bat in the back of the head
  • NickAmrine
    NickAmrine Posts: 34
    i drink 1.5 scoops of the pre-workout supplement jack3d before I workout.. it has somewere between 65-100 mg of caffeine per scoop
  • NickAmrine
    NickAmrine Posts: 34
    I've researched this before, because its also happened to me, and everything I read said to make sure you are well hydrated and that you do a 5-10 minute cardio warm-up before strength training. I know its miserable, I've been there. I also had a protein shake before and that seemed to help me too. Your body is def trying to tell you something!!

    i think your right I might have been pushing myself a little too much and a warm-up probably would have helped, thanks
  • Nowicki68
    Nowicki68 Posts: 1
    Make sure you are breathing properly as you lift. Do not hold your breath. Inhale then exhale as you lift. It can make a difference.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member

    More than likely it's that pre-workout supplement you're using.
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