Did anyone do this when starting out losing weight?

Im trying to lose weight again. It seems like everytime i try i eat food i dont like because its a "healty food". My breakfast is oatmeal berries and yogurt i absolutely hate the taste and texture or oatmeal but again its a "healthy food".

I also say i need 5 cups of veggies and 2 cups of fruit. Most of my friends on here do not eat that much.

I was just wondering when you started did you think this way or just say if it fits my macros im eating it.



  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    I ate what I wanted, within my calorie goal. I'm not a fan of most fruits and veggies, so I've never really consumed a lot of them. (Except this past week, to support my husband... the things you do for love)
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    That's how I always gave up and regained. I started out this time as usual with a pretty basic, "lean, green and mean" meal outline, but luckily I started reading up on nutrition and how the body and brain works and quickly abandoned that plan. Eating food I like in appropriate amounts makes weight management a breeze.
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    I have failed on so many diets by trying to eat things and in ways that I didn't like. Not this time. Eating in a sustainable manner will improve odds for success.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I agree with not eating things you don't like. But if you want to start incorporating more fruits and veggies, maybe start with small changes. Adding more fruits and veggies to your current meals, trying different produce, and experimenting with new flavours and recipes until you like how things taste. Over time your palate can change and you may enjoy theses tastes more. Or maybe not!
    Honestly, I still don't like the taste of Greek yogurt, but I like it's nutrient profile.. so I just throw it in a smoothie now.. voila. I wouldn't force it though.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    I simply said "If it fits my calories I can eat it".
    As I learned how sodium, carbs, protein, and fiber affected me, I started adjusting my food to be lower in sodium and higher in protein and fiber. Eventually, I ceased to attempt to limit sodium, as I had entered an unwell state of hyponatremia. One year into this journey, I still care that I get protein high and fiber high. I don't care where carbs, fat, sugar, and sodium end, and I won't make a food choice based on carbs, fat, sugar, or sodium now.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I made adjustments to my diet over time to improve nutritional quality...that said, I never had any aversions to "healthy" food...I always like my veg, I just didn't eat enough of it.
  • markymarrkk
    markymarrkk Posts: 495 Member
    I try to eat a variety of foods that I actually enjoy, and have been making small changes in meals in order to include more vegetables. For example, I now add a little spinach and tomatoes in my morning omelette.

    The important thing for me to understand was, I could eat junk type food just much less of it because of how it's prepared. So now I choose fresher foods because I can eat much more volume for similar calories as junk food. That helps me feel full during my weight loss.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    edited February 2017
    I was the typical picky eater growing up. Every family with 3+ kids has one, right? I didn't like anything green, anything chunky, anything with mixed foods. Not saying I actually tried them, but I didn't like them.

    A few years ago I decided "Hey, I'm an adult. I need to eat a wider variety of food." Because I knew it was good for me, and to set a better example for my kids, I started trying more vegetables. When eating out, I did not automatically ask that a dish be modified before I'd even tried it. And I've come to enjoy a wider variety of food. I eat zucchini, broccoli, asparagus, brussel sprouts. For most vegetables, buying them fresh/from the produce section is going to yield a better taste & texture than anything frozen.

    Now if I don't like something, I don't eat it. Sometimes it is based on taste, sometimes on texture. I don't eat something just because someone else says I should.
    Im trying to lose weight again. It seems like everytime i try i eat food i dont like because its a "healty food". My breakfast is oatmeal berries and yogurt i absolutely hate the taste and texture or oatmeal but again its a "healthy food".

    I also say i need 5 cups of veggies and 2 cups of fruit. Most of my friends on here do not eat that much.

    I was just wondering when you started did you think this way or just say if it fits my macros im eating it.


  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    I changed what I ate because I could eat more and not feel hungry - but didn't ban foods because they're "bad" or say I *have* to eat something. I have to like what I'm eating or I won't eat it and I'll go buy something else. Honestly I really only look at calories and pay little attention to macros. I know what's healthy and what's not but I also know it's everything in moderation... so if I wake up and decide I want a double cheeseburger, I'm probably going to go for it and have a salad later.
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    edited February 2017
    I eat what I like. I don't eat what I don't like. Stay within your daily calorie allowance - that's the only necessity to weight loss.

    This. I lost around 50lbs while continuing to eat the foods I liked, I just learned how to eat them in the correct calorie amounts/portion sizes. Eating things you don't like or cutting out the things you do like is just setting yourself up for frustration and failure. OP focus on the long term-what's realistic and sustainable for you, for the rest of your life?
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Calories first, I take a sideways glance at macros from time to time and I eat the foods I like. Like others have said, over time I have come to enjoy foods that I didn't eat before. What I find is, now my diet is pretty balanced with fruits, veggies, lean meats AND.....chocolate and ice cream. When you are beginning do the things that will increase your chances for success, like don't eat crappy tasting food.
  • RunWinterGarden
    RunWinterGarden Posts: 428 Member
    As others have mentioned, I don't focus on macros. I know some calories are better than others, but ultimately it's calories in calories out and I just limit the amount of the bad food I eat (i.e. instead of having a whole bag of cheetos I pour out one serving, count those calories and eat that when I feel the need to splurge on bad foods)
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    edited February 2017
    If it's something I absolutely hate, I don't eat it. I darn sure don't try to eat 5 cups of veggies and 2 cups of fruit every day! I am lucky if I get in one fruit and veggie in the same day LOL!

    That said, I learned to love a whole lot of foods (healthy stuff) back when I first lost weight - I never ate salads, fish, rarely ate any fruit at all, hated brocolli...I have a much different diet now. Much better. You can learn to love things that you currently dislike, if you want to.
  • jennybearlv
    jennybearlv Posts: 1,519 Member
    I cut out sweets for month when I first started, because I was a bit out of control. But, otherwise I just count calories and an aware of my macros. I'll be honest I really should eat more veggies and less saturated fat, but for now I'm just trying to lose weight for my health, and that comes down to calories.
  • TheCupcakeCounter
    TheCupcakeCounter Posts: 606 Member
    Have you tried other types or ways to prepare oatmeal? Baked oatmeal has a very different texture plus eggs to help it set so there is a protein boost. If you still hate it don't eat it! I add a TB of raw oats to my green smoothies and can't taste them at all.
    Green smoothies are a great way to add in fruits and veggies - start with a small handful of baby spinach (other people use frozen but I just can't - fresh and baby are a must for me), some frozen banana and your favorite frozen berries and give it a whirl with some liquid. The stronger your blender the smoother it will be. Personally I prefer a nutribullet as I have never had an issue with texture with it (and I have texture issues). I also prefer to drink it through a straw for the same reason.
    Other healthy foods are a slice of whole grain bread with natural peanut butter and a sprinkle of cinnamon. I also am a big fan of toast with a "dippy" egg and some hot sauce. There are tons of healthy options out there for you to discover so before you give up just keep looking for other options. The important part is to find something you can stick to and forcing yourself to eat food you hate isn't going to be helpful.
  • TooTatToTrot
    TooTatToTrot Posts: 81 Member
    Yes, please do not substitute things you enjoy for things you hate, or you will fail quickly. I did it for 6 months (260 to 175 on Keto) and I fell off the wagon severely for FOUR years. I got back up to 200 pounds, but every time I tried to "diet" the same way again, it went down the drain. This month, I chose to eat what I want, in moderation (i'm vegetarian again, by choice). I'm losing at the same rate, and i've stuck to it for a month so far. I was forcing myself to eat meat and cut out carbs, when I had been a vegetarian for 3 years prior. Now, everything is easy again, and i'm a mere 12 pounds away from 175.

    Eat in a way that's sustainable for your life. This past month, i've eaten all of my favorite foods, and lost 13lbs. Next month, i'm going to do it again. And so on. It started out with me eating all "unhealthy" food; i didn't care, as long as I was logging it and staying under my maintenance calories. It took me about a week to realize I could eat more by tweaking my intake. Now I can eat comfortably at a deficit.
  • Calibrate
    Calibrate Posts: 52 Member
    I have found, over time, that making small changes and taking a few risks are so worth it. I now eat whole grains as much as possible and have given up things that just are not good for my heart or well being, like mayo and fried foods. My food choices are so much better now and I no longer even want certain foods that used to be part of my everyday diet. You still need to eat foods you enjoy, just pick a healthier way of eating those foods. And be a little adventurous, I had never heard of quinoa or jicama before 2013 and now they are some of my favorite foods.
  • Treehugger_88
    Treehugger_88 Posts: 207 Member
    Eating things you don't like seems like a waste of precious calories. I HATE meat...everything about it revolts me. If I were to try and incorporate any kind of meat into some sort of "healthy" diet plan, I know I'd fall off the bandwagon instantly.

    Try and find filling and delicious breakfasts that stay within your allowable breakfast calorie intake.

    Maybe avocado on toast
    A fried egg and toast
    Peanut butter with banana
    trail mix
    homemade granola bars or baked oatmeal cups...perhaps you like the texture of oats in baked form instead of porridge form.