How do you cope with the hard days?

Hello everyone!
So I've been dieting, or better said: starting big eating habits changes in my life for 12 days and so far it has been great. But I had a bad day today, I was craving for sugary food and although I didn't fall for it I was very miserable all day.
Any tips on how to avoid this from happening again tomorrow?


  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    Make it fit into your daily intake somehow.
  • Lelah77
    Lelah77 Posts: 177 Member
    Any lifestyle change should allow for your life to happen. Try to allow for indulgences and favorite foods on occasion. Must be sure to portion. You're less likely to high-dive off the wagon if you don't feel deprived.
    Sorry you were grumpy.
  • snowstormy8
    snowstormy8 Posts: 26 Member
    I switched over to having fruit with some cinnamon sprinkled on when I wanted sugary things (strawberries are my favorite). Already my tastes have changed and I rarely crave sugar. I actually find some foods too sweet now, like some banana bread a coworker made that I had troube finishing.
  • yurita87
    yurita87 Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you all. Hopefully it will be better tomorrow
  • fishcat123
    fishcat123 Posts: 74 Member
    :( Maybe treat yourself to something small but special that isn't food, like flowers or a lipstick.

    Also, try telling yourself that if you still want whatever you are craving by the weekend, you'll have some. This helps tell the difference between something you want just momentarily and something you really truly want and will feel satisfied after.
  • yurita87
    yurita87 Posts: 18 Member
    fishcat123 wrote: »

    Also, try telling yourself that if you still want whatever you are craving by the weekend, you'll have some.

    Thanks! That's great advice. I actually proceed like this when it comes to clothes. I checked them and if I still want them next time I go to the shop, I buy them.
    Thank you!
  • subcounter
    subcounter Posts: 2,382 Member
    edited February 2017
    Realization of : Eating food does not solve my problems. It's same as smoking. Smokers usually chain smoke when they're stressed, or have a hard time. A non-smoker doesn't even think about it. Its not a necessity, nor fixes anything.

    I think we've all been there though, its in our nature, we try to solve a problem by excess. Eating food in this case. Although there is one thing, when you're really hungry, make yourself a huge vegetable stir-fry, a nice big salad, some fruits, healthy snacks. It's much easier to binge on unhealthy foods when you're really hungry.
    You just need to train yourself to eat at your caloric goal for the day. This is what worked for me though, I am sure people might have different experiences.
  • jurapak9960
    jurapak9960 Posts: 32 Member
    Try finding ways to take up your time so you aren't occupied by food. Also, different hobbies besides food are very important! Whenever I have sugary cravings, I drink a glass of water and try to wait it out to see if it goes away. Keeping yourself occupied and getting those temptations completely out of the kitchen will help make it easier throughout time.
    I've been on my lifestyle change for 50+ days now and it does get easier, but it's totally normal to have rough days. Just remember those rough days don't need to change your overall goal that you have. It's just a day, so don't let it turn into 2 days, or a week. Always keep your goals in mind!
  • Geocitiesuser
    Geocitiesuser Posts: 1,429 Member
    Sometimes you have to grin and bear it. At 12 days in it's pretty normal. At 100 days in it will still be pretty normal. Most people who don't have weight issues are good at eating things in moderation. With time you'll need to learn to balance moderation with cravings, and also learn when it's important to tell yourself, "No."

    Sometimes you can't have the piece of cake, sometimes it sucks, but it's okay.
  • kenyonhaff
    kenyonhaff Posts: 1,377 Member
    Give yourself kudos for staying on course even through these cravings! Hurray for you! I find the first 2 weeks of a diet are generally the worst until my body gets used to "the new normal".

    Besides, you had rough days before going on a diet, right? :) It's normal to have them ON a diet, too.

    Also, I find that there just might be more effective ways to hit that sugar craving than what I was doing before. A Jolly Rancher hard candy is sugar, but it's not a brownie. Lately for me something about sugar free Jello has been meeting my need for a sugary evening snack. At 10 calories I can "binge" and not feel bad about it.
  • ashc85
    ashc85 Posts: 12 Member
    I try to allow myself one good thing that I love. For me if I don't. I won't succeed because I'll literally feel like I'm depriving myself and will be unmotivated. I think the key is to make sure u are controlling your portions and not over endulging.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Some days just suck. It depends on the issue for me. If for some reason I've blown a crap ton of calories on treats left out at work...I get a big old salad with very little on it for dinner and some tea for dessert. And I chomp on gum and diet soda the rest of the day.
  • l911jnt
    l911jnt Posts: 164 Member
    I use substitutes for everything I can. look on pinterest, lots of ideas. Also I eat very small healthy things between meals so that I am not starving and it helps me not crave stuff so bad.
  • rugratz2015
    rugratz2015 Posts: 593 Member
    I allow myself a sachet of low fat hot chocolate made with milk every night before bed. It gives me a sweet treat to look forward to and will fill my tummy so I won't be hungry going to bed hungry.
  • yurita87
    yurita87 Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you all for your lovely advice. I never worried about my weight until I got married 8 months ago and here I am with 20 extra pounds. It's been an adventure!
  • SparklyBubblyBabe
    SparklyBubblyBabe Posts: 96 Member
    Well, I'm the kind of person who likes to run away from my problems. So I do! And if I don't feel like running, I walk!

    I'm a chocoholic though so sometimes I'll buy myself a bag of Hershey's Kisses or Dove Chocolates and have one or two a day. Usually, that's only the week before Aunt Flo visits though.
  • jlseaman13
    jlseaman13 Posts: 10 Member
    What helps me is to plan tomorrow's meals and put them in the next day's plan the night before. I also allow for my one piece of dark chocolate covered ginger before bed. It is on my food plan as well. I just work around those things and stay within my goals. If I have the plan written out, it helps when I get hungry or frustrated because I can see what I will have to eat at my next snack or meal. If you fall off the wagon, get up, brush yourself off, and start again.
  • yurita87
    yurita87 Posts: 18 Member
    Well, I'm the kind of person who likes to run away from my problems. So I do! And if I don't feel like running, I walk!

    I'm a chocoholic though so sometimes I'll buy myself a bag of Hershey's Kisses or Dove Chocolates and have one or two a day. Usually, that's only the week before Aunt Flo visits though.

    She's is coming for her winter holidays in the next few days. I think that's causing the craving and grumpiness hahaha
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    You have to get beyond the all or nothing mentality. Nobody is ever 100% bang on all of the time...hell, even my trainer who is a retired professional athlete and extraordinarily fit has his "things"'s not realistic to think you're going to be 100% all of the time. Life happens...sometimes it gets in the way and you miss workouts...sometimes best laid plans fall to the wayside, etc.

    Beyond that, I just allow myself certain indulgences...they're pretty irrelevant to the whole of what I'm doing...for example, pretty much every Friday evening is movie and pizza night. I pick up the kids from school and we pick up pizza on the way home from our favorite little local pizzeria and we go home and watch a movie. Is it the most wholesome, nutritious thing in the world? No...but it's a fun little tradition and makes us all very happy. Sometimes I go overboard, and sometimes I don''s pretty irrelevant to the whole.