need to i wrong for feeling this way



  • tuacsmm
    tuacsmm Posts: 24 Member
    For starters you are a beautiful person. YOU CAN AND WILL reach your goals with or without your friend or trainers. It comes a time in your life that we have to depend only on ourselves for the support and encouragement. You continue to love your friend, but at this time, you both are in different areas of your lives. This is fine. No need to be angry with her or anyone else. You take your arms and wrap them around yourself and say, "I love me". Keep me posted with your accomplishments!
  • Strive2BLean
    Strive2BLean Posts: 300 Member
    Sweet heart, calm yourself and stop and think for a minute. Don't come down on your friend. The weight loss journey is all about you as an individual. It can be done on your own. If your friend is too busy with other things right now let her be. We all have our own priorities and we should do what works best for ourselves. I know it's more enjoyable with a friend but I personally like to work out in my basement when I'm ready . Don't need to plan a session or put on a calendar because I need someon to work out with me. You can do it for yourself by yourself. If I can you can.

    As for the trainers, they are in it for the money. That's their job. They could care les about your progress as long as they can convince people that they are needed they remain employed. I have lost weight many times and I never had a trainer or a gym membership. I prefer to work out in the privacy of my own home where I don't have to deal with waiting for a machine, or smelling other people sweat, etc. The money I would have spent on gym membership over the years I invested in my own equipment so I practically have my own gym at home. It's just commin sense. How dare that trainer tell you that you are going to fail without him. He sounds horrible. I would never go back to that gym and I would tell everyone I know how terrible they are. Don't worry, hon just stick tp MFP and you will do fine. Take care of yourself cause no one else will.:heart:
  • shannieboo
    shannieboo Posts: 144 Member
    thanks for all the comments.. i know i am in the wrong with how i feel about my friend.. i just needed to vent...i still love her and i know he intentions were good. and things change...and she has a family. and a life.. and a job..SORRY.. i will be okay tomarrow.. just letting things get to me i guess..and i dont need to.. and i asked if i was wrong..we all have really bad days think today is my one really bad day..:sad: :embarassed:

  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Like others said...the trainer was way out of line and rude and other things I won't repeat! lol I had a similar experience, I went to a large commercial gym with a friend (she had a free pass for me), and I was expecting the pitch about getting me to join, etc. I wasn't expecting one of the trainers to ask me what gym I currently go to, and tell me IT was the reason I hadn't reached my goals yet, that I *Needed* the trainers and classes that HIS gym had...and when I mentioned that IF I switched gyms, I wanted a pool and indoor track...he said no one needs those!! :noway:

    It's been over a year and I still remember him and how rude he was...and one of these days I want to go back to that gym, and show him I've lost 25 lb since I saw him last, WITH my current gym, WITHOUT classes, and I *do* swim and have used an indoor track! (at a friend's gym)

    So why avoid him...just use it as your motivation to show him that you don't need him!!

    As far as your friend....I can understand that you feel let down. But like others said, you can't rely on other people, you can do this on your own! I know it is very helpful when you have someone else exercising with you - I HATE running by myself unless it's a treadmill! Have you considered looking for a walking buddy? Either here, or try - they have all kinds of groups on there you can join, and usually for free!
  • thkelly
    thkelly Posts: 466 Member
    you said you have been working out alone for 8 months? first off congrats on sticking with it.

    i think the thing with your friend comes down to what's more important. you two losing weight together or staying friends because it sounds like she has other things in her life going on at the moment that she's chosen to focus on in place of her weight loss journey. i'm sure she had the best intentions when you two started, but sometimes life gets in the way. in the end you're losing the weight for yourself and you've stuck with it this long. i think any anger you're feeling towards her is wasting energy on your part. use that energy instead to focus on your own goals

    as for the personal trainer i'd be taking that straight to management. tell them exactly what happened and then follow up on it. it sounds like he was totally out of line and very unprofessional and i'm sure the people running the gym would be embarrassed at that kind of behaviour

    good luck with everything.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    The trainer is a jerk who is upset he can't pay his bills because he keeps pissing off clients. :wink: The reality is probably dawning on him that he's pretty much useless. No one NEEDS a personal trainer, unless your an actor or actress training for a role.

    No, you shouldn't be mad at your friend. Things happen and life gets in the way. It's hard enough to squeeze in regular exercise around your own schedule, let alone trying to squeeze it around two people's schedules.

    I've gone to the gym a few times with friends, but mostly alone. Having a friend there is nice because it's a distraction and makes the time go faster, but I get more done on my own. I can come and go when I want, stay as long as I want, switch machines whenever, get lost in a tv program, listen to my own music, etc.

    But if you do better having someone to talk to, look into taking some classes, like Zumba. You'll see the same folks every week and make new friends. Or if your gym has it's own Facebook page, post and see if there's anyone who goes at the same times you do who's looking for a workout buddy.
  • bwalters82
    bwalters82 Posts: 95
    A personal training job at a gym is a sales position. Their job is to sell you sessions and products: not train you. Look on Craigslist for more affordable trainers.
  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    I am so upset at the moment at one of my friends and upset at the trainers at the gym that i am going to...
    first to my friend.. in jan she said that we would do the weight loss thing together.. she needs to loss about 50 pound and me about 150.. said that we would work out together... now almost 8 months later we have exercised together maybe 5-10 times.. i have had to do this by myself.. she is there in the encoragement department, but i have to work out all alone and its so depressing and it starting to make me feel really upset with my friend. i understand she gets her kids for the summer.. and i love her kids to death.. but then she decides to go to college too.. so now she works full time, has her kids, goes to college.. and so i am alone.. my hubby works and at the health weight so i used to do my walks alone..which was fine.. because it my zone out time.. and now that i go to the gym in the mornings he works so i understand why he doesnt do things with me.. that is fine with me.. but i feel so betrayed by my friend.. i am so mad at her right i wrong? am i just be selfish?
    then to the personal trainers in the gym... yes i know its their job to try to sell the personal trainers and i would love to do it..but its too costly.. i cant afford.. 80 bucks-360 bucks a month for a dont grow on trees even through we all wish it cant even get out of the contract when you start..and you have to keep paying for even though you are not using it.. so i told that trainer i couldnt do it due to the cost.. and he tells me i am setting myself up to fail and that i am not gonna get anywhere without a trainer.. belittles my friend that i am trying to get to come to the gym with me.... saying that he couldnt believe that i am going to put my trust in someone that is over weight themselves...(( for one my friend has had 3 kids..)) was in the air force. yes i am mad at my friend but dont belittle her.. and i didnt tell him what has gone on with me and her...he made me feel so small and bad that i started to cry and i am 32 years old.. i was that upset.. now all i want to do is hit him every time i have seen him the last couple of days...grrrr.. i keep telling myself to breath it will be okay.. and it will... i just needed to get it off my chest...sorry

    Yes you are wrong.

    You spell out all the things she got going positive in her life and but expect her to be the crutch to lean on. I think that I got into this by myself so i got to get out of it by myself. <--- that is inspiration enough for me. I know some of us feel we need someone to push us but when you have lost all the weight and gotten your heart healthy who will push you then to stay healthy.

    You need to not cast blame or discredit your friend (if you still value her as a friend) and realize that you have MFP for the added nudge but you have to be self reliant to really make a life style change. We are here for you and willing to give constructive advice (some not so constructive) but you have to be willing to take the credit for your successes and the blame for your failures but do not let your failures keep you down. Read, educate yourself and get into action. Understand what it means by 6 meals a day to help raise your metabolism. Understand cardio health, caloric intake (balanced), muscular health, skeletal health, etc. Be who you can be because you are capable enough on your own.
  • candlegal
    candlegal Posts: 220 Member
    Sorry to hear you are so upset. My one and only piece of advise is: You can only depend on YOU!! You just can't depend on others because if they don't follow through with you it will make you upset. You must not rely on anyone but you to get YOU healthy. It's all your call, you call the shots for you. You have to do what works for you.
    Good luck to you!!! YOU can do this if you rely on YOU to do it. I speak from experience. I wish you the best, I know you can do it!!!
  • calition
    calition Posts: 24 Member
    I got two personal trainers at both from 24 hour fitness at two different locations and the only time I was available was early in the morning on the weekends when my kids were sleeping (and Dad didn't have to worry too much about what to do with them). Everytime I would show up the trainer would be late or hung over and smelling aweful. This was a complete waist of money. I don't rely on my friends or family to do activities with me. I try to encourage them but infact I have people who try to discourage me. Be strong and know that you are doing this for you and not anyone else. Feel happy that you are accomplishing your mini achievments by first even going to the gym. I am too intimidated to even step into a gym because they are such meat markets now. I enjoy working out at home. If you don't enjoy the work out try different workouts. Don't give up and try to forgive your friend because aside from the exercise she is still your friend.
  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    Also, if this is what the personal training is throwing at you talk to the gym manager if it is not one in the same. That is ridiculous and selfish. Also, you can do it without a trainer if you educate yourself but if you can afford a "good trainer" it adds a bit of consistency.

    If you are willing to listen I can give you some sane advice and you can show them all you can do it on your own. That is if you have the courage enough to step outside of you and be that healthy person crying to get out.
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    I am so upset at the moment at one of my friends and upset at the trainers at the gym that i am going to...
    first to my friend.. in jan she said that we would do the weight loss thing together.. she needs to loss about 50 pound and me about 150.. said that we would work out together... now almost 8 months later we have exercised together maybe 5-10 times.. i have had to do this by myself.. she is there in the encoragement department, but i have to work out all alone and its so depressing and it starting to make me feel really upset with my friend. i understand she gets her kids for the summer.. and i love her kids to death.. but then she decides to go to college too.. so now she works full time, has her kids, goes to college.. and so i am alone.. my hubby works and at the health weight so i used to do my walks alone..which was fine.. because it my zone out time.. and now that i go to the gym in the mornings he works so i understand why he doesnt do things with me.. that is fine with me.. but i feel so betrayed by my friend.. i am so mad at her right i wrong? am i just be selfish?
    then to the personal trainers in the gym... yes i know its their job to try to sell the personal trainers and i would love to do it..but its too costly.. i cant afford.. 80 bucks-360 bucks a month for a dont grow on trees even through we all wish it cant even get out of the contract when you start..and you have to keep paying for even though you are not using it.. so i told that trainer i couldnt do it due to the cost.. and he tells me i am setting myself up to fail and that i am not gonna get anywhere without a trainer.. belittles my friend that i am trying to get to come to the gym with me.... saying that he couldnt believe that i am going to put my trust in someone that is over weight themselves...(( for one my friend has had 3 kids..)) was in the air force. yes i am mad at my friend but dont belittle her.. and i didnt tell him what has gone on with me and her...he made me feel so small and bad that i started to cry and i am 32 years old.. i was that upset.. now all i want to do is hit him every time i have seen him the last couple of days...grrrr.. i keep telling myself to breath it will be okay.. and it will... i just needed to get it off my chest...sorry

    (1) Maybe your friend has time to workout and maybe she doesn't. IDK. She made a pact with you and you feel betrayed that she gave up on it. Guess what? That's being human. People do that all the time. Is she a good friend still? If she is, stop being mad at her (because it gets you no where) and just be encouraging and open to her joining you in your weight loss journey. Ultimately we have to climb our own hills. And does that suck to do it alone? Sometimes. And sometimes we realize, HOT DAMN! We can do this!! (2) The trainer is a grade A *kitten*. Don't assault him. But every time that you want to give up, in the middle of a really hard workout or walk/jog/run (hey! you might be a runner someday, who knows!!), think of that smug little jerk doubting your vision and tenacity and use that anger to fuel you to the end!! YOU CAN DO THIS THING!! :D
  • Cccaroline
    Cccaroline Posts: 196 Member
    If you really want to do this,you can. You don't need a personel trainer, and it sounds like your friend is busy with her own life and family.
    Take ownership of this yourself rather than blaming others. Everything you need to succeed is on this web site and and your own determination. Sorrry if that sounds hard, but I just think you can do it yourself, for yourself. Read some of the really inspiring stories, get yourself some great mfp friends, really motivate yourself, and you will succeed, and feel really great, and proud of yourself into thte bargin. Good luck:)
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    then to the personal trainers in the gym... yes i know its their job to try to sell the personal trainers and i would love to do it..but its too costly.. i cant afford.. 80 bucks-360 bucks a month for a dont grow on trees even through we all wish it cant even get out of the contract when you start..and you have to keep paying for even though you are not using it.. so i told that trainer i couldnt do it due to the cost.. and he tells me i am setting myself up to fail and that i am not gonna get anywhere without a trainer..

    I'd like to start by saying Kudos to you for doing it, even if you end up doing it alone most of the time. Start small, stick with it and while your friend said she would do it, if she's not ready, she's not ready. Until she is, no amount of asking, pressure, guilt, nothing is going to get her there.

    As for the quote above, I'd like to say what an @$$ and you should take what he said for what it's worth: NOTHING.

    Like you, I cannot afford a trainer. I have been a the gym now for nearly 2 years and I do not pay a trainer. I am still doing it, still succeeding and I feel like I am a rock star because unlike almost everyone else at my gym, I am doing it all by MYSELF! I even had someone who works with a trainer ask me which trainer I work with. When I said "I don't" she looked at me and said "Damn. I never would have known that and I am beyond impressed that you are doing this on your own and your resutls ... well, they speak for themself. Just look at you and the transformation in just the last couple of months alone (which was when I changed my focus from weight loss to body comp).

    I will tell you one thing that I do however ... while I may not have a trainer, I sure as heck listen to every word that comes out of the trainers mouths as they are working with their paying clients. I absorb as much information as I can on nutrition, proper form, what exercised are using what muscles and so on. I have taken in so much information for free it's crazy.

    I also learned that if I didn't know something and wanted more information, find a trainer that is personable and simply ask. Most of the time, if you have a question here or there (or want help with a weight machine you are unfamiliar with), ask. The worst they can do is refuse to answer, but I've not seen that happen very often. I have referred a number of people to the trainer that has helped me several times at no charge ... referrals he might not have otherwise received. Most are independent business owners and the ones who are GOOD ones know how to treat people are the ones who do not need to feel as though it's necessary to guilt you into signing up for training and the GOOD ones would NEVER put down your ambition to be there and become healthier, regardless of whether you are using a trainer to do that or not.

    Stick with it! Do not let that loser dampen your energy, efforts, spirit or anything else. Quite the opposite ... go workout and fling sweat on him :) LOL ...
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    That's really not fair to be mad at your friend. She's got real life issues that get in her way!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Yes, you can be disappointed in your friend for not following through, those are your feelings and your are entitled to them, but no you have no real reason to be mad. She has her life and is responsible for it. This is your life, and instead of taking responsibility for and embracing it I’m reading you blame others and using them as an excuse. That trainer, if this is correct and you’re not misinterpreting it, sounds like a *kitten*. He’s right in one regard, you should not be dependent on anyone but yourself . . . not because of the weight that they are but because you need to be responsible for yourself. He’s keeping you dependent on him? Maybe? Write down the workouts he’s had you do, get some for other sources, and give him the old heave-ho. Step it up.
  • valeriebpdx
    valeriebpdx Posts: 499 Member
    I am very surprised that you are mad at your friend for meeting her family obligations and going back to school. Sounds like she is trying to do positive things in her life. No one can lose weight for you or make you do it. I work out alone 99% of the time and it's just fine. That way you can go to the gym when it works best for you and not let anyone else's falling off the wagon impact you. It sounds like you need to take more responsibility for this endeavor yourself. If you like to work out with someone, then find someone who wants to work out. You actually sound like you think your friend shouldn't have gone back to school just so she could lose weight with you, but that would be crazy and unsupportive so I am sure I am misreading you.

    Trainers are there to get clients and make money, plain and simple. They get fired if they don't. If you don't want one or can't afford one, then stop talking to them and do your thing.
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    Absolutely you can do this. Trainers never worked for me as they were rather condesending. This being at those fancy chain gyms. They tend to think its a one size fits all thing and that simply is not true. Find your groove and all will work :smooched:
  • mericksmom
    mericksmom Posts: 222 Member
    Here is my thought, Unless he was going to give you a money back garentee for not losing weight/inches then what is the use to pay for him and sign a contract, will he call you be avaliable for you to call when you are a hard day, NO......Will your friend be there in spirit, can you call her up and talk about it, more than likely, yes she is busy but she is still there in a way. Dont let mr pushy try and spoil your day and in fact next time you go to gym write and submit a complaint on him, on how he not only tore you down but also told you that there is NO WAY to succeed without him. (can you imagine how controling that SOB is at home) You are worth more than that tear down from a stranger. keep going and keep getting healthy at that gym and show him what he thought you couoldnt do prove him wrong. I believe in you and sooo many here at MFP do to.
    AEROBICVIC Posts: 159 Member
    hello! this is coming from a person who like you, had friends that said they would start and end this wt loss journey with me and i am now the only one who finished. in conversation a workout buddy sounds like a great idea but we all have diff lives and diff schedules. the last 14 yrs has been my own journey of dropping over 70 lbs and still looking to drop some more. one thing i have found...this is your journey, it's all about you! it's great to have a workout buddy for motivation but don't put all your effort into it. put that effort into you! after 14 years of teaching aerobics and lifting weights i finally have a training partner. she is a good friend and who teaches classes and has her own life. we hook up 3-4 times a week to workout. it took me that long to find someone have the dedication it takes to do this. up until now, it's been only me. i had many, many, many workout buddies but no one ever stuck with it. life changes, so do they. my advice to you since i've been in your shoes.....learn as much on your own about nutrition, exercise and YOUR body. find out what sparks your attention and research it over and over. the more you know, the more you won't need to rely on someone else. as for your personal trainer, dump him and find one who loves what they do, not in it for the $. i am a certified pers trainer as well and trained several clients. for someone new, i start them on a basic routine, work on form and then once they are ready i will do a 4-6 week routine for them to follow. they don't have to meet with you every session. if you have great form and ready to be on your own, find a trainer who will do follow up sessions. i owned a gym and was there every night so a lot of the clients i had i would work with but never charged them. i was there to help and teach. there are wonderful trainers out there wanting to do the same, and then you have your money hungry ones that learned from a book only. find someone with qualifications and who lives the life. never stop learning! i've been in the fitness world over 14 years with tons of certifications because i wanted to keep learning. good luck with your journey!